
Aine: The Main Character

Aine, an 18-year-old girl who ended up in a world deprived of its Sun. With no memories of her past, she seeks answers in this desolate and dreary existence and maybe finds things worth cherishing amidst the chaos. But first, she must survived. With the help of some warm friends, they gave Aine a chance to live "My name is Samuel Tensho, let me tell you a story about a world plunged into stygian darkness, a world both dark in light and dark in heart, and a girl who has been unfortunate enough to be placed in such a rotten world. This is her world—a world from the depths of her trauma and corrupted mind. Watch as she traverses this hopeless world with no recollection of her past."

TenshoSDK · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: "I Want Her Dead!"

Daegal arrived back at the mansion. The lights inside Aine's room were still on. Daegal walked inside the mansion and up the stairs. Daegal arrived at Aine's room and knocked.

"Come in," said Aine.

Daegal opened the door and entered. Aine was sitting on her bed, reading a book. She saw Daegal and quickly placed a bookmark inside her book to save her progress. She placed the book on her bed and greeted Daegal.

"Oh, Daegal, it's you," said Aine.

"Are you all better now?" Asked Daegal.

"Well, for the most part, I don't feel like absolute shit anymore," said Aine.

"Only partially shit?" Asked Daegal.

"Uh-huh. I only feel partially like shit," said Aine as she giggled.

Daegal also laughed along. The book Aine was reading caught Daegal's attention. The cover of the book was entirely black and had no title.

"What book are you reading?" Asked Daegal.

"Oh, just something I got the guards to borrow for me from the library. It's called Elementals," said Aine.

"Ah, I see. Well, glad you're doing alright," said Daegal.

"Mm-hmm, I want to be able to move past this as fast as possible," said Aine.

Daegal smiled at Aine's determination to better herself.

"If there's nothing else, I should be going to my room now. I need all the sleep I can get," said Daegal.

"Well, alright then, goodnight," said Aine as Daegal left the room.

Aine could hear the sound of Daegal's room door opening and closing. She sat back on her bed and grabbed her book. She wasn't reading the book; she was just looking at it's pitch-black cover.

"I'm going to the grand opening," she said to herself as she dimmed the light in her room. She lied down on her bed and shortly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the Parthenon, Abaddon was walking to the meeting room near the main hall. He wore his complete armor from top to bottom. He stood right in front of the door to the meeting room. As he was just about to enter, someone patted his back.

"Well, well, well, Abaddon, good to see that you survived the mountains," said a male voice.

"Renshu, it's been a while," said Abaddon.

The man behind Abaddon was Chen Renshu, the Fifth Herald, and he is probably the most skilled fighter among the heralds. The only thing holding him back was his limited magic power. However, his mastery of the spear was unparalleled.

"How about a spar next time? I have a new technique that I want to try," said Renshu.

"Alright, Ren, bring it on!" Said Abaddon.

They both laughed as they opened the door to the meeting room. Inside the room was a circular table with six equally beautiful seats and a huge throne that outshined the others. Abaddon took his seat, with Renshu sitting next to him.

The Fourth and Sixth Heralds were already present at the table. Now, they were only missing Deimos himself and the First Herald. After a few minutes, the First Herald entered the room, and Deimos followed behind her.

Kali took her seat next to the Fourth Herald, and Deimos sat on the throne. Deimos took his glass of wine and had a sip.

"I thanketh thee all f'r coming to this meeting. Anon, let's receiveth down to business; t is almost timeth f'r mine own ball," said Deimos.

"Of course, I have personally arranged the venue," said the Third Herald.

The meeting went on for hours as Deimos and his heralds discussed the ball. Orders were given out almost immediately after the meeting concluded. The Heralds and Deimos left the meeting room.

"Hey, Abaddon, I need to have a talk with you," said Kali.

"Now?" asked Abaddon.

"Tomorrow night, knock on my door; I'll let you in. We have something that I want to discuss," said Kali.

"I don't know... You're up to something, aren't you?" Asked Abaddon.

"I don't know, am I up to something?" Kali said as she walked out of the meeting room.

Abaddon had his suspicions about Kali; he felt she was planning something. Nonetheless, he agrees to go to Kali's room tomorrow.

It was the next day, and Daegal was dressing up for the occasion. The people at the mansion rented him the nicest outfit they could find. It was a cowboy outfit that was entirely white from top to bottom, with gold and black accents. He even had a walking stick to go with the look.

He walked out of his room and headed downstairs to the coach. He was riding the coach to the Humane Pawnbrokers. Similarly, Aine was also preparing something.

Aine put on her trench coat and secured the belt. The trench coat changed and now features buttons to cover her chest area. She buttoned up the trench coat and put on her heels. She took her purse and opened the door to her room. The guard who was stationed outside her room was surprised.

"Lady Aine? What are you doing?" Asked the guard.

"I'm going out today; tell your captain that you can have a day off," said Aine.

"Uhm, no, milady, I will escort you. My task as the herald was to ensure your well-being," said the guard.

"Thank you, then let's go; we have a grand opening to go to," said Aine.

Daegal had already arrived at the Humane Pawnbrokers, and a crowd was building outside.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we have 10 minutes," said Daegal as he walked into the shop.

Anton and Orphelin wore the nicest outfits they had. Anton was wearing a beautiful black tuxedo with a slick black tie to match the look. He was also wearing a golden monocle. His shoes were all black, with black socks too. He was also wearing white gloves.

Oprhelin was wearing a beautiful maid dress. It was more complete than yesterday, with more frills and her hair done more properly. Her hair was tied in twintails, and she was also wearing white gloves. Her legs were covered with her white leggings and her signature black maid heels.

"We're ready anytime, Master," said Orphelin.

"All preparations have been made. We are ready," said Anton.

Meanwhile, outside, the congregation grew denser by the minute, and expectations rose higher and higher. Aine had just arrived at the front of the shop via a coach. Aine got down, and the guard followed behind her.

"Holy shit, I wasn't expecting it to be this crowded," said Aine.

"Milady, stay close; I don't want to have to find you in this sea of people," said the guard.

With the guard's help, Aine was able to get closer to the entrance. As the minutes passed, the grand opening grew all the closer.

The door opened, and Daegal walked out of the shop and gave a speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Daegal, and I am the owner of this fine new establishment. I would like to thank all of you for coming today..."

As Daegal continued his speech, Aine was able to get closer to the entrance.

"...before we open, I would like to thank a few people. The Second Herald Abaddon, who provided me with this opportunity to open my own shop."

Aine slid through the crowd, trying to get in front. Until eventually, Aine could see Daegal. Daegal was still giving his speech when he also saw Aine amidst the crowd. Daegal froze up in shock at Aine's appearance. Aine smiled back at Daegal and gave a tiny wave.

"I-I also would like to thank another person. The Herald is a great guy, but he would not be such a great guy if it weren't for one beautiful lady. She started as nothing more than a slave, but now I would dare call her one of the most powerful mages this world has ever seen. And no, she is not a Herald."

The crowd looked around, confused. "Who could that be?" They asked. Daegal looked at Aine.

"Aine, you are truly something special. Your love for others is unparalleled, and I thank you for attending this ceremony. With this, I call the Humane Pawnbrokers open for business!"

The crowd cheered, and Daegal opened the door. The crowd rushed in like water. In a mere few seconds, the shop was already at full capacity. Aine wasn't as lucky, though; the shop was already full before she could enter. So she stayed outside with the guard.

"What a brilliant opening; he even mentioned you, milady," said the guard.

"Yeah, I'm pretty worn out, though. I guess going outside is still very overwhelming for me," said Aine.

"Then, allow me to escort you back to the mansion," said the guard.

The guard called the coach. The coach was ready, and Aine was about to hop on board before Daegal ran outside, calling her name.

"Aine! Aine!" Shouted Daegal.

"Daegal! Congratulations on the opening," said Aine.

"Thank you! And thank you for coming!" Said Daegal happily.

"I just had to be there, you know?" Said Aine.

Daegal noticed the coach behind Aine.

"Are you going back to the mansion?" Asked Daegal.

"Yeah... the crowd has worn me out. I still can't really handle people yet," said Aine.

"No, no, that's fine. It's great that you went outside in the first place," said Daegal.

"Sorry..." said Aine pessimistically.

"No need to apologize. How about I get my employees to meet you tonight? I'll invite them to the mansion; they're very nice, I swear," said Daegal.

"O-Oh, sure, that will be great," said Aine.

Aine got on the coach and left for the mansion. Daegal was then swarmed with people, pushing him back into the store. The grand opening was a huge success. As the hours passed, the shop showed no signs of slowing down.

Meanwhile, in the Parthenon, Abaddon was looking down at the city from the Parthenon. The gremlin came from behind, bearing news for Abaddon.

"Master, the Humane Pawnbrokers opening was a resounding success," said the gremlin.

"I can see that; when was the last time you saw that many people in one place?" said Abaddon as he looked down on the city.

Abaddon continued to look at the Humane Pawnbrokers from atop the Parthenon. He felt a sense of pride. After looking at it for a few minutes, he went back into the Parthenon.

It was getting late, and Daegal was preparing to close up shop. Orphelin was sweeping the floor, which was littered with dirt. Anton was by the cash register, counting their profits. Daegal was looking outside the window with a bit of pride.

Daegal then turned around and looked at Anton and Orphelin.

"Hey, you two, do you have anything planned tonight?" Asked Daegal.

"No, not really," answered Orphelin.

"Then, how about you guys meet a friend of mine?" Asked Daegal.

"A friend of yours? We'd be honored," said Anton.

Daegal closed up shop. Orphelin and Anton were waiting outside.

"The coach is here, boss," said Anton.

A coach stopped right in front of the shop. Everyone got on the coach, and they headed for the mansion. After a 10 minute ride, they arrived at the mansion.

"Woah, you live here, Master?" Asked Orphelin.

"Well, it's temporary. Once I get the business running, I might get my own house," said Daegal.

Everyone entered the mansion and went up the stairs. Aine was inside her room, writing in her diary, with her story novel next to her. There was a cup of hot tea within arm's reach; it was truly a relaxing evening for Aine. Just as she finished her tea, someone was knocking at the door.

"Aine, it's Daegal. I brought friends," said Daegal.

"I'll be right out," answered Aine.

Aine closed her diary and opened the door. She peeked her head out to see two unfamiliar faces.

"Aine, this is Anton and Orphelin. They are my employees," said Daegal.

"It's truly a pleasure to meet you, milady," said Anton.

"Hello! I'm Orphelin," said Orphelin as she waved with both arms.

"O-Oh, hello," said Aine as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Aine looked at Orphelin and Anton, who were still wearing their formal outfits.

"Your coat looks so pretty, miss. Can I try it?" Asked Orphelin as she grabbed Aine's left hand.

"Hey, Orphelin, behave," said Anton as he pulled on one of Orphelin's twintails.

"I don't really mind; here you go," said Aine as she took off her trench coat.

Anton released the twintail from his clutches. Orphelin's eyes glowed as Aine handed her the trench coat. Orphelin cheered in delight and put on the trench coat. The trench coat didn't really match her maid outfit, but she was happy regardless.

"Maybe we should just get her a trench coat," said Daegal.

"Orphelin, I didn't know you liked trench coats," said Anton.

"It's not the trench coat. I just like the scent of a woman who can dominate me," said Orphelin.

Aine immediately folded her arms to cover her chest area and blushed. Daegal looked at the embarrassed Aine and decided enough was enough.

"Okay, Orphelin, give Aine her coat back," said Daegal.

Anton pulled on one of her twintails again and said, "Give it back; you've said too much."

"Okay, okay, okay," said Orphelin as she took off the coat and gave it back.

Aine took her coat and put it on. She buttoned it all the way up. Anton whispered into Orphelin's ears.

"Apologize to her," whispered Anton.

"But I don't even know what I did," said Orphelin.

"It's okay. She was just... uh, being blatantly honest," said Aine.

"Please don't hate her, Aine. She's just... has a smooth brain. She's not evil," said Daegal.

"It's fine, anyway; you want to come in?" Asked Aine.

Aine opened the door to her room. The others couldn't really reject since Aine was essentially inviting them in. Everyone entered Aine's room. Daegal took a seat in the chair by the table. Aine sat on her bed while Anton and Orphelin stood up next to the door.

"What a pleasant atmosphere," said Anton.

"Thanks, it's much better than it was a few days ago," said Aine.

Everyone did some small talk. Orphelin looked through Aine's table; her diary, story book and purse were placed on top. There was a half eaten pie on the table, probably from her dinner. Something caught Orphelin's attention, though; it was the invitation to the Deimos ball. Orphelin picked it up.

"Orphelin, don't rummage through Miss Aine's stuff," said Anton.

"But she's invited to the ball," said Orphelin.

"Oh, yeah, I'm invited too," said Daegal.

"As expected from our master," said Orphelin.

Daegal grabbed Aine's invitation. The invitation was inside an envelope. The envelope was clearly already opened.

"Will you be attending the ball?" Asked Daegal.

"W-Well, uhm," said Aine hesitantly.

Aine took a long, deep breath.

"Yeah, I would like to attend," said Aine.

"Great, I guess we can tell Abaddon the good news," said Daegal happily.

"But I don't have any dresses. The only dress I had was the one I got at Moon Village, and I'm pretty sure I lost it when that cave collapsed," said Aine.

"Not if I have something to do with it. A close friend of mine tailors some of the finest dresses this world has ever seen," said Anton.

"She made my dress, and look how pretty she made it," said Orphelin.

Aine will be attending the ball. Her biggest concern at the moment is a dress, but it seems Anton has a solution to that. As the night continued, they continued to have more small talk until it was time for Orphelin and Anton to leave.

"We should get going, Boss. Look how tired Orphelin is," said Anton, pointing at a half-asleep Orphelin.

"Alright then, it's getting way too late for me too," said Daegal.

As Anton and Orphelin left, Aine and Daegal continued to talk a bit more. One thing led to another, and they somehow ended up talking about the ball and Kali.

"You know she's attending, right?" Asked Daegal.

"It's why I want to go. I want to show her that I'm not scared of her," said Aine.

Meanwhile in Kali's room in Deimos' mansion, as promised, Abaddon was walking to Kali's room in the private section of the Parthenon. The backside of the Parthenon was a private section where only Deimos and Kali could enter. In the private section are Deimos and Kali's rooms.

Abaddon was allowed to pass by the guards and he then knocked on Kali's door. The door to her room was grand and tall. The door opened on its own and Abaddon entered.

"Hello, Abby, thank you for coming," said Kali.

"Let's get this over with, what do you want to talk about?" Asked Abaddon.

"So, have you heard of the Children of the Sun?" Asked Kali.

"Are you referring to the ones who distribute bottled sunlight?" Asked Abaddon.

"Correct. I just got news that the dwarven village had been wiped clean of any and all living things thanks to these motherfuckers."

The population of Dwarven Village had been completely wiped out.

"A captain reported that the path to it was blocked and informed the mining team to dig past the blockage. What they found was hundreds of dead, decomposing corpses of dwarfs on the ground and an incredibly terrible smell," said Kali.

"Are the other heralds informed about this?" Asked Abaddon.

"No, I was the one to give the order to search the village. I'm sure that the others are uninformed," said Kali.

"So why tell me?" asked Abaddon.

"Because, despite your crude nature towards me, you are the most trustworthy man I know. Besides, you are technically supposed to be the first herald. You've beaten me fair and square; I just used my connections to ascend the ranks," said Kali.

It seemed Abaddon and Kali had a past. Abaddon was supposed to be the first herald. Abaddon is the most powerful fighter the continent has, but Kali married Deimos around the same time. Deimos made her first herald while Abaddon got robbed of the rank that was rightfully his. In a fit of rage, he went on a power trip to take money from guilds and other companies, raping innocent women for his own satisfaction.

After years of him using his rage to justify his wrongdoings, he met a certain violet-haired woman in an adventurer's guild who turned his whole world upside down.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Asked Abaddon.

"Well, I have reason to believe that members of the Children of the Sun will try to infiltrate the ball," said Kali.

"Of course... it's the only time when the sun will be on full display," said Abaddon.

Back at the mansion, the conversation between Daegal and Aine was getting really heated.

"Aine, you can't do that," said Daegal.

"She's wronged me; what's stopping me?"

"The law, Aine! The law is going to stop you."


"You will be public enemy number one if you do that."

"I don't care."

"Aine, please talk logically here. You can't murder the first herald."

"I don't care. I Want Her Dead!" Shouted Aine as tears began to fall from her eyes.

A heavenly-sounding bell echoed the whole continent. This time, I could be heard by everyone. It was deafening, and people could be heard screaming outside.

Meanwhile, in the Parthenon, Kali and Abaddon were still talking. Kali was using her telekinesis powers to float her teacup her way. When the deafening bell rang, her telekinesis failed, and the cup shattered on the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Abaddon.

"Gaaah!! That was my nicest cup," said Kali angrily.

Abaddon looked out the window to see no bell in sight.

"I will have whoever rang that bell executed," said Kali.

"So, if our conversation has concluded..." said Abaddon.

"Oh yes, yes, please take your leave. I need to get someone to clean this up. We can talk again in the future," said Kali.

Abaddon promptly left the room. Kali was really mad; that was her most beautiful teacup. Kali sighed.

"Well, I can always get another one," said Kali.

Kali tried to use her telekinesis to pick up the broken cup, but nothing was happening. She kept trying and trying, but no magic was being channeled.

"What the?" Kali said, confused, as she continued to try using her magic and failed.

Upon noticing she could not channel any more magic, she panicked.

"What? No! No!" She cried, "My Powers!!"

Back in the mansion where Aine and Daegal were conversing, Daegal looked out the window, confused.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Daegal.

"T-That bell," Aine said to herself quietly.

"I don't know what the fuck that bell was, but I do hope no one is hurt," said Daegal as he closed the window.

Aine got a sudden boost in confidence. She knows that that bell has only worked in her favor.

"It's getting late; let's end the talk here. Sorry, I got too heated," said Aine.

"Oh, right. No, it's fine. Just don't be doing stupid shit," said Daegal.

"Alright, goodnight, Daegal," said Aine.

"Goodnight, Aine," said Daegal as he left Aine's room.