
AK - The Alchemy Kingdom (Moved)

Karl always wanted to be a Mage. He was born in the Serion Kingdom, a fully pledged magic Kingdom. Seems like a perfect match, right? Unfortunately, no. He's just a commoner, working endlessly to maintaining the lifestyle of Mages. On his 15th birthday, his last chance to escape from a miserable life was destroyed when he was deemed to have no magic potential. For thousands of Serion's citizens that would be the end of their dreams. But how could this story be any fun, ending like that? Follow Karl and his friends while they tried to fight against oppression. Will the system bend them to submission or will they break the chains of destiny? Spoiler alert! After thousands of years, an ancient Magic system will be reborn in the small Caiset village. What should you expect? - Kingdom Building (For sure! The heavy lifting will come later, I promise! Foundation is important, please be patient); - Epic battles (A Kingdom is not built without war and conflict. Who doesn't like good fights? Let's bring some excitement to this novel!); - Multiple leading characters (Karl convinced them to get on the bus, but this is a very long trip and everyone will need to drive a little); - Scientific Magic System (Especially Alchemy! I'm in no way trying to take the fantasy out of Magic. I just feel like trying to do something more logical. I'll probably stumble on a fine line, but I’m counting on you to keep me on track!); - World Building (Here, it's where a really need help. Please don't get the wrong idea, I’m not diving without any equipment. I planned the background stories, plot and the world. I just think that you might see somethings I missed); - Fun? (I'll try to insert some humor into the story, but that’s an experience we will go through together). Other points I find important: Alchemy is mostly crafting magic tools, but it will go a little further down the road. Even if you don't like crafting, weapon enhancing, and whatnot, don’t give up on the novel. You might be surprised about Alchemy's reach later. Also, other types of Magic will play an important role here, just not the leading role. ......... Please leave comments! Check out my spin-off novels, Merchant Queen and Harbinger of Death. Both are independent but share the same world and can give additional info on worldbuilding and hidden plots. https://www.webnovel.com/book/merchant-queen_19558561806766805 https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-harbinger-of-death_19558562105625405

DreamWeaverWriting · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 1 - Ordinary’s Luck

A young boy walked through a long corridor escorted by 2 slender figures with pointy ears. The corridor was formed by towering trees that grew further than the eye could see, their thick branches filled the empty spaces between them, forming an unusual natural barrier adorned by countless beautiful and rare flowers.

Once they got to the end of the magnificent path, a gate formed by thorny vines opened revealing a heavingly Garden. The boy was lost in amusement and fortunately missed the conversation inside.

"It's insulting! They sent a child to represent their intentions...".

"He is not a common child... Stop your nonsense! Oh... Welcome ambassador!".

Instead of keeping the decorum, the boy adjusted his eyeglasses and asked excitedly:

"Is that the ancient Fehrair symbols? What...".

Before they could process the boy's indiscretion, the ground started to shake. Cracks appeared and expanded all over. The stone statues and buildings started to crumble as screams dominated in chaos.

A thin layer of translucid bluish material circled the boy, forming a perfect sphere that floated him just before the ground below cracked. The angry-looking Elf also reacted, green energy left his extended hands and controlled the roots below to form a platform for them to stand on.

'Master, should we activate the emergency transport back to the Capital?'. The boy asked in his thoughts.

'-- Negative. The Central is not responding. By the magnitude of these seismic events, it is a worldwide incident --'.

Then, uncountable burning debris came crashing from the sky. Several roots and branches extended forming barriers above the Forest and shielding it from the destruction.

Even so, explosions appeared in different gap spots and claimed life all around.

But life fought back. Several colored lights traveled through the destruction, reviving plants, curing the wounded, and reducing the fire.

Soon, the screams were replaced by Blessings, whispers of life that invaded every corner giving hope and strength.

The catastrophe continued, life and death dueled everywhere for days.

Unfortunately, the boy didn't resist. The floating sphere tried to find a secure place to escape, but only found more destruction. Glowing symbols would magically appear above him to block the debris, but after days they weakened and couldn't save him anymore.

'-- I'm sorry... Activate transition protocols, parameter search --'.

Thousands of years passed...


Through the wildlands of the Serion Kingdom, there's a Path that connects every city and village. Though simple and unguarded, the Path is magically protected against beasts and thus safe for traveling.

On the Path that connects Wind Castle to the eastern villages, a large group of miserable commoners traveled. Without any spare cloth to cover anything that wasn't their privates, they only carried only some pieces of dirty bread.

Instead of walking, someone could say that they were being dragged by the wind.

Barefooted, hungry, and exhausted, Karl looked to the unending Path, praying to finally see the resting point. They have been walking since noon and if his memory was to be trusted, they should be passing a resting point soon.

When he passed this part, going to Wind Castle 2 days ago, he was thrilled and full of hope. It was his first time going out of the village, and also his last chance to be something more.

Unsurprisingly, it happened like everyone said it would, he was just ordinary.

Karl was born a commoner in the eastern border village of Caiset. Physically, he wasn't very outstanding, his brown hair and yellowish skin were fairly common. As for his body build, face, and other points, the starving and intensive labor didn't leave room for growth and development.

Like the majority of the lower born, he didn't awake any elemental affinity in his registration ceremony.

All citizens of the Serion Kingdom have to be registered and tested for elemental affinity at the age of 15. The young living in villages would travel to the nearest city to be tested by the Serion Magic Association.

There was a tall man with dark hair and skin walking beside Karl. Even tired, the man was doing his best to look after all the children in his group. This year, Karl's father was chosen to accompany the 15-year children from the village.

Kanin wasn't sad or surprised by Karl's results in the affinity test. After all, children of commoners could only be commoners.

All the other boys and girls in the entourage were also depressed. They all looked with a trace of jealousy to a middle-aged man walking by himself. There was a rumor that his son had shown some elemental affinity and had signed up with a big family of Wind Castle.

The man was obviously a hunter, it was clear by looking at his bulk build, garments, and some hunter tools hanging at his waist. Poor villagers normally wear only a kilt made of straws, while hunters could spare some money for additional clothes. He was probably from some post eastern village that neighbored Caiset.

Karl knew that it was fortunate, but not a miracle that a child from a post village had shown elemental affinity. It was common knowledge that eating magic plants or meat would increase elemental affinity. But unfortunately, for commoners, it was almost impossible to afford this kind of ingredient. Except if you are born in a post border village, where all sorts of expeditions to the Eastern Forest were issued regularly.

At dusk, the group stopped at a resting point for commoners near the Path. The resting points reserved for commoners are of the lowest quality possible, like caves and stone shelters. On the other hand, the nobles or merchant resting facilities are comfortable and complete, matching their status.


Inside the resting cave, Karl couldn't sleep. He was filled with frustration. Since early, he dreamt of being powerful. But the reality was more powerful than any magic, he was a simple commoner. He would forever be a farmer like his parents and the only contact with magic would be when caring for the magic vegetables…

At sometime through the night, Karl heard a strange and acute sound.


'Damn... What is this sound? My head is exploding!'.

As he looked through the other people in the cavern, Karl realized that no one else was awake or seem to be bothered by the sound.


'Maybe... Maybe it's something magical!'. He laughed in a self-deprecating and sarcastic way. But there was also a hint of hope in his eyes.

'Who knows? Maybe this is my magic. Why can't…'.

Karl knew that the sound could be anything. The chance of being magic was very low. However, he couldn't help but fantasize about having magic.

He got up and walked out of the cave, checking if the sound came from outside. Karl discovered that the sound was getting louder in the direction of some dense trees nearby.

'Could be dangerous... Everyone talks about beasts outside the Path... But maybe there's a chance of being some kind of magic. Should I risk?'.

Usually, Karl was smart enough to not do something that would endanger his life, but something was urging him to go. He couldn't explain, something was calling for him. His mind went blank and he could only think about finding the origin of the sound.

He walked through the shining moonlight illuminated trees for about 5 minutes. He ended up seeing a vague light form. The form was shining bright and seemed to be emitting the head-crushing sound.

'What is this?'.

'Definitely magic!… Should I go near it?'.

'This might be my last chance'.

Slowly, Karly walked to the glowing form. Now that he was sufficiently close, he could see that the object was spherical and made of some kind of energy.

'It's almost transparent and looks powerful... My head is hurting so much, maybe it's dangerous!'.

Karl took a step back, trying to get some distance from the glowing object. However, the sphere unexpectedly moved and went straight to his head.

'Damm, this…'.

Karl's vision went white, all he could see was the white glow of the dense and warm energy.

While all kinds of questions passed through his mind, a voice from deep within said:

'--Are you the inheritor?...--'.

The voice didn't seem to come from outside, he wasn't actually hearing it.

'Who is it? Is it a Mage?... Humm… maybe it's the Origin!'.

After the intial shock passed, Karl started to think about the question.

'What should I answer? Inheritor? I never Inherited anything … I should say yes, it can't be worst than what I have.'.

Karl decided to take a risk and screamed his answer.

'-- So, it will be...--'.

'What? Nothing? Nothing happened?'

Karl found himself standing in the middle of the trees alone, the light sphere was gone! After some time exploring and trying to understand, he gave up and walked back in the direction of the cave, dejected.

Karl thought that he was alone, even forgetting that he wasn't in the Path. However, something was hiding among the trees, looking at him with hungry red eyes.

It had tracked the boy's scent in the wind and it was observing him for some time. It knew that the prey wasn't strong, and with its brethren nearby he could not escape. The prey wasn't big, but his scent was so good that made it drool. It only resisted attacking because it was afraid of the energy that circled the prey. From instinct, it knew better than getting near that energy.

But soon, the energy disappeared. It still hesitated, but after the prey started moving, it couldn't resist anymore.

Walking back to the cave, Karl heard something. He instinctively reacted and started to run back. He felt desperate and remembered about the beasts outside the Path. He wasn't used to running and his body wasn't very healthy, but the adrenaline and fear made him fast.

The first attack came from his left, just midway to the Path. A grey wolf attacked, it wasn't very big, but its fangs were sharp enough to rip through Karl. The chances of him dodging the attack were zero, but something made him react and duck to his right side, behind a tree.

The movement was sufficient to escape from the attack, but Karl lost his balance and staggered forward. The second wolf didn't wait and jumped from behind Karl with claws and fangs ready. Again, something within urged Karl to role under a small gap formed by a fallen tree trunk, and without thinking, he dodged the second attack.

His next move didn't need much thinking, he just dashed towards the Path. But how could he overrun who knows how many wolves?

Karl felt a burst of warmth and light from his back and after a few more seconds, he threw himself into the Path. Unexpectedly, something kept the wolves from getting to him just in time for him to get to safety.

'Maybe that light was something...'.

He was tired and bruised. He looked at the red eyes disappearing into the night and finally realized the level of danger he had been in. The boost of energy that allowed him to run seemed to disappear and he almost fainted. Without contemplating any further, he went back to his non-sleeping rest inside the cave.

Deep within his heart, the hope for magic had been reborn.

** Go over to the new official book to read up to 41 chapters (same novel) - This book will be deleted shortly - Link in the comments**

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