
Chapter 27: An angel who sacrificed everything

(3rd person's POV)

A ball of brilliant white light was floating in a void. Surrounded by nothing but bright distant stars, it was the only illuminating object.

After floating for an unexplainable time, it stopped right in front of a giant door.

"As a divine soul befitting to become Divine Spirit, are you prepared to enter this door to serve humanity till the end of time?"

A voice asked the illuminating ball.

"A temporary contract till the day I am ready to return to my world." The ball of light illuminates brightly as it spoke in a soft but firm female voice.

Without any reply, the gate opened and the ball of light entered before shutting the gate again.

It was the gate called Throne of Heroes.

(Mael's POV)

After killing those devils, I came back to the village of Jeanne's parents.

But I didn't meet them.

With what face can I even face them?

My wife and their daughter were burned alive when I was the one who promised to keep her safe.

Jacques was not able to overcome his daughter's death and died from a heart attack. Isabelle was somehow living on her own and waited every day for her children to come home.

It was the state of those parents who lost all of their children in front of their eyes.

I was in church looking at the cross and recalling the memories I made with two of them.

Eliza's chamber was now empty whilst books and quill that Jeanne used to study were also there in quietness.

"Was that necessary for them to die like that?" I asked the person sitting beside me.

"You know the answer." The man was the former priest before Eliza took the position. However, only I knew about his real identity.

What he said is not wrong.

I knew the answer.

If past events didn't take place. Jeanne and I probably would have married would be living like a normal couple but I knew that it will be short-lived.

Devils would have come after us. At that time, we both might have lost our life and it would be the end of the story.

"Are you not blaming me for all of this?" The person asked.

"Nope. I know this is all my fault."

There were several reasons where I can defend myself but at the end of the day, I was weak and a coward.

"But I hope that you won't stop me to make those devils pay, Lord Priest, or should I call you God of Bible?"

"So you can recognize me. I am glad~." He chuckled weirdly.

He was indeed the God of the Bible in human form.

I did remember from my fuzzy memories where I was in heaven and before I was turned into a human, I met him.

The very God Jeanne and I believed was sitting right beside me. The strongest entity of this world.

"Ah yes~, I am strongest in this universe. Praise me more!"

Now that he was in front of me, even if I wanted to, I couldn't take him seriously with Jim Carry's face.

"Oh come on, I thought about Morgan Freeman but he is overused and besides Jim Carry is a more fun guy from your memory."

Some of my memories were also unlocked along with powers so I didn't recognize those names from my previous life. As the God of the highest caliber, he should have known about my memory.

"Look I can even smile like that!"

He then curved his lips and post Jim Carry's signature smile.


However, I was not in a mood to joke with him.

"Ahem, let's talk about some serious matter. You want to find out about your wife, right?"

"Yes." I nodded but not with much expectation.

"Well, you may have guessed but she didn't enter heaven. Not even Cycle of Reincarnation but a special place outside of this universe's domain called Throne of Heroes. You will become familiar with this term after you recover remaining memories."

Yeah, I was well aware of those terms but since I was lacking memories, I didn't know specifics.

"And with that, she is safe there for time being. If you want we can do something about it."

"No, I am fine for now."

I had to clear this universe from a species of scrums called devils first and make a world befitting for us.

Even if I sounded like some kind of cringe sad person, I will not back down until I erase every last bit of them.

For that, I had to accept my identity as an angel. I had to be in possession of all my powers and everything at my disposal at all cost.

"Sigh* Are you sure you want to leave your human side? Your mother sacrificed many of her powers to grant your wish." The God of the Bible asked.

"Jeanne is dead and so do other people precious to me. There is nothing left for me to wear a cloak of humans anymore. I will accept my identity as an angel and do anything for you as long as I get the chance to kill every single bit of them."

It was just plain stupid to remain human anymore. Even if I was to be tied with heaven and serve The God of the Bible, I won't lose anything.

"Very well then. Let's meet in my place." Said the person and smile.

I was about to ask the meaning of this when my consciousness faded away.


After the war with the Demon clan, the Goddess clan also lost a lot of its power before retrieving themselves in the Celestial Realm.

Supreme Deity, the chief goddess of Goddess clan and ruler of Celestial Realm, also faced many injuries so much that her Divine Core broke into pieces.

One single piece of core left the celestial realm into oblivion or a place called Outside Universe.

That single piece of Divine Core roamed the void endless amount of time before it ended up near the domain or Dimensional Gap of a new universe called Draconic Deus or DxD dominated by Dragons and Gods.

That piece of core might have stayed there if not for the powerful god of the world transforming the piece into a serving race called an angel.

A female angel was then given the name Eliza. She was the first unusual goddess who owned some of the unique abilities including unusual ability to heal and holy power so denser and stronger that could purify even fallen angel directly. She was also born with great combat techniques despite never being received any training.

However, she was weaker compared to the Four Great Seraphs, Ten Seraphs, and regular angels in terms of physical strength.

So she was given a task to look after humans in heaven and train newly 'created' angels.

She was also open-minded and had the wisdom of her own which led her to want her own child after years of looking after humans.

It was unusual for an angel to demand something but Eliza was an exception. She wanted to experience love and affection like a mother.

God also didn't mind as Eliza was a faithful angel and since a certain position among seraphs was vacant, he granted her wish. However, the soul of the child happened to be that of a human who was also a foreigner.

She was happy and nurtured after her son but soon realized the difference.

The child wished to be human.

This time, however, God placed a demand to task Eliza to grant a miracle to a certain child in France and to sacrifice half of her powers to turn her son into a human.


"So this is the story of my mother…" I just witnessed her story.

In void space, in addition to recovering my memories, I also saw her life.

I was a disappointment in myself.

"No need to look down, son."

I turned my head and saw Eliza sitting beside me.

She was just a consciousness that she left in my memory and not the actual person.

"Hehe, it is hilarious that I resemble so much with Elizabeth from Seven Deadly Sins. It is more unbelievable that this world's future lies on the hand of a pervert." She chuckled.

Yeah, I also found out that this world was indeed the world of High school DXD, 500 years before main events.

So she had read my memories.

She then stood up and started to walk. A door continent bright radiant light was illuminating where Eliza was walking.

"Mael, you will certainly bore hatred for devils. It is fair to punish evil but don't lose your way." She said with a smile and without waiting for my response she left.

"Angels cant have emotions such as hatred. It is simply a task to burn the 'evil', a duty for every angel to kill an evil race called devils."

I smirked and discard her warning completely. None shall be shown mercy and that's it!


Omake 2

Mash: Senpai, wait! Maybe you are too optimistic to burn so many quartzes at once! Maybe you should give it a try with a few to see if you can get craft essence first!

A silver-haired girl was walking with an orange head to somehow stop her master/senpai to waste quartz at once.

Da Vinci: Yeah… I mean- what if we get a more problematic servant…?

Walking behind was a short girl who previously had a terrible encounter when a certain lancer was summoned.

Even after becoming cute loli that steals the heart of many, she was still considered a dickless old man by that lancer.

She didn't possess clairvoyance but she had a vague feeling that her gender will surely be questioned.

Gudako stopped and razed her eyes on the two individuals.

Gudako: Guys, do you even know how it does feel when you are clearing lost belts by choking trees and erasing enemies with a flying lance or shooting swords?

Da Vinci and Mash looked at each other and then shook their heads with dried looks. In the first place, they were servants so how could they understand the emotions of a Master of humanity who had been erasing worlds like eating your occasional deserts.

Gudako: Besides I have a feeling that we want a winged person to counter that troublesome fairy.

Mash: But senpai-

Gudako: No Mash no, you have already betrayed my trust when I found your panties in 'his' room that I had been searching for ages. How could you do that to me, Mash!?

Mash: Hold on, that's why my underwear keeps disappearing?

Gudako: The point is, I also want to ride with a winged servant. It is not fair when you are the only one who got to fly with the fairy!

Mash: Senpai, I could see my panty hanging from your pocket..!

Gudako: Cough* I have no idea what are you talking about. Let's go for the summoning!

Gudako coughed and silently used a command spell to ask a servant to transport her treasure to another place.

Then they entered the summoning room which is also known as the 'salty room'.

Over the years of burning cities and worlds, she managed to gather enough quartz for NP 5 servant until or unless she fell for the curse of Myst.

Gudako: Here you go!

And hence they threw a handful of thirty quartz in the summoning pool.

Then the light began to shine and rotate until it ended and revealed a plate of Moputofu.

Gudako: Ah shit! It is certainly the start of the disaster.

Gudako shook her head since the cursed place of this food used to serve as bad luck.

Then the summoning continues and until every single roll ended up summoning trash i.e. Sakura (Naruto), Mapo Tofu, and some useless copy of movies and shows like Dragon ball Evolution and Boku no…

Mash: Senpai, let's stop here. It doesn't look good. I don't want you to lock yourself in a room and waste your AP for the entire week!

Da Vinci: Y-yeah… I also don't have a good feeling from this summon…

Both companions of the master of Chaldea pleaded with the orange head gambler but Gudako was optimistic to burn all her 600 quartz.

Gudako: No! It's now or never! I want something unique. As a person prophesized to move humanity, I have to gamble this time!

And then she started to pour every bit of quartz but her luck was indeed bad.

For the first time in her life, she didn't get even a single 3 start servant let alone any gold servant. But the gambler mage didn't want to give up as her passion started to turn obsession to summon that rare servant at all cost.

It was then the golden light sparked.


Gudako liked the mouthful of saliva as if a hungry tiger is waiting for the prey.

However, her expectations soon shattered as the golden card was that of a lancer.

Fionn: Servant name is Fionn mac Cumhail and I have come whahhh!!!

The newly arrived gold servant soon fell in a burning chamber underneath the summoning pool.

It was a new system where the master could burn trash servants as soon as they arrive.

Gudako: God! Please! I beg you, let the servant answer my call!!!

???: The prayer has been heard.

What?! All the individuals heard the unknown voice before the ground start shaking as the summoning continues and the gold figure took the shape of a person.

What emerges from the summon, was a man appearing in his 20s. He possessed short silver hair and blue eyes similar to a certain lancer.

But what signified his appearance the most were his white pair of wings. A halo and a horn were also there on his head on both sides radiating his appearance.

However, if the appearance was not enough, the magic power was so strong and domineering that shook the very souls of people inside the room. Fear, as well as certain warmth, surrounded the master and her friends making them comprehend whether they should be thankful or fear for this newly arrived servant.

???: Servant, an angel whose name is Mael. I also go by the name Azrael as it is my title or you could say a name that embodiments my very existence. I have answered your call and materialized in the body of flesh but my true body is hanging outside this universe. So feel free to call me Mael as you see fit.

The new servant introduced himself calmly totally opposite to that certain lancer who harassed the girls when he was summoned.

The servant named Mael is an angel! Gudako's lips curved a creepy smile after she saw the wings of the servant. She knew that she got her hands on one of the rarest being in this universe, an angel!

Gudako: Huhehehe….

Gudako's brain started to spin similar to every master who got delirious after witnessing the arrival of such rare servants.

Mash: Senpai, wake up and make a contract with him!

Gudako: Ah right.

Gudako wiped her saliva and stepped forward.

Gudako: Hello, my name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. I am the sole master of Chaldea as well as humanity. You can call me Gudako.

Mael: Likewise but first.

Mael also stepped forward and grabbed Gudako's head and sent a deathly glare at the master of Chaldea.

Mael: Tell me, how the hell did you choke Goetia with only a shield?

Gudako widened her eyes where her soul could slip away from her body.

Gudako: I am sorry! I am sorry!!

Mael: Wait, why are you apologizing?

Gudako: Because you seem pissed!

Mael then realized that his tone was little rough so he immediately released the poor master.

Mael: I apologize, humanity's the only master. I was just curious.

Mael apologized and then kissed the hand of Ritsuka.


Gudako felt so happy for some reason that her heart could jump out of her chest at any moment. The aura around him took 180 turns as compared to his deathly stare.

Mash: I am Mash. Nice to meet you.

Mael: Yes, I am aware. Carrying the spirit of Sir Galahad, Lady Mash, I am well aware of your heroic deeds throughout the journey. Your soul is indeed a pure one.

Mash: I-Is that so…?

Mash scratched her head. She didn't know whether she should feel happy since Mael was very gentle unlike her senpai Einar or fear since Mael was an angel.

Mael's eyes then fell on the loli genius of mankind who upon feeling the death turn started to tremble.

Mael: You must be Lord Leonardo Da Vinci, right? I could indeed recognize the great soul of human civilization but do pardon me, what are you doing in a little girl's body?

Da Vinci: W-w-well, many things happened.. here and there- wha!

She felt a warm hand on her head and saw Mael smiling with soft love and… hunger in his eyes?

Mael: Haha! Relax, I don't decimate when a person wants to have different gender. There were many in my time when they wished to turn their genders in heaven. So worry not, even if you are an old man who happened to have a problem with the penis when alive, I will treat you as Leonardo the great genius.

The word 'Old Man' penetrated poor loli's heart like an arrow but she was glad that at least the angel sounded sincere, unlike that prick Einar.

Mael: Well then, Mael, the handsome ruler is here. Now, I want to meet my wife Jeanne.

Gudako: I knew it. Come I will take you to her.

Mael: Hehe, thank you, Lady Fujimaru or should I call you Master now.

Gudako: UwU it has been like an eternity when someone called me with such respect! Say, can I have a chance?

Mael: Chance for what?

Gudako *Blush*: W-well, you know… like-

Mael: Let that leave to destiny and our bond but I will look after you if you die in my watch.

Mael winks.

Gudako: Why does it sound like a horrible relief?

And so another problematic winged servant joined Chaldea, a narcissist ruler soon to assist the sole master of humanity.


Well there is a reason I had to make him ruler and not berserker or avenger. By the way, Merlin is coming.

Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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