
AI System User in a Mixed World

[Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

chronikles_content · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"So, you're Glenn Back?" the person standing in his way said. The voice did not sound friendly at all, even having a hint of anger in it

Glenn raised an eyebrow, his lips pulled into a straight line. In his life, one of the things he hates the most was people who find his trouble for no good reason. He hated them, had had never had any intention to be 'nice' to such a person

"And your problem is?" he asked, nicely.

The other makes eyes twisted at Glenn's words. In appearance, he didn't look much older than Glenn and had dark green eyes, the color of leaves with excessive chlorophyll and hair to match. However, unlike Glenn, he had a large body status which made him look older than he might actually be.

"I'll just get down to the point" the male said, his eyes not losing a hint of the hatred that it had, "I heard you're the class representative of Class 3d and your class received a lot of good stuff from the school yesterday. I want them"

Glen. didn't know whether to be surprised or angry at the males words. Suddenly, he felt like this world wasn't lacking in stupid people at all.

Although he was the class representative, Glenn didn't have unrestricted access to the class resources and definitely could not give them to someone not from the class.

If the make opposite him didn't understand this, then he's just plain stupid but if he was doing this on purpose.....

Glenn looked behind the green eyed male and was surprised to see a small crowd of students already gathered a few feet away. Although they tried to make it discreet, Glenn knew for a fact they were watching.

Just now, the makes voice wasn't loud enough to draw attention but people were already watching. Without a doubt, this was a set up of some sort

Not wanting to involve himself in whatever was about to go down, Glenn plastered a small smile on his face and spoke to the boy

"I don't have any access to the class resources. If you'll excuse me, I'll leave first"

He saw a look of shock cross the males face as he turned to leave.

The male, who had been surprised Glenn didn't act on their provocation as he had expected reached out his hand and grabbed Glenn's shoulder

Glenn startled at the sudden harsh hold on his shoulder and on instinct at that moment, spun around and grabbed the hand. With one firm kick, he knocked the male off his feet and into the bookshelf behind.

Immediately, screams and yelling filled the library and even more people gathered.

Glenn looked at the make that now laid on his front with a trail of blood running down his nose. However, contrary to his current situation, a smile graced the male's lip before quickly disappearing and being replace by groans of pain and suffering.

Glenn at that moment felt like cold water had been poured on his being.

This was what the elders describe as 'seeing a trap from a mile away and still falling into in'

"What's going on here?" one of the librarians, a female walked round the corner

"Ma'am" one of the 'witness' immediately spoke up "Glenn was bullying Lucas!"

The librarians eyes harden at the world 'bully'. She zeroed her gaze on Glenn who was still too shocked to form words "To the school master's office, both of you"

'Damnit' Glenn swore. This time, he definitely has gotten into trouble


{School Master's Office}

Mr Argent stared intensely at the kids seated opposite him. He couldn't believe his luck this time.

It was only the second day of school resumption yet he already had such a matter on his table.

'That damn man said he'll be in school today!' Mr Argent yelled in his head, cursing at the School's Master for once again skipping school.

However, have a nice long talk with the School Master was only a primary matter right now. The secondary problem sat in front of him

"Glenn and Lucas right?" Mr Argent asked after a while of silence.

"Yes sir" the two teen replied

Mr Argent leaned forward, resting his arms on the table to balance himself. He fixed his gaze on the two year one students

"I just have one question," he said "Who attacked first?"

"He did!" Lucas was quick to reply, pointing an accusing finger to the other body.

Glenn rolled his eyes behind his hair. If he didn't know he was set up before, he definitely did now.

Mr Argent looked doubtful for a moment. To him, Glenn was confident and out spoken, might even come off as arrogant at some point but he didn't seem to be the type for randomly and purposefully seek trouble with others.

However, he couldn't act on his own believe alone here. Looking at Glenn, he asked

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Glenn shook his head and replied


"No?" Mr Argent repeated surprised

"No" The boy confirmed

"So, you admit to attacking first?"


"And you didn't do it in defense?"


"And you're not being forced to admit to this?"


Mr Argent leaned back into his chair staring at the boy incredulously

"You do realize you could get suspended for this?"

From the corner of his eyes, Glenn saw the ghost of a smile itched onto Lucas face before vanishing. Glenn smirked in his mind but his face remained blank.

"Yes sir. I also know the place where I 'bullied' Lucas was out of the cameras range so there is no proof it actually happened" Glenn said

"My friends saw actually. They even have pictures!" Lucas immediately stepped in, not liking where things were heading

Glenn turned to him

"All there is, is the words of 'your' friends and a few photographs" he said, a smile itching onto his lips "Besides, both of use were sent in here the moment it happened and didn't have a chance to talk to anyone since. How do you know your friends had pictures? Unless something was planned beforehand"

Lucas eyes widened on hearing Glenn's words and he rushed to defend himself to the over-seer

"My friends were with me when it happened. I'm sure they must have recorded it!"

Mr Argent looked back from one kid to another in confusion. Of course he had known something wasn't adding up in the story. Lucas had claimed he just wanted to make friends with Glenn when the other kid attacked him.

Now why would someone who knew he had eyes watching him do something like that?

Unless, it really was a set up

"Lucas, are you sure of what you're saying?" Mr Argent asked the green haired kid

Panicked, Lucas nodded and pointed at his right nostril whick had a tissue in it

"I was bleeding sir!"

Just then, the know was kicked opened, startling all three males and the tomboyish figure of Miss Lauren stepped in, looking like she was on a murder mission.

Without as much as a word, she marched up to Lucas and grabbed him by the collar, pulling the boy up till his shoes were barely touched the ground.

"Miss Lauren! Have you gone crazy, let the the kid go!" Mr Argent yelled after overcoming his initial shock. He however doesn't make a move to approach the murderous teacher

Like she hadn't heard the over-seer, Miss Lauren glared harshly at the struggling boy

"Who gave the blood drawing technic to you?!" she asked and the boy's struggling ceased along with Mr Argent's tries to talk to her.

Glenn was confused when he heard the name of the unknown technic. Lucas whole expression became like that of one who had seen their death.

At this moment, Glenn wished Zero wasn't on shutdown and was there to explain what the hell was going on.

"Blood drawing technic?" Mr Argent asked in disbelief

"The nurse saw some strange particles in his blood and called my attention to it." Miss Lauren explained, her eyes never leaving the boy in her hand "He had consumed the the seeds of the seven patels demonic flowers. Definitely, he had been thought the blood drawing technic and probably other red listed technic by someone"

Her eyes hardened and her hold on the boy tightened

"The seven patels demonic flowers seed eat the soul of whoever consumes it" she said "You'll be dead sooner or later. You'd better say who gave it to you now!"

Lucas heart trembled and a wave of regret washed over him. He couldn't believe he had been deceived so badly. All he wanted was the pills to cure his dying sister. She had been the last of his known relative and now, not only has he failed to cure her, he had also put himself in the hands of death.

With his sorrow, anger and hatred built up in his heart.

Hatred for himself, his parents who decided to abandon him, his sister who is directly or indirectly the cause of this, the school, Miss Lauren, Glenn, Mr Argent and most of all the damn bastard that fooled him.

It wasn't fair that he'd end up suffering alone. If he was going down, Lucas thought, he'd dragged that bastard down with him. Damn the consequences.

"It was.....it was Mr... argh!"

A stabbing pain shot through him, making his body burn and trembled violently.

Miss Lauren threw the screaming boy to the ground and stepped back.

Lucas grabbed his neck, screaming and wailing and beging to make 'it' stop

Glenn felt his leg went week when bug like insect began crawling out if the boys mouth and eyes and ears and trouser. He grabbed unto the table for support as he watched the gruesome scene of the bugs eating up Lucas' body

A flash of light shot out and hit the wailing boy setting his whole body ablaze.

In seconds, Lucas' body was burnt completely not even leaving any trace behind

Glenn couldn't look away from where the boy once lay. His mind was blank as was his face as he took in the scene

Mr Argent sighed as put away the ball if fire on his palm.

"Not a word of what has happened here to anyone" he said looking at both Glenn and Miss Lauren

Miss Lauren snorted

"He had it coming" she said and with that grabbed her student by his arm and pulled him out of the office.

Glenn followed silently and in a daze. The event seem to have completely destroyed his mind.

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