

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasy
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50 Chs


They made some makeshift tents from the available tree branches and leaves.

The makeshift leaf house was a cocoon of warmth and secrecy. Its walls, woven from nature's tapestry, shielded them from the biting cold. Cheyenne stepped inside, her breath visible in the moonlight, and Ye Chen followed suit.

"Goodnight, I guess," she murmured, her voice soft as a breeze rustling through autumn leaves.

Ye Chen watched her, his heart doing somersaults. "Sleep tight then," he replied, his words carrying a weight he hadn't anticipated.

As he settled into his tent, Ye Chen's mind raced. Cheyenne—her name tasted like honey on his tongue. She was fierce, unpredictable, and utterly captivating. In just a few hours, they'd gone from bullets to kisses, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than mere survival.

He thought of her lips—the way they'd met his, hungry and desperate. He thought of her eyes—the fire that blazed within them, daring him to come closer. And he thought of her punches—the way they'd landed on his chest, leaving bruises that felt like love notes.

Cheyenne, too, lay in her leaf-covered bed, staring at the makeshift roof. She'd never been one for sentimentality, but Ye Chen had a way of unraveling her defenses. His half-joking words, his reckless kisses—they had burrowed deep into her heart.

She thought of his laughter—the way it echoed off the woods, turning danger into something exhilarating.

She thought of his vulnerability—the way he'd risked his life to save her.

And she thought of his lips—the way they'd stolen hers, leaving her breathless and wanting more.

Honestly, they had never anticipated it to be this way. But love had a funny way of sneaking up on people—especially when they were busy dodging bullets and stealing kisses.

As the night crept away, the two were lost in their thoughts. They smiled blissfully in their dreams, tangled in a web of desire and uncertainty. Maybe it was love at first sight, or maybe it was just survival instinct. Either way, they'd fallen head over heels, and the leaf house whispered their secrets to the moon.


The morning mist clung to the edges of the lake, shrouding everything in a delicate veil. Cheyenne emerged from her tent, her hair tousled, and her eyes still heavy with sleep. The sun's rays pierced through the mist, creating a soft, ethereal glow.

"Ah, here comes a new day!" she declared, her voice breaking the silence. But where was he? The man who had kissed her senseless, who had turned her world upside down—where had he disappeared to?

Cheyenne's gaze swept the surroundings, searching for any sign of him. Had it all been a dream? A reckless, adrenaline-fueled fantasy? But then she saw it—the ripple in the water, the disturbance near the shore.

In the cold hours of the morning, she dived into the misty waters. The chill enveloped her, awakening every nerve. She swam, her strokes powerful and purposeful, unaware of the eyes that followed her every move.

Well, the guy was just there obscured in the mist as he watched this spicy scene unfold before him. His nose was almost bleeding.

'Oh, my holy mother. Wow! Just wow,' he thought, his mind racing.

'Mm-hmm, let me enjoy this view while I can. Xiao, don't you dare look out or record anything. That is your sister-in-law…'

His telepathic message to Xiao was both scandalous and endearing. But as Cheyenne swam closer, he couldn't tear his gaze away. She was a vision—the mist clinging to her skin, the sunlight dancing on the water. Her fiery determination had drawn him in, and now, he was caught in her wake.

He simulated his energy, sinking below the water's surface. He wanted to see her clearly, to etch this moment into his memory. But as he rose, intending to steal another glimpse, he miscalculated. His head breached the water, and their eyes locked.

Cheyenne's fiery gaze met his, and in that instant, everything shifted. The cold lake, the mist, the stolen kisses—they all faded into insignificance. There was only her—the woman who defied logic and made his heart race.

Ye Chen on having been discovered turned away swiftly as he whistled as if he hadn't seen anything.


"Don't look away," she teased, her voice dancing on the morning breeze. "You've seen it already?"

His eyes flickered, caught between embarrassment and desire. The water clung to her skin, glistening like liquid moonlight. She was a vision—an unexpected twist in the chaos of their lives.

"You are beautiful," he declared, his words resolute. But it wasn't just her physical beauty that held him captive. It was the fire in her eyes, the way she defied logic and made his heart race.

The cold waters embraced them, chilling their skin. Yet, they moved toward each other, drawn by an invisible force. The tender looks they exchanged spoke of secrets shared and promises unspoken. And then, without knowing how or why, they were kissing again—lips meeting in a dance of longing and uncertainty.

"Do it," she whispered, her shyness masking a deeper need. She felt it—the urgency of the moment, the pull of fate. Maybe it was the misty morning or the open waters, but something had shifted between them.

"Okay," he murmured, moving closer. His touch was tender as if he held something precious. And in that stolen moment, they were more than strangers—they were two souls entwined by chance.


Just then—a sound that shattered their fragile bubble. The horn of an approaching ship echoed across the water. Panic surged, and they bolted out of the lake, frantically pulling on their clothes. The ship loomed, an unwelcome intruder.

'Which bastard just interrupted my bliss?' he muttered, frustration etching his features.

He tried to recall the flow of their connection, the way they'd moved together. But the ship's arrival had disrupted everything—their stolen kisses, their unspoken promises.

And so, they stood there, half-dressed and breathless, caught between desire and embarrassment. The ship sailed past, leaving ripples in its wake.


He is still 16,I just remembered that.

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