
Aiden's Odyssey

Aiden's Odyssey is the story of Aiden Stone, a young man who has spent his entire life indulging in his family's wealth and living a carefree existence. But when his family business collapses, his father begs that he join the Federation, a military organization that protects their planet from external threats. Despite being initially deemed unworthy by the Federation, Aiden is assigned to a special squad of soldiers, expected to die on their first mission. The Federation wants to demonstrate to the squad the value of human life, but Aiden sees this as an opportunity to prove himself and escape his fate. With determination and hard work, Aiden trains and becomes a skilled soldier. He is soon able to uncover his own talent, and he works hard to be able to catch up to his peers who are considered geniuses and the next hope for the Federation. Aiden slowly is able to use his talent, and work hard to become a soldier the Federation cannot just lose. ... Authors note: This story is strongly inspired by these following stories. Go check them out. I do not own the over page, if the owner of it wants me to I can take it down. Authors POV Sword god in a magic world Lightning is the only way Chaos Heit Oracles path Rebirth of the demonic sword Update schedule: Once per day

Fat_Cultivator · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Reflexes

Chapter 5: Reflexes

I have been running inside of the training hall for the entire 2 hours now.

Pushing my legs to its limit, jumping, turning mid air, trying to land my heels in specific directions to be able to either kick-start or hold back my speed.

Just as the name implies, the footwork focuses on being able to move short distances at extreme speeds, basically allowing me to dodge really quickly.

[Lieutenant Khan has asked me to in form the host that his Agility has increased by a point]

When I heard that, I couldn't help but feel slightly happy. It seems like my hardwork is slowly paying off.

[The training will be recalibrated to intake the new increase in statistics]

Lieutenant Khan then walked into the training center as he spoke," Not bad, well done."

Then, he spoke out a command for the AI.

"Overwrite training protocols. Authority Access: Lieutenant Khan." He said.

[Authority Access granted]

Then, he looked at me, after taking out a pistol and showing it to me.

"This pistol contains air bullets, perfectly customized by the AI to be able to hurt you. Enough to feel like you're being punched, but not enough to make you actually get injured." He said, as he pointed the gun at me.

"Now, start running. I will be firing at random." He said, as I heard my first shot.

I instinctively turned my back to him, to try to move away, but I got hit by the bullet square on my back.

"Mother fucker!" I couldn't help but scream as I fell on the floor.

"Don't turn your back against the enemy." He said, as he fired again.

"AHHHH." I shouted, as I got hit on my calf.

"Stand, move! Do you want to die? MOVE!" He shouted, as I forced myself to stand up, and used the Explosive Reach Footwork to jump towards him.

He smirked a little at me, and that's when I realized the true disparity between me and Lieutenant Khan.

It was like he was moving in slow motion.

He took 2 steps back, as my entire body leaned forward and I lost my balance.

"I saw your training. I read your Martial Manual. Mastery over Level 1 would allow you to change directions with the footwork." He stated, as I tripped and fell.

"BANG X 5"

I got shot in 5 different spots, instantly.

"GFFHHH." I couldn't help but groan, but I stood my ground and turned back to him.

Lieutenant Khan smirked at me, as he threw another gun at me.

I was able to catch it, as I held and analyzed the pistol, I realized it was custom fit for my hands.

"I am going to be honest. I was never trained in using a pistol, so I don't even know the correct stance. However, I wanted to give you a little hope." He said, pointing at the gun.

"That gun was made solely to be able to damage me. That's your hope. Train well, and maybe one day you can take revenge." He said, as he walked out of the room.

"You have 10 minutes left for this session. I suggest you wrap it up." He said, as he left the room.

As he left, I just stood there, inspecting the gun in front of me, as I made a small goal in my mind.

By the end of the month, I had to hit the Lieutenant once. Just once.

(3rd person POV, With Gravis and the Lieutenant)

Inside of a similar training chamber to the one Aiden had been, Gravis could be seen, swinging a massive greatsword.

When looked at properly, he was swinging against 5 different holograms, each wielding greatswords of their own.

Gravis was also wearing a battle-suit, something that helps mimicking conditions of a battle-field. When the holograms would hit him, the suit would transfer a force to him in similar values of pain.

Then, right as Gravis had fallen down on 1 knee, and a hologram was about to cut off his neck, the simulation had stopped.

[Recruit Gravis, you have again failed the qualification test of Level 14]

Hearing the AI's words, Gravis couldn't help but slam his fist into the ground.

There was no reaction on the marble tiles whatsoever, and as he was still in anger, Lieutenant Khan walked into the room.

"Level 14 at your age. It seems like you might break the speed for the youngest Captain in history in a year." He said, as he walked into the room

Contrary to how he was with Aiden, Lieutenant Khan walked in by removing the outer layer of his uniform, and stretching his hands as he reached Gravis.

"Shut up." Gravis said, as he tried to compose himself.

"Now, is that anyway to speak to a Lieutenant, recruit?" He asked in a playful tone, as he stood right in front of Gravis, with his hands in his pocket.

"In public, you are a Lieutenant, in private, show me some damned respect." Gravis said, as he stood up.

"I have to show a recruit respect?" Lieutenant Khan, as he looked at Gravis.

"No. You have to show a recruit who's stronger than you more respect. A mere Lieutenant, who has yet to undergo the procedure to become a Captain, dare to…" before Gravis could finish his sentence, Lieutenant Khan had already kicked him, right in his chest.

Instantly, Gravis held his chest in pain, as he was barely able to breath. As he was still confused, he felt another massive force hit his head, causing him to fall down onto the group.

As he tried to stand up, confused about what exactly was going on, he felt like a train had hit his stomach, and suddenly, he felt a sharp impact in his spine.

"Get up." Lieutenant Khan ordered, as he threw Gravis his greatsword.

Gravis, who regained his bearings fairly quickly, held the greatsword in front of him, and used it to struggle to stand up.

"The procedure you just spoke of, I have it scheduled for next month." Lieutenant Khan said, removing his hands from his pocket

"However, I don't need the stupid procedure to beat the living shit out of you." He said, with an insane smirk on his face.

As Gravis stood up, his greatsword began to glow in a light hue, however before he could do anything else, he felt himself in the group.

"You think your enemies are gonna let you get your technique ready?" He asked, as he grabbed a head full of Gravis hair.

"I am not asking you to listen to what I say." Lieutenant Khan said, as he raised Gravis to his eye level.

"I am ordering you as your superior to follow what I saw." He said, before slamming Gravis' head into the wall.

"I don't give a shit that you were once a noble. I don't care about your family's history and I don't care that you have a superior Martial Art, or a stat higher than mine." Lieutenant Khan voiced his opinions.

"Show insubordination again, and I will break your hands, preventing you from training in your family arts for a long time." He said, letting the blood flow down from Gravis face, as he left the room, moving to a different one.

"Shit…" Gravis muttered, as he dropped onto the floor completely, letting the blood flow from his forehead.

"I can't even beat a mere Lieutenant. How the hell am I going to avenge you." He said, as tried to stand up.

"Activate Level 14 training program," He muttered, as he stood up from his position.

[Warning, you are not in the right condition to continue]

"I don't care. Use Authority Access: Gravis Wildraith."

[Authority Access Granted]

The second the AI was done talking, 5 more holograms had appeared, just like before.

Gravis stood there, with his eyes closed, concentrating on his great-sword, as he slowly began to glow brighter and brighter.

"I will kill them all." He muttered, as he slashed his greatsword, causing the training room which did not even have a scratch till now, to have a gaping slash on the opposite side from him.