
AH After Hours

Noah rubbed his temple and remarked, "So I see you're growing close with him." Dixie could tell he was tense as the clothing fit him well and his eyebrows were furrowed. "You're not allowed to do that," she said "We're not in a relationship." She spat and slapped the papers on the desk, saying, "You're fucking someone else." "We didn't fuck, how many times do I have to tell you that? Tell me you haven't messed with him or you haven't been on a date?" He leapt to his feet and took a step forward, pushing her into the corner. She remained still. "Exactly, don't lecture me about it when you're doing it yourself." "Whatever, is that the reason you've been ignoring me?" You don't have the fucking right to tell me what to do, whether you're my boss or not. You want me some days and don't want me other days. Make up your fucking mind before I leave," he stood there silently, enraged by her tone and thinking about the words she uttered.. Dixie, the ideal woman to everyone else, yet everything was wrong with her. She hides behind the mask of being a flawless girl, despite her deep hatred for herself and her image. Men were never an issue for her because they were continually falling at her feet, lusting for her. The impending internship with Noah will completely transform her life but for the better or worse? On the other hand, Noah is regarded as a sex icon. A possessive, dominant, sage, arrogant, well-behaved and well-dressed businessman who owns the largest firm in New Your City, Beck Telecommunications Limited. What will happen when the two worlds encounter, with both containing stubbornness, want, desire, lust, and perhaps even a little framework for love and passion? With him, everything appears to be in proportion...but is there anything different beneath the surface? Will the secrets she worked so hard to bury and forget surface when the two meet? Will he succumb to the shadows of his past?

jmwreads · Urban
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10 Chs



Today isn't my fucking day. I missed my alarm plus all the calls from my mom. The only thing I had going is that I'm pretty, and I'm sure my boss wouldn't want to fuck me, so that brings me back to my initial fucked up state. I got to this huge ass building ten minutes late and I stood in the lobby looking like a fish out of water. There were so many people, so many women and they're so damn hot- I'm going to get bi-panic every day I'm here.

I felt very odd and intimidated in this space. It wasn't that I was afraid of being interviewed, but more so that I didn't know anyone here nor did I know how this space operated. The building was bout sixteen floors high and each floor was massive. Walking inside earlier, there was a young man on the first floor who showed me the way up here. He was very charming but not my type. I could see his way of flirting but again, I didn't come here for that.

"Azzy?," I heard a very distinct and known voice call out. I was hoping he wouldn't recognize me but of course, he had to.

"Nicholas," I said fake smiling "hey."

"What are you doing here?," he asked, looking confused.

"Why else are people in the building Nicholas? I'm here for an interview for my internship but I don't know where to go."

"Well babe," he said, putting his arms around my shoulder, "you walk to the front desk and tell them why you're here."

Who the fuck was he calling babe? Just because we fucked once or twice, doesn't mean that we're dating. He and I both knew there's nothing romantic or loving here and if he wanted that, he came to the wrong person.

"Nicholas," I said, taking a deep breath "I know that you're easily confused and probably think because we slept together a few times, this is a relationship, but it's not. There's no feelings here so never call me babe again, ever," I said aggressively and walked off.

Looking back at his face, he looked very displeased but I don't care. I can handle being called and labelled as mean but I won't ever have anyone trying to form relationships with me, they'll all end up being like my dad and I can't go through that. I won't go through that.

I got to the desk and saw a very beautiful and curvaceous woman but she's pregnant, so no flirting could be done here. What a bummer. She looked about 5"2, with long silky brown hair and she has a fair skin tone. She looked a bit mixed but maybe she was just plain white.

"Um Goodmorning," I said, gulping. This was a lot more nerve wracking than I thought it would be. I definitely regretting this experience.

"Good morning dear," she said turning around and smiling at me. Maybe it wasn't so badly, let's see how this goes.

"My name is Azzaria Willis and I'm-."

"Oh, Ms. Willis," she said, glancing me up and down "you're here for the interview internship?"

"Yes, yes I am." I couldn't read the room right now. Did I look differently or did I give off a different vibe? I was getting both confused and scared.

"Great, straight down and then turn right, you'll knock and then enter that room," she said to me sweetly. This woman was confusing me, one minute her tone was serious and the next, she was sweet. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or she's just a very moody person, but who am I to judge anyone?

"Thank you and congratulations on your pregnancy, you look great," I said, leaving a compliment. First impressions last and that's something I'll never forget.

She smiled warmly at me and said, "thank you so much and hey, my brother may be an ass so don't take it personally," she chuckled and winked at me. I figured now that her brother was the person who would be interviewing me and wow, isn't that great? Having someone with a shitty personality interview me this early in the morning.

I left from in front of her presence and walked to the room. I won't even lie, I almost got lost but then I saw this huge room with a black door. This felt like I was in a death scene in a horror movie. It was very scary but good, good scary.

Knocking on the door, I heard a very known voice. What the fuck was Halley doing here?

"Come in," I heard. The person who answered me had a very strong and rough voice. It was almost raspy and hoarse. This was very attractive but I definitely couldn't come here looking for sex, not the place or time.

I turnt the door knob and entered the room, when I saw Halley, Bryce and another man sitting down. Halley was seated on Bryce's lap and the other man was seated in the main chair. It's either I'm slow, or he was the boss.

"Zz!," Halley exclaimed, running up to hug me. I appreciated seeing her but my eyes were too busy scanning the man in the chair, he was very good looking. Who am I kidding? He is so hot.

"Halley, what are you doing here," I whispered to her. This was not giving the impression I hoped it would've been.

"Don't worry silly. Dillion's my brother in law and Bryce, who you know, is my boyfriend." I've never heard her once mention that she knows this man or had any relationship to this man.

"Hey Bryce," I said waiving faintly "Good morning sir," I said addressing Dillon.

"Hey Azzaria," Bryce said, standing up and fixing his suit "it's time we leave. Halley let's go and Dillon, be nice," he said and they left.

There was a strong and rough tension in this room and I didn't know what to do or what to even think.

"Who told you to sit down?," the man said, very angrily.

"I saw a chair, so I decided to sit," I said. My attitude was coming up but I don't care. I'm not the one to be played with today, even if he's the boss.

"Mhm," he said and paced around me "tell me about yourself . I don't want to hear about any of that boring shit either," he spoke confidently. Then what did he want to hear?

"Sir, what do you mean?"

"I don't want to know what your name is and I don't care for it. Tell me about yourself," he spoke.

"There's not much to know, sir, how about you tell me about you since we're doing introductions. I'm pretty sure you know everything you need to know about me." I was just here taking risks without even knowing what the fuck I'm doing. He won't even accept me at this point but atleast I'll leave an impact.

He released a loud chuckle and walked over to his seat, crossing his legs. This was too attractive to watch but I wouldn't show my thoughts on my face. It's too detrimental and would just be embarrassing for me.

"You remind me of someone I know," he chuckled "but I'm sure you know everything about me. Looking past that, why should I let you be an intern here?"

"Because I'm a valuable asset," I answered. The best way to go is to be confident, even if it's being faked.

"Confidence," he noted "valuable how?"

"That's where my resume comes in sir, or did you not read it?," I asked testing him.

"I don't care for resumes Ms. Willis, so I'll ask aga-"

"I'm competitive and I'm not easily persuaded. A very firm person and I'm sure you could pick up on that," I smirked and got up from the chair.

"Very bold and straight to the point," he said, walking closer to me "you've got the internship, starting tomorrow."

Like the fucking boss that I am. Faking your way through life definitely has some good.

"Expected," I laughed "when do I start?"

"Too confident and tomorrow at 8," he said and I left his office. I definitely bagged this one and it will look amazing on my transcript. For the first time in my life, everything is coming together.

I'm not one to ever get too excited about something, but this is amazing. I've worked hard all my life and to see it actually coming to piece and getting another chapter started is really comforting,but I still can't shake something about today. It's him, he's different. Not in a weird or rude way, but he intrigues me and he's very captivating— these thoughts will die down eventually but living in the moment never hurt anyone.


"I got the internship," I said happily as I spoke to my mother on the phone. She's the first person I share all my successes with as it's evident she's my biggest supporter.

"I'm so proud of you honey," she congratulated "this was definitely expected from you my dear."

"Thanks mom and the interview wasn't bad either, I was probably too bold, but all that matters is me getting the internship."

"Yes," she sighed with contentment "when do you start?"

"Tomorrow morning actually."

"I'll leave you to it then, have a good day," she said and hung up.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel kind of excited going into this new faction of life. There's still a lot to do but it doesn't all seem so impossible as it did before. I'd say my interview went great and if my boss doesn't act like an A-grade asshole, then I'm sure I'll be able to do this internship and leave.

Getting off the phone with my mom, I showered and went to lay in bed. Halley was probably busy as she and Bryce are currently starting there life and I couldn't be happier for her. This is something she definitely deserved and I'm so glad she got it. And Abigail was more or likely hanging out with Josh. He's not the best thing for her but he keeps a smile on her face, so what can I really say?

As I lay in bed, I suddenly had a shock of this empty feeling. I felt empty and broken; more than I've ever felt before. Something in me just felt like it was broken but I couldn't pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was that empty feeling I always have or it was just the longing of wanted ness but whatever it was, I hope I would never have to feel this way again.


"What are you thinking about?" Mara asked me, frightening me out of thought.

"Huh? What?"

"You look deep in thought, so what's up?"

"Running empires is hard, little sister," I joked "but I'm just thinking about life on a whole."

"Sure it has nothing to do with that intern?"

"What intern?"

"The one you took a few hours to interview today," she said and laughed. Whatever Mara thinks she knows, I'm sure she doesn't.

"I'm interviewing an intern, whatever you think you know, you don't," I said, raising my voice at her.

"You can't let what happened with Annalise keep you from moving on with your life Dill."

"Whatever," I said and got up from the table "I'm going upstairs. Feed pebbles for me and leave whenever you're ready," I hissed and went up the stairs.

Mara does this with everyone. She magically thinks I'll fall in love with every woman that has a pretty face and a nice smile. It's blunts I think get annoying at some point.

Annalise was definitely my biggest mistake. No one will ever catch me falling in-love because love ruins everyone and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

There's always a part of me that hoped to experience a pure form of love but with my lifestyle, demands and overall complicated past, that just won't happen and I've looked pass that ever happening.

It's very upsetting how Mara thinks that the first women I look at, I'll fuck them or fall in love with them. Azzaria was definitely a charm, but she wasn't my charm. Nothing would happen there except for a boss and an intern relationship and whoever was looking for more to happen, would be in shock for a big disappointment.