

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasy
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50 Chs


It was already afternoon but the package had not yet arrived. They had waited for two hours initially but gave up on the thought. Lady Jaya did things to her heart's desires and mood, she might even send it a month later, who knows.

He therefore had to seek Xiao's help to look out for the bag he had lost previously and again search for some fruits before they went back to the self-proclaimed queen's lair to bid her farewell.

It was only after finding his long-lost backpack that the notification arrived.

Note: Package arrived.


The red packet was like the previous one that contained the level one healing pill.

Having learned his lesson from the previous encounter, he was not that enthusiastic, who knows whether she would do it again.

He cautiously opened the wrappings as he imagined what that lady would do this time.

'What if she placed some…aah never mind am just thinking to much…'

A white milky crystalline stone the size of an apple lay in the box with an exquisite note like the previous one attached to it. This lady was too much into writing, maybe she should take on a writing career. Those were his thoughts but he still took a look at it before he laughed out loudly.

"I knew it wahaha, how can she not scam me, too naive to think I'll buy this, Earth Origin core, what the hell is that. We requested an Elemental stone okay, Elemental stone don't you get it…"

On the note were her words, 'There are no Elemental stones currently but I have the Earth Origin core here, it shall just do well I hope, you don't need to thank me…'

How could she be generous like that. In Ye Chen's impression, she was the kind of person that would play a joke on people although with good intentions as she did not have a scheming heart, but being generous, that was a big no.

"Xiao, can you tell me what this Earth Origin core is…" He had not even finished when he was already interrupted.

"What did you just say, where? Where is it… Ooh my god, there really is one…"

Looking at Xiao's flustered look, he was not sure if this thing was good or bad but he still had to ask.

"Is it something precious?"

"Precious it is but…" Xiao hesitated and looked at his eyes as if thinking of something else.

"But what Xiao, can't you speak full sentences for this once!" He wanted to retort back but still held back as he really had a bad premonition when he saw Xiao hesitate to say. Whatever would come out of that virtual mouth of his would surely not be good and surely it was as he anticipated.

"This thing is too precious. You know what I mean too precious, right? It can make the whole universal races hunt you down just to have it."

"But why would they want it that much…" Was there really something that could drive the whole universe to him? Wasn't this too far fetched.

"There is no need to ask whether it's precious or not, just look at this…"

An interface flickered before him displaying all about this Earth Origin core.

Name: Earth Origin core

Other names: Energy core, Power core, Chaos core….

Origin: Birthed by the universe itself

Owner: Jaya Maupassant

Function: Can convert all kinds of energies to origin energy, origin energy can be used by all beings

Limitations: Can only be used by someone who has never had or come in contact with magic and martial arts or any other mysterious powers.

"What the hell, so she is Jaya Maupassant, cool name indeed. No wonder she willingly gave it as she could not use it, this is too hateful indeed, couldn't she find another candidate aah, Xiao what should we do now, we have been betrayed again, I swear to beat hmm…" He wanted to curse out to her but still felt this thing was good, he had to show some gratitude even though this core could be the cause of his downfall someday.

"Well, you better absorb it before some entities start hunting us…"

"Eeh, but I learned some martial arts back there, so…" He was not sure if this thing could work for him.

"You call that martial arts, you were to weak back then to learn martial arts, it will just be a nice way to saying basic exercise, if you had learned martial arts, you could have been in some special division, don't think too highly of yourself, just focus on now…" 

'Yeh, am thinking to much in deed, but how do I use this thing. Crush it into powder then make some juice with it, no that won't do. Eat or chew it then, aah that will hurt my teeth. Maybe I should just swallow it whole, aah that will choke me to death. Let me think…'

Thinking of some of the Wuxia movies he had watched, he decided to drip some blood on it and see what might happen. He resolutely bit on his finger to let out some blood.

"Hey, what are you doing. You just have to hold this thing in your hands, simple, don't be too ridiculous..." Seeing his foolish smile as he tried to make a cut on his finger, Xiao lashed back immediately.

'What is wrong with this guy, did he smoke something or hit his head somewhere, can't you just ask this father here..'

He did not hesitate to take the crystal into his hands. He had been embarrassed to ask Xiao previously as he did not want to seem that dumb, he could at least do a simple thing like that but turned out he was just too dumb indeed.

He tightly held on it nervously as he waited for it to activate some kind of phenomena.

He gritted his teeth in determination as he imagined the kind of luck this thing could bring him but he was disappointed after a while.

There was no reaction at all.

'Do I lack affinity with it or what, maybe it has decided that am not fated with it or is my aptitude too low that it is considered unqualified...'

His thoughts ran wildly but he could not come up with an explanation for this. He could only look towards Xiao for answers.

Have any suggestions or dissatisfactions, be sure to let me know.

I alsow would like to thank you'll for your support, 6k+ views and 20+ collections in a week for me who is just new on the platform is already a success, thank you for your support.

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