
Agust, An Alpha's Lycan King [BL]

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Forgive me, my soul," he said, knowing it was probably the last time he would see the love of his life. *** Simply put, King Agust was the devil in plain clothes. A raging lycan with an unwavering desire to wipe out werewolves, he was the ultimate danger to a race whose only mistake, was bearing the same blood as that of his father. Broken and damaged by his father, a werewolf alpha, Agust hated wolves with all he had and didn't have. To him, they were pathetic beings that needed to be snuffed out, and like a mad king, he made their lives so difficult the only option the wolves had left, was to hide. So when he met Park, one of the strongest werewolf alphas, who didn't take shit from no one, hated him, and who was determined to protect the werewolf race, Agust knew he found his match. What he didn't expect, was for the alpha who hated him so much, to be his mate, and reject him on the same day they met. As if that wasn't bad enough, when his lycans attacked Park's pack, Agust sentenced them to mass murder, an action that triggered a revolution. But strangely, the only thing Agust cared for, was the one man who made him weak in the knees. Alpha Park. Would Agust win both wars?

she_osprey · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Putting Love In A Place Was A Mistake

* We made it to 200k views!


Of the things King Ming Xiao Zhu had expected when he saw Jiminie, a kiss wasn't even on the list, and that shit was fucking him up so badly because he had managed to ruin the prettiest thing in his life.

However, even then, as Jiminie kissed him, Xiao Zhu couldn't help but kiss him back so fervently, like this was the last time he would get that kiss. He had missed Jiminie so badly that his heart was no longer there anymore. 

He had wanted Jiminie in ways that no one had ever prepared him for and right now, as the beautiful lavender scent engulfed him, Agust let himself live in the moment. It hurt a lot, but just for that money, before he came back to reality, he would relish it.

'I love you,' the king thought to himself as his tongue explored Jiminie's mouth shamelessly as if everything was okay between the both of them. He wasn't sure there was a day he had ever told Jiminie he loved him, but right now, that was all he could think of.

"I love you, always, Xiao Xiao," Jiminie's voice rang in Agust's ears, snapping the king from his insanity and back to the fact that the beautiful alpha had pulled back already while he was still hoping for more.

Was he a terrible person for wanting to hold his erasthai for longer? Was Agust the devil for wanting to be with Jiminie until his last day? Was he the worst of creation for desiring that which would be ruined in his hands regardless?

Maybe he was all of these things but as he opened his eyes to meet Jiminie's pretty eyes, Agust was confused. His heart was beating a little too loudly, his ears on a constant repeat of the words he had expected from Jiminie.

How could Jiminie still love him after everything? How was he supposed to even have room in his heart for Agust when the man had done nothing but run and run and never look back despite everything that had happened?

"My beautiful petal," Xiao Zhu breathed, his voice coming off as a whisper.

"I'm real, Xiao Xiao. Come, let's get you cleaned up, my love," Jiminie said and Xiao Zhu stared in defeat. What else was he supposed to do to break the spell that seemed to be on Jiminie?

But then is denial such a great spell? Could he blame Jiminie for not wanting to feel the pain that came with the greatest loss ever? Was Agust eve in the position to blame his erasthai for reacting like this? Oh, there were so many questions, but Agust, was broken.

"I'm sorry, Kitten," Xiao Shu said as he hugged his erasthai. He was exhaled and feeling better, and he looked like he had been before he had disappeared from Jiminie. If it hadn't been for the silent sound of his breaking heart, anyone would assume the king was fine.

However, the king wasn't fine.

The king was 'naked'… Only that this time, he was very aware of his nakedness, the same nakedness that his Jiminie was unable to see at the moment because of denial. Maybe he needed to remind Jiminie of who he was right?

Then again, would that make it all better or would it prove that the naked king was forever the asshole that needed to be murdered for breaking the heart of the prettiest of creation in the realm? Would it make any sense then?

"I know, Xiao Xiao. Don't worry, I don't blame you. Come, your clothes are bloodied and you reek of everything unpleasant. Let me take care of you and then we can get food like we always did," Jiminie said, evading the king's heart even more.

In all his life, Xiao Zhu had never felt pain like this. Not even when his father and his brother, Chang Zhu had fucked him up really good. He had been in pain at that time, but none of that would compare to the pain of seeing Jiminie this burdened and in pain.

"Where is the bathroom?" Jiminie asked and Xiao Zhu portaled the both of them or one of the magnificent bathrooms in his master bedroom, the one place that no one had ever come in since Jiminie left.

Jiminie didn't hesitate to turn the tap and let the water flow down Xiao Zhu's body, forcing the gametes that had stuck on the king to be free, and only then did Jiminie pull down the garments, leaving Xiao Zhu bare, in all his glory.

"You shouldn't hurt yourself, Xiao Xiao," Jiminie sighed as he watched the Oscars on the ring. He didn't despise those scars, but he could see newer scars, those that broke his heart even more. 


"I'll prepare your clothes and then come back for you. Don't do anything stupid. Can you do that for me?" Jiminie asked as the king slid down the wall and into the bathtub that was slowly flinging with warm water, however bloodied.


"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be back in a minute," Jiminie said as he walked out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom that still smelled like him. 

The lavender scent in the room was potent and fresh, way too fresh for a room that was supposed to be clear of Jiminie's scent. Perhaps the king wanted to keep his scent alive, but for what?

As Jiminie walked into the master bedroom, he could see the sheets hadn't been changed since the last time was here. Hell, the laundry hadn't been done and while on a normal day, Jiminie would be disgusted, today, he was worried.

"You didn't change any of it," Jiminie whispered as he looked around. Everything was still the same, even the cups that had fallen when he was here, even the flower vase that had been lingering were still in the same position.

Agust had been so proud when he talked of the men and women he bedded and yet the room Jiminie was standing in was still as Jiminie had left it. Perhaps Jiminie was insane to be here but what else could he do? Or maybe the king had been truthful?

"I missed you, my beautiful Jiminie. I missed you so much it hurt and I never hurt. I know, I fucked a lot of people, but only because I was looking for you, Jiminie. I wanted you for me and I couldn't find you my beautiful. 

"None of them were like you."

"None of their bodies were like yours."

"None of them was as pretty as you, my beautiful." 

"None of them had milky thighs like yours, petals, none of them."

The memories flashing in Jiminie's mind made him feel like he truly belonged here with the king, like the man was the only good thing in his life. And like Xiao Zhu was not the worst of all creations. 

Maybe that made the alpha a weakling, but how could he be angry when everything was still the same, when his erasthai had not lied to him? Jiminie knew Agust was a monster, but his Xiao Zhu was just a normal man, right? 

A man he loved, a man who loved him, and one who would always be there for him.

"I'm so sorry, kitten," Xiao Zhu spoke as he stood at the door of the bathroom, his body dripping.


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