
Chapter 1: My life with Jeanne begins

(??? ???)

"Serafall, don't go. We should escape from here!"

"That's right my daughter, we still have a chance…! We can save ourselves if we escape to a desolate area o the last city!"

Those were the voices of two noble devil parents, more like a plead, to convince their daughter to escape from 'Death' that was approaching for their heads.

Just as Serafall was about to reply when the whole room shook like an earthquake hit their house.

"No… It is too late… Sirzechs and Ajuka are risking their lives to face that monster…." Serafall who was a 16 years old high-ranking devil had tears in her eyes.

In her eyes, she knew that the last line of defense will soon be erased before the complete annihilation of the devil race itself.

"…sniff* All of our Sitri members are killed. I only have you two left…" She had tears in her eyes since with her house, the devil race will become history. She then looked at the gate where their 'Death' would soon come.

She gritted her teeth and spoke, "But I am not dying without a fight!!"

She then stood up as two magic circles appeared on her hands ready to fire towards the person soon be coming from the gate.

*Step *Step

However, just as she began hearing the sound of footsteps, her legs started to tremble. Let alone attacking with measly water attacks, it was hard for her to even stand properly.

"London Bridge is falling down…."


Then all of them started hearing the same lullaby that was like a siren before their deaths. A chill ran down to their spine that even shook their souls.

*Drip *Drip

"Falling down…. falling down …"

The sound of something dripping was also coming from the person walking towards them.

"London Bridge is falling down…"

Then he entered. The person last of Sitri family was wishing not to see. However, he was not alone as he was dragging a boy with his crimson hair whose all four limbs were cut. It was unclear whether the crimson head devil was dead or not.

However, he was the least of the Sitri family's worry as the 'Death' was looking at the girl with a soul-shaking smile for the devils.

"My fair devil lady… Ready to goodbye to your good ol' underworld?~"

(??? POV)

France, Orleans

"Can't believe that my brother was into reverse traps…"

A person says with a sigh. He is just reading the browsing history (H-anime history) from the computer of his deceased brother.

That person is me and yes, I am the younger brother of a person who just died but instead of praying for my deceased brother, I just hacked his laptop and mobile and recovered some data (porn history mainly) to see (watch full episodes) what kind of taste my brother had.

"Does he think that he will be reincarnated into another world and marry gender-bend King Arthur after his death?"

I shake my head. I don't know why otakus have these kinds of delusions. It is the reality where only winners sit in heaven.

I then put headphones on and turn on the Apocrypha theme.

"What a great day…"

I sigh and stretch my arms. I am in France where I just set my chain of restaurants after coming from England. Though I inherited quite a fortune, I ultimately sold or donated all of it after keeping the fair share that I earned since it was the work of my brother and not mine.

Why France? Because I was born here and have spent my childhood with my grandparents as well as completed my studies.

Now, I am rich as well as the most handsome person in this world.

I don't know how much but pretty sure that God would have spent quite the fortune to make me this handsome and charming.

I have also seen flowers blooming wherever my feet land.

Silver shiny hair, blue eyes, tip-top get-up expensive wears, I don't see any problem not calling me most attractive and eye-catching boy.

In amidst of my stroll, I see two beautiful ladies walking past me.

"Time to hunt for a wife."

I nod as I walk towards them and speak, "Hello mesdemoiselles~. Tell me something; is it just the weather or I am smokin' hot?"

They chuckle as one of them points at the ground behind me.

"I don't know about temperature but you seem to have dropped something."

"Oh, it must be my protect-" The words remain in my mouth as I look behind and see Jojo's latest volume on the ground. "Oh my god!"

I hurriedly take the 'Cultural gospel in my arms.

The girls giggle before leaving me with the look like calling me a loser.

"Hmph, I wouldn't even look at you if I knew that you guys judge a book by its cover."

I rub the book and then place it in my bag carefully that I was carrying.

"Guess I am not going to get hit by knives on the chest anytime soon. No point in placing it beneath my shirt."

Don't descend me in your pathetic perspective image of typical loser otaku as I am way much different.

It's just that I have taken some interest in anime and manga (Jojo majorly) after exploring what kind of taste my brother had in girls.

Ahem, yeah, I am also a programmer (hacker) and I used that skill (cheat) to develop my business.

Not only that but also love painting. Of course, if you include alchemy and some other skills.

"Oh god, even though I am handsome and charming as heavens, why can't I find any decent mademoiselle in my life?"

Even though I am a charming and most perfect male in this cruel world, I am not able to find a single decent girl to marry.

I look at heaven and pray.

"Dear lord, if you have mercy then grant me beautiful women (Big breast with moderate size preferred) or just strike me down and then reincarnate me as most handsome prince of the heaven that is my right. Come on and do it!"

After few seconds, I sigh.

"Guess god is busy…"

(AN: Cough* Covid cough*)

I shake my head and then resume my morning walk as I come across the statue of the saint of Orleans Joan of Arc.

"What a beautiful girl she would have been…"

I am very interested in her legends. Even though philosophers or poets tend to add some spice, her legend is still a beautiful one.

For that reason, I watched Fate/Apocrypha. I also had watched some other works of TYPE-MOON but the character of Jeanne is just best in my view.

"Though their appearance doesn't match."

Joan or Jeanne from the show has big breasts with long hair in a braid and wears stockings is way different from the girl whose statue I am staring at.

I became a fan of moderate good size breasts after watching a certain filthy show (all 4 seasons) where the protagonist is a pervert.

Only for research purposes since it includes devils and angels and as pure as an angel with such devilish looks, I have to watch that.

Anyway, apart from her breasts and body (mainly her jugs and body), what stole my interest is her character.

Pure and gentle eyes with a kind soul, "Waifu- I mean wife material."

I chuckle. What a merit it will be if she appears in my life as my wife or girlfriend. Tried hard to find a similar girl(s) but I don't think luck is on my side in that regard.

"Whelp, time to rest."

Seeking a bench, my eyes fall on one where I see a girl reading a book. Though her face is covered by the book she is reading, I figured her figure was quite charming from her high stockings and good thighs.

Thinking about striking her with my ultimate charms, I place headphones down and walk towards her.

I then sit down beside her before approaching her ear to initiate the conversation.

However, before I could say anything, my body lost every bit of energy as my head falls on her lap.

The light faded from my eyes before I know anything what the hell just happened.


1424 AD, France.

France was suffering from the worst time of its time.

First, the bubonic plague halved the entire population of Europe then followed by British-French 100 years wars.

France at that time didn't even have a king while half of France is in the hands of Britain.

In the meantime, somewhere in a quiet village near the city of Bourges, lying a boy under a tree.

Opening my eyes as if waking up from a dream, I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"What the…"

As if I have lived another life and just woke up as if it was just a dream.

"Wait, hold on. I clearly remember that… I am from a different world…"

My memories were fuzzy and no matter how hard I try, except for a headache, nothing seemed to respond.

As if only my memories erased while my knowledge was intact, the example, I could only eat fruit and can't tell the tree where it came from, could describe my condition at best.

I was confused and tired too so I decided to leave that matter for later.

Sighing, I closed my eyes again since the weather was a calm and cold breeze was stroking my cheeks, who doesn't want to enjoy this kind of peace in warring times?

Then I felt a presence and another shadow beside the tree, fell on my face as the person called me, "Mael, wake up! How long are you gonna sleep here?"

I opened my eyes and a face with a beaming smile came to my sight who just called my name. Short blond hair with amethyst-colored eyes and tomboyish face, she chuckled.

"Jeanne…" I called her name with a joyful smile. I didn't know why and how but just looking at her made my heart throb even though we were just 12 years old children.

"Mother has prepared lunch. Let's go!" She said and offered her hand.

"O-okay…" I nodded like a Japanese beta male who is in love with the dense female.

I then held her hand as I got up and went to a place I called my home in this world.


Hello, first chapter is now officially released. Please inform me for the mistakes.

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