
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

Joy and love are all I am asking for. Yet, I am always getting hurt. Is it wrong for a teenager to seek affection and care from her mother? Yet here I am getting hurt for seeking my mother's love. I am just a teenager and have yet to live my life to the fullest, but I am ready to end it all. I am tired of this life that I have yet to enjoy.

"Hey, Kiddo!" An officer calls out as he enters the hospital room that I share with other patients. I can feel their judgemental stares at me which I choose to ignore.

Why am I here? My dear mum was busy shouting at me that she failed to realise that she drifted off to the wrong side of the lane, causing a truck to crash into our car. It tumbled around until it landed upside down. I lost consciousness after that. Waking up here in the hospital a day later.

"I am sorry for what happened to you. You are a strong girl, I am sure you will overcome this," he smiles.

"Oh my god. Jack is that you?" I gasped as I recognized him. It has been a while since I saw him in town.

"Yes, my darling sister" he smiles.

"What happened to her?" I ask him, making him frown.

"She did not make it my dear, she died on impact," he informs me sadly.

"Oh. What will happen to me?" I asked him tiredly. He watches me for a while before he answers me.

"We took a blood sample from you while you were asleep. We are currently running a DNA test on it, to see if you have any family out there" he informs me.

"How are you? How are you on my case?" I asked him as I realized that he is my officer.

"I argued with my boss to assign the case to me. Using the fact that you will be more comfortable with someone you know than with a stranger" he smiles making to return him with a small one.

"And I am fine, I am just worried about you" he pats my arm lightly.

Jack is aware of what kind of relationship I had with my late mother.

Jack was the one taking care of me. I was practically at his place most of the time. His parents were not home as well thanks to the business they own. He became my brother. He took great care of me. Thanks to him, I had a semi-normal childhood. But three years ago, he got the promotion that he worked hard for. To accept the promotion, he had to leave this town. He planned to reject it. But I threatened him to accept the offer.

After he moved away. We stayed in contact, video calling every morning to share about our previous day. We never missed a day for the first year. As the second year came, both of us became busier with our own lives. Him trying to solve more cases and me trying to survive in this cruel world. By third year, we lost contact until now.x

"I will be fine," I smiled at him.

"I know. It is late. Go to sleep. I will be here tomorrow with the results," He kissed my forehead after tucking me in. Making me feel nostalgic.

I hummed at him as a reply to his statement, drifting back to sleep.

I woke up as I heard some clanking noise around me. I look up to my right to see a nurse changing my drips as my previous finished. She notices that I am awake. She smiles at me,

"Go back to sleep sweetie. You have a long day ahead," she smiles at me lovingly and pats my head in a motherly way. I gave her a small smile before going back to sleep. For some reason, I felt that things are going to get better from now on at least, I hope they will.

"Good Morning, Kiddo!" Jack walks in and hugs me.

"I have a piece of good news for you. The DNA test came out. We found out that you have biological brothers out there. We contacted them and they are eager to bring you back home" he smiles at me.

"What?" I ask him dumbly.

"Yeah, according to our database and investigation, we learnt that your mother took you away from your family. She is your biological mother. She was not mentally stable to take care of you, a child. The court ordered her to get treated, but she kidnapped you instead. Your dad and brothers have been looking for you for the past 14 years. Now they finally find you, they were on the verge of giving up" he informs me.

I stare out the window processing the new information that I just received.

"What is going to happen when I go and live with them? And is it safe enough for me to live with them?" I asked him scared.

Jack was taken aback for a second before he looks at me softly,

"You will be safe. I would not have let you go to them if I thought you will be in danger. Trust me on this okay," he looks at me.

"I trust you" I nod.

His phone rang, and looking at the ID, he excuses himself and left the room to pick up the call.

He walks in a few minutes later, with a deep frown.

"Your brothers have landed and making their way to the hospital to meet you. Are you fine with meeting them or do you want me to delay it for you?" he asked me, giving me the choice.

"No, I can meet them. Lets' not delay it," I tell him confidently.

Jack looks at me with happiness in his eyes.

While waiting for my brothers, Jack shares what happened in his life since we last spoke. He shared everything. It brought back the inseparable bond that we had before he left. But guilt started to eat me from inside. I cannot open up to him about my past. He will be disappointed with me.

"You do not have share about you past now. It will take time, and I am here to catch you when you fall" Jack smiles as he saw my inner struggle.

"Jack, do you know anything about my brothers?" I asked him hoping he had some information on my brothers. Before he could answer me, the door opens up.

"Aww our sister is eager to know about us" a loud voice echoed the room, making everyone to look at him.

"Luke, lower your voice. There are other patients here apart from our sister" the other guy scolded the first guy, Luke. Luke started to pout as he stomped his way to my bed.

He smiles brightly as he eyes land on me.

"Hi baby!" he coos, as he place a kiss on my forehead while I gape at him.

Before I give Jack a scared look. I know I was ready to meet them but now I am scared that they will hurt me.