

Romansa Kontemporer
Completed · 116.4K Views
  • 354 Chs
  • 5.0
    26 ratings
  • NO.200+


Read ‘AIRIN'S LOVE JOURNEY’ Online for Free, written by the author Nurliza_Karen_Nita, This book is a Romansa Kontemporer Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Seorang gadis sederhana dengan nama Airin Anastasya. Dia adalah siswi cantik dengan otak cerdas dan hati yang baik. Namu...


Seorang gadis sederhana dengan nama Airin Anastasya. Dia adalah siswi cantik dengan otak cerdas dan hati yang baik. Namun sayangnya tak banyak orang yang mengenal dirinya di sekolah. Menjadi bagian dari SMA NUSA ERLANGGA adalah impian Airin sejak lama dan pada akhirnya hari ini dia berhasil menjadi murid dari SMA NUSA ERLANGGA. Namun, kebahagiaannya terhenti kala dirinya berurusan dengan seorang Sandra, kakak kelas yang suka membully siapa pun yang mencoba untuk mendekati para most wanted sekolah yaitu Alvino dan Raffael. Sejak kedekatannya dengan kedua most wanted itulah, Airin mulai menjadi incaran Sandra dan mulai dikenal oleh warga sekolah.

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The Transmigration cannon fodder overthrows the male protagonist.

This is books isn’t mine I’m just editing and translating all rights goes to rightful owners the picture and story novel. there’s so much smut recommendations (+18) *********** She was an average company employee, but she unexpectedly died in a car accident. Fortunately—or not, her soul synchronized with a shameless system called “Take Down the Male Protagonist” which is classified as a “Capture” system. To be exact, the main point of this system is to capture the male protagonist’s… pen*s. “Come here! We need to deepen our mutual understanding and have ourselves a good pillow talk—no, no! I mean, let’s just have a good chat about life!” “Where is the newbie package?! What about my employee’s benefits?! Hey, System, don’t pretend to bug out all of a sudden, hand them over!” “Hmm, let’s see…the employee’s benefits are pretty good… pretty good… But, you mind telling me what the heck are these ‘Ten Great Tools’? This… What on earth is this scent that’s coming from my body?? And just what is this ‘instant recovery constitution’ that supposedly will let me ‘play to my heart’s content without being broken’?! System, get your ASS out here! We need to talk! Are you for real or just pulling my leg?!” “I never agreed to take down these male protagonists! Not a single one of them follows the prescribed storyline. I don’t want to end up under them; they are simply too awful! None of their words can be trusted—not a single one!! Out of all their lies, the worst are ‘Be obedient, I won’t move.’, ‘Believe me, this will be the last time.’ and, ‘I just want to kiss you!’ “System, the settings must be incorrect! These guys are completely unlike the plot description! I’m feeling so wronged here!!!”

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Child Of The Void

THIS NOVEL IS MOVING TO PATREON, ON THIS APP, IT WILL HAVE INCREDIBLY SLOW UPDATES. I APOLOGIZE TO READERS FOR THIS PROBLEM. THE LINK IS BELOW NOW. Or just read on Scribblehub since it has 2 chaps a week (at least). https://www.patreon.com/Novels630 *** Finally! After hundreds of years of suppression and abuse, humanity produced a genius! --- From 391 Aetil to 'now', humanity has had to live as the servants of the Gods. They had been wrongfully abused and used as slaves with no rights. Just as they were going to give up and forever live at the bottom of the food chain, hunted by every existence and used as sources of entertainment, a genius with extraordinary talent had been born! Raymond Valtere, or Ray for short, had been born. And only 5 years after his birth, he was sealed away by some Gods who were afraid of his talent. Sealed in the Void, where nothing exists, Ray trains and learns. In a place where his mind ages yet his body doesn't, he meets the Void and comes to see it as a sort of Guardian that raised him. Ray reaches the peak of his talent and, eventually, reaches the peak of humanity. Now wielding the power of the Void, he sets out to free humanity from the shackles of the Gods. Though he might find other goals in the future, not everything is certain! But everyone knows. He is imperfect, impure. --- "How funny is it, that the man deemed to feel the least cared the most." *** This was honestly written for fun and I don't really have a talent for writing so, enjoy! I am still a student so don't mind the mistakes or the personality changes or the unexpected emo scenes, this is purely experimental! Please remember that I have a life and I won't be absolutely dedicated to this so don't find it strange if I randomly stop writing! I know I said I was 'unconfident' about writing romances but... The urges... The voices... Well, anyways, I'm writing a boys love! Yay! But the romance will be toxic and hard to understand near the beginning, you'll soon be able to see it mellow down. Or not, don't trust me with keeping to single ideas. I will be commenting on a few 'quotes' from Raymond throughout the novel! Don't read them, I got firsthand embarrassment from them!

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Tema bullying kepada gadis baik-baik. Well ini emang sering terjadi di kehidupan nyata. Fakta yang sangat mengerikkan. Pantes dikuak dan menjadi drama kontemporer berkualitas di tangan author Nurliza ini. Kalian harus baca!! Petualangan luar biasa pasti akan kalian temukan di dalam!!


keren ceritanya, tema bullying yang diambil sangat relevan dengan situasi remaja dimana anak2 yg merasa berlebih materi bertindak seenaknya di sekolah..lanjut terus thor..fighting..💪💪💪


Ini masuk genre ****fict, aku rekomendasiin bgt bacaan ini. Cerita berawal dari MPLS. lnjut thor! semangat!💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Wow!!! cerita ini recommended banget!! Penulisannya rapi, alurnya bagus, temanya sesuai!!! semangat Thor!! Cerita SMA yang pas untuk dibaca di waktu santai🔥🔥


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


This is a good story. Dari awal cerita, karakter-karakternya sudah digambarkan bold, menarik. Baca ini serasa nostalgia ke jaman SMA. Penulisan juga rapi, plot bagus. Semangat terus Author!!


Reveal spoiler


Ceritanya bagus , cerita Cinta segitiga ala anak SMA memang selalu aku minati jadi berasa flashback ke jaman sekolah dulu . 😁😁 jadi penasaran gimana akhir kisah cinta mereka . Semangat Thor updatenya ya 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


keren banget kakak cerita nya.. aku suka tema yang kayak gini hehehe,, penulisan nya juga bagus.. aku suka banget[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


wahhh ceritanya bagus banget. .. . suka dehhh dengan cara penulis menceritakan nya. .. so kepp fight ya thor


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wah temanya bully dan cinta segitiga. penulisannya rapi. diksinya mudah bgt dipahami. dialognya juga bagus. apalagi di sini ada bumbu2 cogan kaya...manteebbbb


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Wowww!!! Recommended banget ini novel. Aku masih penasaran sama Alvino yang ketus wkwkwk Semangat terus up nya kakak author!!! Aku tim #AlvinoAirin nih muehehe 😝


I love this story for the first time I read it.. a story that talks about Airin, not also about her love's journey but also her life's journey. fighting for writing thor!! this story is so recommended!!


Cerita jaman SMA memang selalu menarik untuk dibaca ❤️❤️❤️. Jadi pengen balik lagi ke jaman itu 😅😅😅. Semangat Thor! Lanjutkan 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤪


Cerita masa SMA ni bisa jadi rekomndasi yang bagus untuk dikembangin lebih besar. ..terus update ya thor biar reader nya setia untuntuk ngikutin terus.. .semangat


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