
Aiden's Odyssey

Aiden's Odyssey is the story of Aiden Stone, a young man who has spent his entire life indulging in his family's wealth and living a carefree existence. But when his family business collapses, his father begs that he join the Federation, a military organization that protects their planet from external threats. Despite being initially deemed unworthy by the Federation, Aiden is assigned to a special squad of soldiers, expected to die on their first mission. The Federation wants to demonstrate to the squad the value of human life, but Aiden sees this as an opportunity to prove himself and escape his fate. With determination and hard work, Aiden trains and becomes a skilled soldier. He is soon able to uncover his own talent, and he works hard to be able to catch up to his peers who are considered geniuses and the next hope for the Federation. Aiden slowly is able to use his talent, and work hard to become a soldier the Federation cannot just lose. ... Authors note: This story is strongly inspired by these following stories. Go check them out. I do not own the over page, if the owner of it wants me to I can take it down. Authors POV Sword god in a magic world Lightning is the only way Chaos Heit Oracles path Rebirth of the demonic sword Update schedule: Once per day

Fat_Cultivator · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Deal with the Federation

Chapter 7: Deal with the Federation

[You have succeeded in Level 2. Would you like to move onto the next level?]

When the AI voiced that at the end of the hour, I couldn't help but have an extremely prideful look on my face.

The second level was already completed, and I could move onto the next level.

The second level was still not that difficult, it's just that now, the targets would appear anywhere within a 15 meter range, and would stay for random amounts of times.

If I didn't have quick reaction speeds, I wouldn't be able to fire the pistol quickly enough to hit the targets.

"Yes." I started, starting the next level.

I was still standing in the same standard posture, so the second the target appeared, I immediately shot the pistol, however even after making contact with the target, the target didn't light up and disappear like it usually did.

Rather than that, on my Aim Assist gear, the number 1 appeared.

This happened for the next 2 shots as well, and that's when I realized I had to go through a different approach.

Repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome is nothing short of insanity.

I charged the shot for as little as I could, and released the trigger.

The target instantly got destroyed.

That's when I realized the point of this level, charge and hit the targets. However, about 80 shots in, my Fuel source ran out, and with the speed of the targets popping out, I failed the level.

"You have to be perfect." Lieutenant Khan said, as he walked in.

"Sir?" I asked, turning towards him.

"I read the report of this level. 85 shots, with varying amounts of penetration damage. Your Aim Assist Gear tells you the required damage, you have to use that knowledge, and then hit the targets perfectly. Your current agility stat wouldn't help you do that." He explained.

That was when I realized I didn't get my model by the AI to perform the level.

"So is this my limit right now?" I asked him. I finally saw progress in something, and then once again was shown the harsh reality that my slacking nature in the past would be affecting me now.

"Yes, however you can still try the other weapons. Also, with your rate of improvement, it'll take 2 days to go to the next level." He said, as he checked his own Bio-watch.

2 days…that meant that, if I mastered the other guns to Level 2 too quickly, I would have to be stagnant until my body catches up with my shooting skills.

"There is another way." Lieutenant Khan said.

I looked up to him with a little hope in my eyes.

Lieutenant Khan then sighed a little, as he saw the hope in my eyes.

It was a bit weird, since I could still see his eyes, devoid of emotions as always, however I could see him expressing a variety of them.

"You could make a deal with the Federation. Where they will invest resources into you and you pay them back in the battlefield." He said, as he looked at me.

"Pay them back by clearing Rifts?" I asked him. I didn't see a massive problem in that. Rift hunting may be hard, however it is often said monsters from rifts are not sentient and thus are easy to kill. Only the first few Full Dives would be difficult.

"No. I mean on the battle-field, in outer-space." He said.

It was then I understood what he meant.

The Federation had 3 main duties, as a representative of the tens of Billions of Humans in existence.

One of them is clearing Rifts to ensure the stability and safety of civilians.

The other, was diplomatic relationships with alien species, and if need be, the erasure of threats of races.

"You will not be payed for your services, since you will obviously owe the Federation, and until an unspecified amount of missions are completed you will continue to work for them. If you chose to quit you will be deemed neglecting your contract and probably killed." Lieutenant Khan said.

Listening to all of this, I couldn't help but think that it is useless. I mean sure, I could earn more, but I would become a slave.

And why would the Federation want to make a deal with a no-name like me anyway?

"Sir. I know my limits, the Federation wouldn't double down on a loser simply because the loser wants to work harder." I mentioned.

"Wouldn't they?" He asked back, with a smirk.

"I think you're underestimating the excess amount of resources the Federation has. They have conquered multiple galaxies. In all honesty, they could probably provide the resources you would be if you made a deal to every single lower ranking soldier, it's just that they chose not to since the soldiers can quit. If they enforced a life or death contract into every single soldier, no one would join the Federation." He explained.

"I myself have taken the contract 2 months ago. That's how I went from a man who barely became a Lieutenant to now being promoted to a Captain in a month." Lieutenant Khan explained.

"Wait sir, they deemed you a loser?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I told you, I was in a similar situation to you, and I didn't know about the abundant resources the Federation had. If I did, I might have even become an Officer by now." He said.

I couldn't help but be shocked at that statement.

An Officer, that's someone incharge of the safety of entire countries in Zones and the Lieutenant could have become one in 2 years by making this deal?

"Sir, is there any way I can see specific details of this deal." I asked.

"No, it's classified. But what I can promise you is I know someone high up in the ranks and if I ask, I should be able to provide you with the best resources possible. With this, I guarantee within the month your stats will be that of a Lieutenant. Within a couple more after that you will have the strength of a Captain. I can also begin sharing classified information with you." Lieutenant Khan stated.

"Sir, the entire reason I joined the Federation is to help my family. If I can't help them soon I don't know if they will have a place to live."

"Credits? That's your issue? The higher your rank, the easier it is for your family to live as well. And mentioning this issue in the contract might even be able to get them a payment of money to survive." He mentioned.

I thought about the situation.

A deal, where I get paid to become strong, then have to earn back the money.

I am basically stealing future money.

However I technically wasn't even doing that since then in the future I can get resources and pay it back with his strength.

This seemed like a win win, something too good to be true. But it is true.

"Sir, I will make the deal if it's possible."

"Leave it to me."

(3rd POV, Lieutenant Khan)

"Khan. I didn't expect you to call me already. How's the squad you selected doing?" A man on the other side of the hologram asked.

"I think you knew very well that I was going to call you… Major." Lieutenant Khan replied, as he stared at the man's different type of uniforms. Instead of the classic Federation Green, or blue, it was a unique color, Black.

"Ah this promotion, yes. They took away my commander's Uniform just a little while ago." He mentioned it with a smile on his face.

"Must have been happy, finally not having to see those 5 stars after so many years, sir.." Lieutenant Khan said.

"I really was, and I owe it to none-other than you. If you were unable to get that…"

"Sir this line isn't secured." Lieutenant Khan quickly said.

"I know. I am not stupid enough to talk about the details of a 5 star classified mission to someone not even in HQ." He said, with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you have to piss off Commander Lewis? He would have let you be if you didn't say anything. You might have even gotten your second surgery instead of being demoted to a Lieutenant and having your stats sealed." The Major said.

"Well, I am sure you are the one who scheduled the end of my punishment for next month sir." Lieutenant Khan stated.

"Who else do you have to rely on in the Federation but me. And are those scoundrels making you wait a month? I will change it to right now." The Major stated as if a matter of factly.

"Thank you sir."

"So, why did you call?" The Major asked Lieutenant Khan.

"There's a recruit in my group that has caught my interest." Lieutenant Khan said.

"Ah, let me guess. Is it that kid, Aiden?" The Major said.

Evident surprise could be seen on Lieutenant Khan's face, since he did not understand why in gods name a Major of the Federation would know about Aiden's existence.