
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 17: A wedding

"Believe in yourself! Believe in the dick of owner you believe!"



(Mael's POV)

The name of Jeanne d'Arc had been written in history as the Maiden of Orleans and a French Saint who had proven herself after her prophecy to free Orleans.

Since the 100-years war also somewhat exhausted the British army, it was not hard for Jeanne and her retainers to conquer the rest of northeast France from British forces.

After reaching the city of Reims, Charles VII was officially crowned as the rightful king of France.

Charles VII, as promised, waved the tax of Jeanne's village as well as given her parents noble class.

Her two closest retainers, me and Gilles de Rias, were also bestowed with the official commander of armies of 100 men along with some money and other elite class privileges.

All in all, everything was going well just like Jeanne had predicted those miracles.

As for her, she became a rock star of the whole of France at the time. There was not a single street where her name was not roaming at the time.

"Hmm, what's the matter, Jeanne?" I asked my sweet waifu who had been sulking while sitting quietly on the back.

I was with Jeanne on a horse moving towards a destination.

Even though I was excited to spend some quiet time with her to enjoy the vacation, her mood was off from the time we left the palace.

"I think the King has changed." She muttered quietly but I was able to hear her.

The reason for her bad mood was Charles VII's pacifist personality. He may sound coward but he wanted to solve the rest of the problem through negotiations. He was already in talks with Burgdandians while also thinking of liberating Paris with negotiations.

If you look at his perspective then he was not wrong. First, if he goes out for full-fledged war with them then, even after freeing France from Britain, manpower would have soon get exhausted.

Jeanne wanted to at least free Paris before going for the negotiations because the longer we wait the more time will be given to Britain to strengthen the foothold in Paris.

In short, the two sides had equal pros and cons.

"Jeanne, don't be hard on yourself. I can't take either side but you should follow steadily for the time being."

As a rational person myself, I can't comprehend either side since I somewhat agree with Charles but I don't want to sound like a coward in front of her.

"Yeah, you are right. I shouldn't be in a hurry. I think I can wait for a little." She then thought and realized what I was implying and smiled.

"Yeah, don't make that kind of face. Cheer up, girl." I said while snapping the halter to increase the speed.

"Hehe, kay~ but Mael, where are we going?" She beamed a smile and asked.

"You will know soon," I smirked and snapped the halter again.

After quite a while, the smell of salt began to stroke our noses, and sounds of waves could also be heard. The ground also transformed from green grass to dry sand as I pulled the halter and stopped the horse.

"Mael…" She was in a daze looking at the endless water meeting the bright blue sky from a distance.

I came down and then offered my hand like a gentleman, "My lady."

While still in a daze, she comprehended my request as we walked towards the seashore.

"Jeanne, this is what sea looks like."

I pointed at the endless sea of soft water.

Jeanne was still in a daze looking at otherworldly scenery until her lips beamed a bright smile before she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, Mael!"

I chuckled then pointed at a hut near the beach that I prepared beforehand.

When we opened the door, we found a person cleaning it. It was Eliza.

"Cough* Sorry, I thought I would finish in time." Eliza smiled wryly.

"When did you leave the church?" Jeanne asked since Eliza hardly used to leave Church due to being an angel and her interactions with humans.

But for my plan, I had to force her since she was the only person I could trust. Besides, I didn't want devils or other people to know my actual relationship with Jeanne.

"Well, your soon-to-be husband didn't leave me any choice." Eliza dryly stared at me.

"Okay, let's fill our bellies first." I ignored Eliza and suggested filling the bellies.

For the lunch, I prepared sandwiches and some salad while mango juice for the light refreshing.

"Mael, your otherworldly knowledge and your talent, I am so happy to be with you~!" Jeanne was drooling while complimenting how awesome I am while Eliza didn't even wait to pick the first bite.

And yes, she knew that I had some memories from my previous life. I was the one that told her since I was the honest man and didn't want to live with her with a lie.

We then ate lightly since it is not feasible to enter the water with a full belly.

"So Mael, what do people wear on the beach from your memories?" Jeanne asked curiously while Eliza and I began to sweat.

A few minutes later:

I was having a huge crisis holding my nose from bleeding.

"Mael… this is too revealing! Can't you prepare a less perverted outfit?!"

Jeanne was trying her best to cover her revealing body. She was wearing a black two-piece swimsuit while also wearing a soft t-shirt.

It was the first time that I saw how mature she was regardless of her age.

Well shaped body in addition to the saint-like charming face, I again thanked God to give me chance to live with her.

(AN: Jeanne Archer first ascension with a v-shaped t-shirt instead of jacket.)

"Jeanne, you look delicious- I mean beautiful." I showed thumbs up.

She looked at me with a beat red face and nodded shyly.

"Mael, what about me?" Eliza also came out with a one-piece silver swimsuit that hid her abdomen but revealing her curves and legs.

(AN: Mash's swimsuit basically.)

She also didn't back down from wearing her swimsuit despite being an angel. According to her, it is fine to reveal some skin to your family as long as it is within limits.

She was also looking incredible but for some reason, I can't make myself arose from seeing her.

"You are good," I said in a single second before turning my head towards my goddess Jeanne.

"Hey, what's with the reaction?!" She retorted but I ignored her.

I then took them to the beach and played with them.

It's not what you horny bastards are thinking.

Splash* Splash*

"Mael, am I doing it right?" Jeanne asked while flapping her arms and legs on the surface of the water while I was holding her belly.

"You sure do~." I smiled and silently pinched her belly button. I was also enjoying some skinship while also teaching her how to swim. Jeanne already knew that I was touching her body but she didn't mind and continued to flap her limbs.

"Son, you are one big shameless person. Taking advantage of a saint right in front of an angel." Eliza's tone was cold. She was pissed since I hardly paid any attention to her.

Oh, by the way, sometimes she used to call me 'son' while Jeanne 'child' even though she looked no older than us.

"Eliza I am sorry but I just don't feel anything towards doing more than being a family."

I wonder if Eliza was cursed or I was just a Jeanne simp. I never really interact with people of the opposite sex at the time other than Jeanne, Isabelle, and Eliza so I had no idea if my sexual orientation was on the track.

"Sigh* I understand son." She replied with a smile, kissed my head, and head towards the hut.

'What's her deal?' I was confused since she looked sad as well as happy at the same time.

"Mael… y-your hand~…" Jeanne's call brought me back to reality and I realized that one hand slipped towards her boobas while the other was about to enter her neither region.

After a second I moved my hand back and apologized, "Sorry! Tee hee~, I am so silly."

She first stared at me before she chuckled and then resumed her swimming practice.

She also befriends a dolphin in the meantime I was catching some fish for the dinner.

And guess what, she named her dolphin friend Reece XP… Yeah, she has a horrible sense of naming.

Anyway, we then prepared a bonfire and cooked the fish I caught.

I then took her near the bonfire and bent down on my knees and took out a gold ring with a glowing diamond on the tip.

"Mael…" She was in awe and realized what I was going for.

"Jeanne, I know it is warring times and I also wanted to marry you in a peaceful time but I don't want to wait anymore. Jeanne, I love you and I want to marry you. Please be my wife." I said looking at her eyes.

Slowly her eyes became watery as she nodded with a bright smile, "Yes!"

I smiled then put the ring on her finger.


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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