
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

chapter 7

"you majesty Your  back"

An elderly man that looked to be in his late forties  greeted the crown prince as he stepped foot into the castle.

"Yes, I something the matter, head butler Morris"

He asked, Barbro had to switch carriages on his way back and make it seem that he had been on the library for duration of the time he was gone so as to not arouse suspicion.

" Yes his majesty the king will be offering a reward to a few individuals and he  wishes for all of the Royal family to be present"

The butler explained, it is common practice for the entire Royal  family to be present  when a reward or a status is being given to someone, and  few nobles are expected to be present as well, this is that no one could claim that the person being offered the reward was a fraud so witnesses are needed it's also for allowing all important people to voice their opinions on the matter and whether or not the person is worthy or eligible for the reward.

"OH I see then to the throne room"

Then Barbro along with the head butler and a servant he keep with him at all times hurried to the throne room.

He was able to reach the throne room in a couple of minutes and he could see that both his siblings had arrived along with the six great nobles and his was the only one late.

"OH brother you made it, I was beginning to worry that you got lost from your way back from the library"

Zanac his younger brother commented but Barbro paid no heed or rather he was pissed but since this was a place of ceremony he would have to wait to give that chubby piece of shit his mind but for now he must wait.

"Alright then now that everyone is here, bring in our guests."


Ainz was feeling quite nervous, this would be the first time meeting a king, although he has met several top Executives in his past life meeting a king would be equivalent to meeting a C.E.O  of a company and because of that he could not help but be nervous.

He and the two women by his side were currently in a guest room, the king didn't expect them to arrive so early as such they had yet to prepare so they had to wait a couple of hours, in retrospect he should have expected this, he hadn't guessed that 5th tier magic casters were so rare if he did he would have maintained a low profile but then again its important to demonstrate your power so that people would be cautious and not act rash which also gives you time to  think and maneuver around , in most  pvp matches its important to appear weak and gradually reveal your power to your opponent while saving your trump card for last  however in this situation that type of thinking is not necessary, appearing more powerful guarantees a hefty reward.

"How dare those lower life forms make Ainz-Sama wait"

Albedo voiced her dissatisfaction, it was unacceptable that these humans had made a Supreme being like her master wait for them, an insignificant creature making a Supreme one like Ainz wait.

"Death should be their punishment"

"Albedo, calm yourself someone might hear you and besides we are the one who arrived unannounced so it's to be expected that we have to wait until the other party is ready."

Ainz explained, he really felt that they were a little be too fanatical for his liking, he doesn't recall any of his Guild members  mentioning that the guardians would be extremely loyal  but then again  its not out of the ordinary for one to be loyal to their creator But why him, he did created neither Shalltear nor Albedo.

"of course lord Ainz please forgive my outburst"

She did a bow to express her sincerity another thing Ainz felt they were doing far too often, they apologize for the tiniest thing.

'You really need to work on that temper"

The vampire added a side comment meant to jab at her rival's personality.

"What was that?"

A menacing chill  became present  within the room, Albedo gave the vampire a hateful glare as she asked her question.

"all I'm saying, it's unflattering to be so temperamental, a lady should be graceful"

Again Shalltear reiterated her point as she hung her hands in the air  as if to give up and shook her head, it seem her Comment had successfully reached beneath Albedo's skin.

"is that so? Disgusting bitch like you would dare accused me of not being graceful or is because you are jealous of my assets"

Albedo said before gracefully placing her  hand on her bosom as if to mock Shalltear, Shalltear immediately Reacted by covering her chest and blushed a little.

"Wh-what what are talking about"

"as I thought, you stuffed your bra"

The comment further increased Shalltear's embarrassment, she had no idea that the Succubus would go so far as to expose her in front of her their master, the only thing to do was to deny it.

"what?! No I didn't this all natural"

The two women began their squabble  while Ainz sat right between them.

-uwahh!! they're fighting what should I do.

His Guild mates have always fought before  Especially Ulbert and Touch me and sometimes  Bukubukuchagama and Peroroncino  however those were different types of fights, he had no idea how Handle a fight between girls especially one concerning body parts he did not possess

"Ahem* enough you two"

With that sentence Alone the two immediately returned to their seats and sat down it seems they were close to actually fighting but thankfully he intervened.

"we are currently guests we cannot cause a commotion, once we have our own residence you may Bicker all you want"

He instructed the two, honestly Ainz believed  that those who often fight are closer to each other than they make it seem after all a fight can end a friendship but to continuously fight and still Remained friends meant they were able to look past their differences and cooperate.

"forgive us Lord Ainz"

"It is fine"

*knock knock*

"Sir Ainz the king is ready"

It was Gazeff stronoff to inform them, the three  Opened the door and Exited the room.

Seeing the women beside Ainz, Gazeff found himself shocked for the second time today however he remained calm.

"I take it this is her true appearance?"

He asked noting the wings and horns on Albedo, Ainz was his beneficiary he wasn't about to insult him by pulling his sword and aiming it at his woman so he simply asked a question.

"indeed, I felt it important to be transparent, Since we'll be establishing a relationship with the kingdom from now on I didn't want to be accused of deceit in the future, I hope you understand why I had to Hide it earlier"


Gazeff understood his reasoning, it would cause complications in the future, he knew the nobles would have a field day saying something along the lines "if you were lying about your appearance what else are you lying about" and various saying various things that would bring Ainz's characters into question  and considering that magic casters were looked down upon it wouldn't help  as that would probably paint magic as the art of tricksters and liars.

Albedo had suggested the idea of Total transparency to Ainz and he felt that she was right to suggest it, they couldn't reveal Shalltear as a Vampire as the undead were heavily frownee upon  but Ainz would have to make sure that it would be near impossible for any one to find out, well they wouldn't find out because the only thing that needed to be hidden was her eyes, simply turning them blue would work. Shalltear's platinum colored hair remain and since Shalltear wasn't a normal vampire her fangs weren't visible and they only appear in her frenzy form or when she wants them to.

Gazeff then proceeded to lead the trio towards the throne room, he was hoping that the nobles wouldn't freak out and have Ainz be attacked, Demi humans aren't thought of fondly Afterall.

The doors to the throne room opened wide, the first person to enter was Gazeff  as he strode towards his king's side, with a kneel before the throne he spoke.

"my king I have brought the saviors of carne"

The king gave him an approving nod, it was at this moment that  Ainz and his company stepped foot in the room and walked towards its center, there was a somewhat uncomfortable silence, well uncomfortable for Ainz, he had thought there would be some murmurs amongst the nobles but no they were all Silence.

-at least they know how to remain professional

He thought, however contrary to his thoughts the nobles weren't silent out of professionalism as no one is supposed to speak unless the king says so but instead they were silent because of the two women by his Side.

Albedo and Shalltear were something they've never seen before, Albedo was a tall, fair skinned female  with raven black hair, her body  seems to be smooth and supple, her face carried a gentle smile but yet bewitching smile  that had instantly charmed all those present, the dress she wore was of great quality, it was pure white a great contrast to her  black hair and wings.

The nobles had ignored the inhuman parts and solely focused on her beauty.

Those who weren't enthralled by Albedo they were charmed by Shalltear, Her small and Petite form painted the image of a delicate noble maiden in need of protecting, her skin was pale  and her hair matched, it was platinum silver in color and extended  all the way to her back, while Albedo had a neutral smile,  the smile Shalltear had was that of an innocent young lady and it further reinforced the idea that she was a delicate flower to be protected, she was on equal footing with Albedo, half the room was enthralled by her while the other by  Albedo.

Shalltear's dress was a dark red dress with and was familiar to the nobles, it was clear the dress was made of very expensive materials but it's design was similar to what they know noble ladies to wear during balls.

The man was also quite impressive, a fairly handsome face and a chiseled jawline, his eyes a deep azure blue in color, the robes he Wore were quite impressive as well, unfortunately only the king had paid attention to him as everyone else was enthralled by the perfect woman that is  Albedo and the delicate flower that is Shalltear.

"welcome sir Ainz Ool Gown"

The voice the king resounded throughout the room and  worked to pull everyone out of their fantasies, however it did nothing for the crown prince, his eyes stayed on Albedo.

"It is an honor your majesty"

To bow to someone other than the Supreme one would be blasphemous, an act of heresy that was unforgivable and both Albedo and Shalltear were not about to commit such a crime, however Ainz had thought about This and quickly moved and silently cast the spell  [Dominate] and forced their heads to bow.

He knew they wouldn't  want to bow willingly, they had talked about it and both did budge on the matter even if it was an order from him they would not be anyone other than their beloved master.

"raise your heads"

The was an inaudible crack on the floor where Albedo stood  she was livid, how dare this human king order her to do anything.

-he'll die a thousand-

Before she could finish that thought, Ainz Grasp her hand and had their fingers intertwined he then tightens his grasp on her hand so as to bring her back to reality and calm her anger and Albedo immediately forgot her anger and tightly grabbed his Hand as well, holding hands with her beloved was a dream come true plus doing it publicly was a declaration that she belonged to him and they are together.

"Sir Ainz I hear that you and your companions saved a village from being butchered by foreign knights, and for that I offer my thanks."

King Ramposa III  stated with a dignified tone and expressed his gratitude to Ainz.

"It is an honor to receive your Thanks your majesty, but Saving those in trouble is simple common sense, I'm sure anyone would have done the same."

Ainz explained, the king was quite impressed by Ainz's Valor to think such people existed, he was used to the greedy  nobles that cared for nothing but money.

The nobles remained quiet, so far Ainz had done nothing that would cause them to speak up so they simply wait for the king ask for their opinions.

"Then perhaps you wish for the village to be safe?"

Ainz felt Albedo squeeze his hand with a glance at her she nodded, his eyes shifted to Shalltear but the vampire had a neutral face on it seems she was trying to hold back something.

-she must be mad

Ainz figured it was because she was angry he had her bow forcefully but he'll apologize to her later, however that was far from the truth Shalltear was feeling something opposite to anger.

"Yes it would be my sincerest wish for carne village to be safe"

"Then would it be appropriate for me to ask for you to keep it safe as it's lord."

Again with a side glance at Albedo followed by her nodding.

"I shall gladly accept it then your majesty"

"anyone else opposed to this?"

The king glanced his court of nobles and asked a question, carne village was part of his territory so it should be fine.

"Your majesty I have plenty of questions however, the most important one is can we really trust a magic caster with the safety of our people  magic casters aren't warriors"

Marquis  Boullope asked the question, as a former warrior himself with the scars to prove it, the Marquis wasn't convinced a magic caster possessed the necessary power to protect anyone.

"Sir Ainz, do you possess the power to protect the people of carne?"

The king asked, rather than tell the Marquis he felt that he ought to demonstrate his prowess.

"I  am a fifth tier magic caster-

Ainz teleported himself right in front of Marquis  Boullope and continued to speak

"I certainly possess the power to protect those under my care"

He then teleported back to his original location, there were many Audible and inaudible murmurs, and mention of a person named Fluder Paradyne from the Baharuth empire, this in turn made Ainz realize that Fifth tier was considered to be very strong  whether or not that's the case on the battle field remains to be seen.

"I take it you're all convince-

The king Could  not complete his sentence as another voice shouted beside him.

"How much!!"

Prince Barbro slammed his hand on the armrest of his Chair  he garnered the attention of everyone within the room.

"How much are you willing to part with for that demi human?"

"Brother this is hardly the time "

Prince Zanac the second prince voice his opinion, The king was, a little shocked by the sudden outburst of his eldest son, Barbro was quite impulsive but what he did was unexpected

Renner the Golden princess rolled her eyes at his stupidity, she had expected this, the moment the two women more beautiful than her stepped in  she knew her buffoon of a brother was going to embarrass the Royal Family.

"My son what's gotten into you"

"Answer me Magic caster how much gold would it cost to Take that demi-humans off your hands"

Ainz was quite shocked had had surmised that he was done with this and waited for the king to tell him to leave, what the hell was that guy talking about, centering  himself he responded.

"there's no amount of money in this world that would entice me to part with her"

Ainz hoped  that answer would satisfy him, that Prince seemed like Trouble he'd rather not interact with him.

"Do not play coy with me caster tell—

"Prince Barbro that's Enough"

The king's voice was deep and commanding, a tell tale sign he wasn't tolerating what Barbro was doing, realizing his mistake Barbro sat back down and kept quiet but he was determined to have that demi-human.

"Now then, any other questions or objections?

Nobody spoke, their questions had escaped them at the moment, Barbro sudden outburst was what's on their mind, they understood him and why he'd ask that  after all they had planned to do something similar but in private.

"if that is all then Sir Ainz you may return to the guest room  we have also prepared some quarters should you wish to stay the night"

"I shall take you up on that offer your majesty, thank you"

"Excellent I'll have the butler lead you"


A/N: Heya hope you like the chapter.

I won't be updating for a whole as I'll be trying to stack up chapters so sorry for that.