
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 40: Mael vs Graylia 3 (Final)

(3rd person's POV)

Even if Graylia wanted to spare the child for fighting not in the name of God like other angels but with conviction that of a human and continue to struggle even after facing death, she had no choice but to kill the unique angel called Mael.

She clenched her sword and thrust the blade into Mael's throat but before a thick layer of Holy light stopped the blade was a centimeter away.

"What is happening?!"

Graylia greeted her teeth as the body of the angel also began to glow until it reaches to point where even her armor started to melt. She immediately jumped away to avoid getting burnt.

"Oh no…" She was aware of what was happing when she saw the angel shining brightly with his holy power surging rapidly. It only means one thing; Mael has become a middle-level ultimate angel.

After healing to some extent, Mael opened his eyes and looked at Graylia calmly.

"Yes, I am weak. But do you know why? Because I have a human soul and heart. But it doesn't matter because it is the sole reason we fight with burning will without any intention to stop until we obtain our goal."

Mael spoke and then his expression turned stiff as he shot a deathly glare to the devil.

"And my goal is to finish your existence so that you can never interfere with my loved ones! Never ever!!"

Before Grayfia could move, an earth-shattering wave of wind punched her whole body and blew her several meters away.


She spat a mouthful of blood and wanted to get out of the airlock tornado when she fell on what seemed like a deep ocean.

What? How can he use two of his power at once? No, it must be his transformation that eliminated his weak point.

She opened her eyes and found herself trapped in a cage of water.

"MMMM!!" No matter where she fly, the water was also moving alongside her. In addition to this, the pressure was also strong that could crush a normal devil easily!

'No, at this moment I am going to die!'

Graylia took a deep breath and cast a power full explosive spell strong enough to destroy the water cage.

Cough* Cough*

She fell on the ground coughing blood and water. The cage nearly destroyed her lungs!

'Just what kind of monster this angel is? Is God really serious about creating this kind of fiend? He is not only a threat to devils but all living beings inside this universe if he falls from grace with this kind of hatred.' She thought.

Even though both factions were in a war, a senior devil like her knew well that God, of all being, would never gamble with such risk.

Mael may be immature and young but it was just a matter of time before his hatred dooms this whole world.

The gift could be lethal he was carrying to everything.

The fight is not an option. She has to talk some senses to angel!

But before she could lift her eyes, she received a massive blow packed with dense Holy Energy to her face.


She was shot like a bullet a whole kilometer, colliding and ripping apart several hills before ending up hitting a giant rock.

(AN: Poor Rock-kun. Now I feel the pain of plain element in Dragon Ball Z :'( )

Like a puppet whose strings have been cut, she lost all her energy.

'What is… happening…?' She couldn't even move a finger no matter how hard she tried.

She knew that the holy power in the angel's body is very unusual. It is not only lethal to devils but also drains magical energy at default no matter who the victim is.

The last punch combined with his holy power must have drained every last bit of her energy.

"Hey, filthy bat!!!"

She then heard a cry and saw Mael in the air with his hand holding Excalibur high but what stagnated Graylia saw was a giant orb levitating above him, it was a sun.

"You know what?! I may have been ignorant, I may have been weak and I may lack experience but should I just die leaving your dirty race living? WHO DECIDED THAT!!" Mael stated his last words and dropped his arm.

The sun surging with heat dived down and began to fall on the incapacitated devil.

'I have to do something!!!!' Graylia gritted her teeth and somehow managed to take out a hand clock-looking device from her pocket.

It was a Ranked device that could send her soul back to Lilith, the mother of all devil along with her memories for the reincarnation process.

It was a secret device that all ultimate devils use to reincarnate themselves and to provide important information about enemies to their lords.

She was about to click on the device but then her eyes fell on her children.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Grayfia and Euclid watching her mother step on death's door.

'What the hell are they doing here?' Things couldn't get any more severe when her immature children also joined her death.

She knew that they had a habit to follow their warrior mother and learn her combat techniques but she couldn't do anything for the moment to save them.

They were so scared of the angel that they couldn't even move to help their mother from escaping death.

Then her eyes saw the face of an angel. Putting aside her hate of a devil for an angel as a natural enemy, she saw a person who has lost everything. She knew that devils were behind this cause where the devils indeed started committing some acts which were prohibited even for them.

'I knew this will be coming. His powers cannot even be related to this world, I am afraid he will be soon going to fall. I… I have to stop him! I am sorry, my husband, my daughter, and my son but this shall be my end…' A tear left her eyes and she flipped the device and activated another function.

A shield was formed around her body to block the god-killing attack, a sun that soon consumed her entire being.



(Mael's POV)

I slowly walked towards Graylia.

Outside of the pit where my sun landed, I found her body lying there completely naked and with burn marks all around her body.


She was missing her entire left arm and leg with her. But she was alive.


I sat down on her belly and smirked.

I stared at her buxom breast and licked my lip. I raised my hand and grabbed her right breasts tightly.

"Say, you filthy harlot!! How would you feel if I rape you here, huh?!! Say, how will your filthy children feel watching their mother getting humiliated?! Say, what would your demon kings say that the second in command general died pathetically by the hands of an angel?! Say, what your filthy race would say about their leader?!!"


I increased my strength that her make breast rip apart from her body.

"Phaahaahaha! Do you know what the funny part is?! Maybe they won't even care! They would soon replace you with some other pathetic maggot and you will soon be forgotten! Well, your race will be forgotten too!"

Tears started to leak from my eyes. "My wife, Ivan, Sona, countless other innocents died for what? For your filthy race to emerge on the surface and rule us!? It was not even cruel enough when you tortured, raped, and further humiliated them only to consume their soul! Tell me, you filthy black winged insect, what gives you right to humiliate innocent humans?!"

I screamed on her face. I wanted to rip apart her face so much that I can't help but drool.


It was at that moment, I felt a soft palm on my cheek and saw the devil looking at me with… care?


She called my name with her dried and burned lips.

'What the hell?'

What was happening? And why was I holding her, a devil's breast? Even if I was human with fetishes inside, it was too much to imagine something with these filths!

I released her breast and… unconsciously held her hand that was touching my cheek, not with force but to help the devil recall her final words….

"Please…. I-I beg, you… don't fall… from… grace… I pray…." She said with a smile.

Not to beg for mercy, not to spare her cowardly children, not to work for demon kings but *prayed* for me? For not to become a fallen?!

'What the hell I am doing?'

I shook away my dark thoughts and jerked her hand I was holding.

I then raised my sword and pierced her heart ending her life for good.

I was looking forward to seeing what kind of souls she had consumed but to my surprise, nothing came out.

What the heck?

She never consumed a soul, a super level ultimate class devil, her?

All I could see was a smile on her face, a smile that a warrior shows who may have lost the battle but won the war.

Should I feel bad? Don't even joke.

I got up from her body to end her children.


I didn't feel well.

'Forget it.'

"Tell your demon kings that their filthy race will soon become a history! Enjoy a little time, you insects left!" I raised my voice and announced the arrival of someone who will end their evil race to those punks hiding behind a rock.

I was tired since only 10% mana was left. The magic detector also spotted several more forces reaching the avenue.

Another reason why the devil race should be exterminated, their reinforcement always arrives after the incident has already happened like Indian police.

I was about to fly off when my eyes fell on Graylia's body.

I heard that God could also revive anyone so it would be beneficial to revive her and make her spill some info about other devils and their secrets.

I put her body in my spatial storage and flew away. I could have waited for other devils to arrive and kill them too but I didn't have a mood.

"I don't know why I didn't feel good after this fight? Oh well, a shower in Gabriel's bathroom could cleanse my mind~."

I rushed away to heaven.


(3rd person's POV)

"Sniff* MMMM!"

Tears were falling from Grayfia's eyes who saw her mother getting killed right in front of her.

She could only cover her and her brother's mouth so as not to get detected by that monster as strength to face the monster in disguise of angel alone, she couldn't even move.

Euclid was already traumatized to the point where he couldn't even move from the shock.

Her mother may appear as a fierce warrior but to them, she was very kind.

But thanks to her mother 'exhausting' the angel, he didn't come for their heads and left after the warning.

He also took her mother's body.

She gritted her teeth and felt pathetic for being this way.

In the end, a devil's ego shatters against strong, revealing nothing but a weak stone.

"I have to inform father! That bastard, just you wait!" She gritted her teeth and flew away leaving her sissy brother behind. "But… but can I possibly do…?"

Inside, she knew that the current virtues of devils are lost cause since her mother will soon be getting replaced just like the angel has said. It was one of the many dirty natures of a devil where she couldn't help but follow as Lucifuge who has pledged its entire existence to the Lucifer Clan.

(AN: I was seriously planning not to drag this fight but I went with the flow in the end. I hope you liked it.)


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.


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