

17-year-old Aidan Brown from Houston Texas had a promising future. An athlete and a brilliant student who got the love of the most beautiful girl in his school. Victoryville high. Life was perfect until one weekend when Aidan and his older brother Keith went on a road trip and got into a fatal accident on their way back. Keith didn't make it, Aidan did. But it came with a cost, he would never be able to speak for the rest of his life. He wished death had taken him along with his brother whom he loved so much, Aidan could no longer do things he could do before the accident. He wallowed in self-pity and extreme depression. Aidan kept thinking about the night of the accident, and every moment he thought about it he became convinced that something took control of the car. The accident took Keith's life and Aidan's ability to speak, making him a mute forever. But something else happened to Aidan that night. Something that would make him smile again, and may someday save humanity from certain doom.

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11 Chs


"Millions of years ago when Earth was totally void of any form of life, Asahignom ruled the galaxies. They were just an ordinary foreign race until one day, a young boy Girygof Mreadrim found a tiny ring when he was out with his mother, it would go on to be called the light ring. The ring was muddy at first so he cleaned it up and took it home with him."


 "That night the ring came to life and endowed young Girygof with numerous abilities, powers no other Asahignomian had. With his abilities Girygof became the King, he knew the light ring had unlimited powers so he casted it far away deep in a galaxy where only he or his heir could control it."



"Girygof was a kind and generous king. Through the help of the ring he gave abilities to his people, which made their lives much better. Seeing all the good the ring could do, he used its power to give life and light to other planets. For a very long time Asahignomians and the universe was at peace."



"Time went by and King Girygof got older, his only child and heir to the throne, Vonel Mreadrim was ready to be king, just before he died he had a long talk with Vonel, details of the talk were unknown. Vonel however, came out of his father's chambers with blood on his hands. The King was pronounced dead the next day by his loyal advisers. Vonel was different from his father, he was violent, mean and arrogant. His true colors were shown after he became King and had control of the light ring."



"Rumor has it that in Girygof's dying breath he told his son Vonel that he would only have full control of the light ring's power for a short time. Another race in the universe would also get power from the light ring. They'll become smart and wise and their offspring would become smarter and wiser. The light ring would gift them with abilities, one of them would be able to tell the future, that one would defeat him and end his reign."


"Vonel became enraged."


"The moment he had control of the light ring he began taking life from every planet his father had once given life to, destroying them one after another. He killed his own people who questioned or challenged him. With the light ring's power he sent a meteorite to earth, it killed all the great beasts that once walked the earth. As time went by, Vonel began to suspect that the human race were the ones who would bring an end to his reign. They were becoming smarter just like his father said they would, they could become smarter than Asahignomians. He tried burning the human race to the ground by sending another meteorite but he couldn't anymore, he had used up a huge amount of the light rings power when he destroyed life on other planets and when he sent the meteorite that ended the age of earth's great beasts, I believe you refer to that age as the Mesozoic era."



"When the meteorite plan failed he tried making humans destroy themselves instead. World war one and two was caused by Vonel in control of the light ring. Humans multiplied and thrived even after two world wars, they began to unintentionally harness power from the light ring. It was called science and technology, they evolved, invented, created and became a force to reckon with."



 Klahan paused at this point to see just how much attention we were giving to his story. Our eyes were wide awake, our ears grew bigger, listening to every word that came out of his mouth. Klahan continued.



 "Vonel became even more desperate, he had his best men working on ways to destroy the human race completely. After centuries in human calendar they figured it out. Krioss Ardran, Vonel's right hand man and commander of his army created a portal to earth, powered by the light ring."



"The plan was simple. At the birth of his abilities use the portal and eliminate the human who would tell the future, when that was accomplished use the portal again bringing every Asahignomian army to earth for an all-out war."