
Aiden's Odyssey

Aiden's Odyssey is the story of Aiden Stone, a young man who has spent his entire life indulging in his family's wealth and living a carefree existence. But when his family business collapses, his father begs that he join the Federation, a military organization that protects their planet from external threats. Despite being initially deemed unworthy by the Federation, Aiden is assigned to a special squad of soldiers, expected to die on their first mission. The Federation wants to demonstrate to the squad the value of human life, but Aiden sees this as an opportunity to prove himself and escape his fate. With determination and hard work, Aiden trains and becomes a skilled soldier. He is soon able to uncover his own talent, and he works hard to be able to catch up to his peers who are considered geniuses and the next hope for the Federation. Aiden slowly is able to use his talent, and work hard to become a soldier the Federation cannot just lose. ... Authors note: This story is strongly inspired by these following stories. Go check them out. I do not own the over page, if the owner of it wants me to I can take it down. Authors POV Sword god in a magic world Lightning is the only way Chaos Heit Oracles path Rebirth of the demonic sword Update schedule: Once per day

Fat_Cultivator · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Ranks

Chapter 8: Ranks

"Surprised?" The Major asked, as he stared down at his subordinate with evident joy for toying with him.

"If I must be honest sir, yes. Why in god's name would you, a Major, know about him?" Asked Lieutenant Khan.

"That's because of 2 reasons. First, I always check anything related to you, and I know a mere genius and a Fallen-Noble wouldn't be enough to peak your interest, and with you, it's always the least expected." The Major explained.

"And the second?" Lieutenant Khan asked.

"Well that's because I myself got a notification about the kids profile." The Major said.

"What?! A direct notification to a Major! Does this kid have a special affinity?" Asked Lieutenant Khan in surprise.

"You are sort of right, but it isn't anything too grand like when I got notified of your affinity. I just put out a request in the Federation Database for any new recruits with a Combat type: Destructive Class, Primary Affinity, and not long ago the AI sent me Aiden Stone's profile." The Major explained.

"Combat type: Destructive Class, Primary Affinity….which one is it?" Lieutenant Khan asked.

"I am pretty sure you will be able to figure it out." The Major asked.

"Sir, with all due respect he will probably be under me, and by extension you as well, it would greatly benefit me and his future if you just tell me." Lieutenant Khan demanded.

"Khan, you and I both know your tendency to not follow protocol. Are you going to tell me right now, that after negotiating a contract, you will tell the kid about Captain class information." The Major questioned. Until now he had a teasing tone, but right now he sounded a little mad.

"You are not wrong sir. I was going to tell him about the recruitments to become a Captain." Lieutenant Khan stated as if it's a matter of factly.

"So do that. However, I cannot tell you his affinity. Not only is it against protocol, if the kid finds out his Affinity without going through the surgery he might just leave the Federation and get it elsewhere." The Major explained.

"Look Khan, I know you want to mentor the 3 kids there. I know you might even take Aiden into your wing, however we know nothing about the kid. He has a good Affinity and by extension good talent for the current Federations needs. If he suddenly up and leaves it might be a loss to the Federation.

I am already doing you a huge benefit by telling you his potential Value as an asset to the Federation. He might be joining a team, which I am planning to create, to pick up where Croft left off." The Major stated.

"You wanna send a newbie recruit to that planet?" Lieutenant Khan asked in shock.

"It's the only way. He has an Affinity that fits the requirements, and better yet, he has barely been trained. Crofts' group was trained since they were 5, and the people there never trusted their group. We need to send inexperienced soldiers who are loyal to us, know no classified information yet are able to show vulnerability for the people of that planet to trust them. Aidens profile fits it perfectly."

"That means that he doesn't need to go through the surgery though…" Lieutenant Khan stated, and the Major had no change in his facial expressions as he said," Wrong. Even you barely know about our plans."

"Alright, it's time for negotiations then." Khan smirked.

(POV Aiden)

It was already time for the end of the last shooting lesson of the day before lights out.

I was able to text my mother that everything was okay for me in camp, when I had access to the Network during dinner.

I also told my little brother to not worry, when he seemed scared for me

Apparently his friends have been scaring him, saying people in the army are destined to die.

Now I just had to prove them wrong, to see my brother smile.

"Good, you're here." Lieutenant Khan said, as he walked into the training hall.

I saluted him, as I asked," Sir, how did the Deal go."

"Well. Very well. An official contract will be sent to you tomorrow, so tomorrow, when you have enough Clearance Authority, I will be allowed to share with you classified information, and how to get stronger, and probably catch up with the 2 geniuses." Lieutenant Khan stated.

"Can I know things now, sir?" I asked him, a little excited to get to know some things.

"Sure. I was planning on telling it to you anyway."

He said, as he walked to the wall of the training room and said," Authority Access: Lieutenant Khan. Strength test range." He said.

[Authority Granted]

The marble tiles on the walls then changed into a series of punching machines.

"So Aiden as a recap. How many stats does a Lieutenant have?" He asked me.

"50 each sir."

"Right, and a captain?"

"One of the requirements is 100 in physical stats sir." I stated.

"Right. And there is still the Officer rank above that of Captains right? Now, if Captains are already at the peak of the human limit, how are officers stronger?" He asked me a question.

I just stayed there and waited for the answer. It was obviously a rhetorical question and he was going to tell me the answer soon.

(POV 3rd)

"This is how those of the Captain rank differentiate themselves from a Lieutenant." Lieutenant Khan said, as he raised his fist, and a dark red aura began to materialize on his fist.

As Lieutenant Khan raised his fist, the air around him crackled with an intense energy.

A dark red aura began to materialize on his fist, pulsating with an otherworldly power.

Aiden felt a sudden sense of fear wash over him as he gazed upon the destructive force emanating from Khan's hand.

The aura seemed to warp and twist the space around it, as if tearing apart the very fabric of reality.

Aiden could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he witnessed the raw, untamed power of the red aura.

It was as if the energy was alive, hungry for destruction and chaos. As the aura continued to grow, Aiden could feel a sense of overwhelming dread building within him.

He knew that this power was not to be taken lightly, and that it could easily be used to cause untold destruction and devastation.

Despite his fear, Aiden couldn't tear his gaze away from the aura.

It was like watching a car crash in slow motion, both horrifying and fascinating at the same time.

He knew that he had to learn more about this mysterious energy, even if it meant facing his fears head-on.

With a fierce roar, Lieutenant Khan swung his fist forward and struck the nearby wall with incredible force.

The impact was deafening, sending shockwaves rippling through the air and causing the ground to shake beneath Aiden's feet.

As the red aura collided with the wall, the mechanical systems of the training room began to malfunction and break apart.

Aiden watched in awe as the wall shattered into a thousand pieces, sending debris flying in every direction.

The metal scaffolding that supported the wall groaned and creaked as it twisted and bent under the force of the impact.

Sparks flew as electrical cables snapped and short-circuited, and smoke filled the air as alarms blared and emergency systems kicked into action.

Aiden was momentarily blinded by the chaos and destruction unfolding before him, his ears ringing from the noise of the impact.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to comprehend the sheer power that Lieutenant Khan had just unleashed.

As the dust began to settle, Aiden slowly made his way towards the broken wall.

He could see that the training room was now in ruins, the walls and equipment damaged beyond repair.

It was clear that Lieutenant Khan's display of power had been more than just a simple demonstration - it had been a warning.

A warning that there were forces at play in this world that were far beyond anything Aiden had ever imagined.

Aiden stood frozen, staring at the destruction before him, his heart pounding with fear.

The sheer power that Lieutenant Khan had just displayed was unlike anything he had ever seen before, and it left him feeling small and powerless in its wake.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was in over his head, if he would ever be able to harness such a destructive force. But as he stood there, watching the smoke and debris slowly settle, he felt a glimmer of hope begin to flicker within him.

Yes, Khan's display of power was terrifying, but it was also awe-inspiring. Aiden couldn't deny that a part of him longed to reach that level of strength, to become a force to be reckoned with in his own right.

He took a deep breath and looked up at Lieutenant Khan, who didn't even seem exhausted in the slightest, his expression a mixture of fear and determination.

"I want to learn how to do that," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

Lieutenant Khan regarded him for a moment, his expression unreadable.

Lieutenant Khan didn't speak for a long period of time, before eventually voicing out his opinion. "Aiden, what I displayed is not power anyone has. Even Captains can only dream at the strength I showed. Most Officers can do this, yes, but I haven't even used Martial Arts yet."

Then, he turned towards Aiden, as he continued, "I know a man who would casually be able to destroy this entire camp with a glance. The second you enter this world. There is no going back. A greed for strength will appear. You will kill for power. You will do anything even for a bit of power. Are you 100% sure this is the path you want to walk?"

Aiden hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering nervously. But then, he straightened his shoulders and met Khan's gaze with steely determination. "I am," he said firmly. "Whatever it takes."