
AI System User in a Mixed World

[Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

chronikles_content · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Glenn closed his eyes in his new room and cleared his mind. He planned to break through to level 1 and become a full fledged cultivator.

Becoming a level one cultivator required him to open the five main marginals. This process was dangerous as one could easily cripple themselves in an attempted to open a marginal. However, with Glenn, this danger could be avoided.

Following the method Zero had used in opening his first marginal, Glenn began the process. Glenn used his mind to pull out a string of QI from the pond and directed it towards his left leg. He didn't dare try to open the marginals on both legs at the same time so he started with one first.

First, he directed the string of QI towards his vein and just as Zero had done, he let the string return back to it's liquid form and it easier got absorbed into his blood. Glenn only felt a small disturbance in his body as he watch the liquid Qi move with his blood and vanish when it reached his knee ankle.

Like before, Glenn could no longer see the QI but he could clearly feel. He had successfully sent the Qi to his marginal. All that was left was to fill the marginal up and open it.

Glenn began directing more and more strings of QI into his vein. However, after only fee minutes, Glenn Qi pond went dry and he could no longer continue. Glenn focused on filling up his QI pond again.

The process continued for about half an hour before a burst of energy came from his leg signifying that he had opened that marginal.

Glenn smiled and continued unto his right leg.

It took about two hours for Glenn to open all four marginals in his body. When the last marginals was open, a wave energy of washed over Glenn's body making him shudder and a wave of dizziness hit him. It only lasted for a few seconds but afterwards, Glenn felt a calm, smoothing light wash over him and his breathing became stable as he bathed in this warm light.

He felt his strength increase by a bit. Although it wasn't noticeable on his body, he could definitely feel his increase within his muscles, just waiting to be released.

His strength wasn't the only aspect that has increased. Glenn was sure his other stats had increased too. However, Glenn wasn't sure by how much and since he wasn't feeling tired from just breaking through level 1, he decided to break through the next level as well.

Although breaking through two levels at such close intervals was impossible, with Zero's simple and safe method, Glenn believed he could go all the way to level 5 if he so wishes.

With this thoughts, Glenn proceeded to break through to level 2.

The next morning was bright and busy as always and the students of SLMHS were in high spirits.

Many have opened a few of the marginals required to be a full fledged cultivator and other, the more talented once, held their head high as they brag about having broken through level 1.

The talented once of course where surrounded by less talented students who were currying flavor with them.

However, the loud atmosphere of the halls immediately quite down when the large blue doors of the school building opened and Miss Lauren and Glenn walked in.

The students jaws dropped as their gazes zeroed on Glenn.

No, they weren't surprised that they male was walking next to the teacher. That was to be expected actually.

"Oh my gosh, he actually broke through level 2!"

"Shit, how is that possible? Didn't we all awaken our Attributes yesterday?"

The whispers followed the two as they walked and when they got to the teachers office, Miss Lauren walked in while Glenn continued unto the class.

The other students of Class 3d were already present and chatting when Glenn walked into the class.

They immediately stopped talking when they felt the slightly higher aura of a level 2 cultivator. Everyone turned to him with wide eyes.

"You...you broke through level 2!" Sam of course was the first to speak, his voice filled with shock

"Mm," Glenn hummed and walked to his seat "I got lucky"

"You got lucky?" Sydney asked incredulously. She points a finger Mike and Miles "Even with all the cultivation resources those two have access to, they didn't get that lucky!"

The twin nodded in agreement

Glenn shrugged. It was obvious he wasn't going to say anything.

"Did anything happen while I wasn't in class yesterday?" he asked

"No. We did hear about the fight at the library" Mike said "What happened?"

"I was set up. The..."

The classroom door opened just as Glenn was about to explain what had happened. Miss Lauren stepped in.

"Tell us later?" Emily whispered and Glenn nodded.

The students all returned to their seats and greeted the teacher. The class begun.

Miss Lauren asked Glenn to mark the class attendance first then begun the class.

"First, I'd like to say that I a very proud of you guys. You've all taken the first step into becoming cultivators" Miss Lauren said a smile on her face "However, the journey of cultivation is very vest and to conquer, you all will need solid foundations. Today, during the physical training season, ill take you all to the Battle Stimulator. You shall test you new strength there. For now, please focus on the subject. Our first subject is biology and we'll be taking the topic 'Characteristics of living things on page 15 of your textbooks."

Wow, it has been a really really long time since i was last on webnovel. Just got chanced to login today and nothing has changed.

I've written this chapter before, just added a few things. I hope its okey. Don't know when i'll be able to uploade again but remember to Vote with Power Stones, Comment and leave a Review.

Love ya all, bye...

chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts