
63. Asterion apolgising King Ignis

"Your mother, her majesty, killed her. Not me!!" Vesta shouted, knowing if Asterion was to continue speaking this way, she would have no way out.

And just as she wanted, everyone started speaking loudly, discussing amongst themselves.

"How can she lie like that! She is defaming our queen." 

"Didn't his highness tell her to stay put?" 

"What's with this new twist now? Are we watching some drama?"

"Lady Krystal would never do something like that."

"What if she is speaking the truth? She won't be lying with these many eyes." 

"What we saw was just the beginning, the show is about to unfold."

"You should leave our kingdom! How dare you frame our queen?" 

"Should we be trusting her words?" 

The commotion this time was quite loud as nobody could keep quiet at Vesta's statement.

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