

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasy
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50 Chs


To make it more worse, the men who had pursued her had arrived too.

She resolutely took out a 21 mm pistol and placed it on her head to end herself rather than fall in their arms.

With a press of her finger, she closed her eyes and waited to embrace the darkness with a bang.

'If I reincarnate, I'll make sure to live my life in a more fulfilled way...'

The same capricious fate that plays us all played her again.

There was only a click. No bang! No splash of blood! No splash of brain juice! Only silence.

The gun was not loaded at all. The clip had been empty. Pulling the trigger a few more times it gave the same hateful clicks.

Even the men were terrified on seeing this. What had she gone through to be that resolute in ending her life.

They grew more vigilant as they slowly approached her.

She had already given up as she slumped onto the ground while removing her ski mask.

Big, alert, white watery eyes, a small, proportional nose, perky cheeks, a well-defined jawline with a doll like face emerged behind the mask.

Her beauty was a fierce rebellion, a canvas of contrast that demanded attention. With one side of her head shaved from crown to nape, she was a walking masterpiece of asymmetry. The smooth expanse of her scalp gleamed like polished obsidian, a bold statement that balanced the wild tresses cascading on the other side. She wasn't just beautiful—she was a revolution in motion, an avant-garde expression of individuality that turned heads and sparked imaginations.

They gasped in amazement after taking a look at her revealed face. Was this the kind of woman to engage in banditry, they asked themselves

But they were immediately interrupted by a chuckle.

"Wahaha, this sister you are really beautiful, am impressed wow! Just wow! Xiao, is she beautiful?"

He appeared to be tlking to himself as they did not see Xiao who was hidden in his body.

"Just do it quick then make a run, we can't fight them for now..." Xiao reminded him.

'Is this guy okay...'

'This is called hitting your head off somewhere I guess...'

'Maybe this guy smoked something spicy, he is high I guess...'

'Are his balls made of diamonds, how can they be that hard...'

'Maybe he is a bandit too...'

Many strange thoughts ran through their heads but they could not wrap their minds on the situation. Was this guy that fearless.

"Hey, who are you?" The commander stepped forward vigilantly with a serious questioning look while snapping his fingers at him.

"Me! Mm, am your grandfather, do you have a problem with that!" He grinned evilly while pointing his thumb at himself in a very cool pose. Deep down, his heart was beating fast as he summoned the all his energy in the core to his feet.

"Fuck this, fire!" The commander commanded in a harsh tone. Who had this kind of audacity to make a joke on them.

"Click, click, clank..." Tension filled the air followed by an ominous feeling as the men cocked their guns ready to fire.

"Woah! Woah! Let this father fulfill at least his last wish, then you can shoot, are we cool?" He raised his hands as he advanced slowly towards her.

He had come here to save her, how could he miss this chance to save her, a knight in shining armor he wanted to be.

They vigilantly stared at him as they raised their guns but did not fire.

He reached out his hands and held her by her chin. Looking at her eyes, she seemed resolute and sad indicating she was not afraid of her outcome.

She was worthy saving just based on her beauty alone.

In a split second, dust emerged as the two figures disappeared.


Some minute earlier.

"Brother Ye, seems like their is a mission a head, your first mission probably!"

"What is it Xiao?" He really needed something to test on his new power.

An interface flickered before him showing a video of a lady in a ski mask fleeing as she made a run for the forest before she was surrounded by drones

"Xiao, those are guns okay. Do you want to die that badly?" Guns, hehehe, even bees were much better. This was a no no.

"Let me finish first, I can't send you to your dead that eagerly, we have to use wits here, no need for strength, now hear this plan out..."

Listening at the shameless plan made by Xiao, it made his blood boil in anticipation as he really wanted to do it.

'First make a cool 'lame' entrance as Xiao deactivates those drones, make them less vigilant then make a run at 100km/hr...'

The plan did not seem much feasible but it would still do for the current situation.


Holding her by his chest, he rushed forward at 100km/hr as he pushed more energy to his feet.

The speed of a human he was aware of was around 44 km/hr, just running at a hundred made him thrilled.

With the sound of bullets grazing the air behind him as he left them in dust, how could it not be cool.

He went on and on as his speed accelerate, but what worried him was that he was no longer in control, that meant he would not be able to stop until energy was completely depleted.

He could only resign to his fate as he tried to avoid colliding with obstacles on the way.

Cheyenne had not said anything at all this time. Honestly, she did not dare to believe it, wasn't it too farfetched for someone to outrun bullets at such a high speed.

But still, a sense of bliss filled her heart, this was probably the prince charming she had been waiting for all this years. It felt like a hallucinations but the winds brushing past her body made her realize things were really.

Her only thoughts were that he was a mutant, a wind based mutant that was at least level 2 at most.

Have any thoughts on this. Be sure to let me know.

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