
AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Rise Of The Devine Prince

After Aguda Empire now known as Africa Continent experienced the greatest civil war influenced by other continents and forengn being. AGUDA fell to her knees and her tribes clans and kingdomes were controlled by forengn forces that is beyond her power. Her only hope to rise and reclaim what was lost lay in the hand of the Devine prince whom prophecy claim will be born to rise from ashes and gods will tremble in his presence. will her champion help her or will he fail her like the other champions (The prince of aguda)

Obi360Novels · Fantasy
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32 Chs

CHAPTER 22 ::- Odili The Kings Hand

Inside the throne hall of iseke kingdom palace, Every one was quiet as the door to the throne hall opened. The guards excorted the leaders of the families clans and tribes supporting the former king in.

Agwuna looked at them his thoughts were going round thinking how to deal with them. He cleared his throught and walked towards them.

Everyone became nervouse as the silence persisted only the sound of agwuna's foot steps were heard. There heart began beating fast like the drum of war.

Time froze for them as seconds become minutes. Minutes became hours and hours became days. To them they felt that they are dead, like a sheep in the slaughter house.

"You all will be sentenced to life imprisonment or be banished from entering iseke kingdom." Agwuna said as he looked them in the eyes.

"Banishment without your tittle or Imprisonment." The sharman said grinding from ear to ear, It looked spoky and malicious to them.

Shiver run down there spine as cold sweat dreeped down from there fore head. They went into deep thought on which one to chose.

"You all still have time to think about it, Send them to preson after two days they will decide which life is better." Agwuna said.

He walked back to his throne and sat down. "You see am considerat." He posed inoccent pose showing he is kind man not brutal as people thought him to be.

The people in the throne hall nearly puke blood because of his shameless act. 'who knew that you are heartless and mean to your own people, Your kins men for that matter.'

'We mestakenly took your heartlessness as bravery and your cunningness as wisedom. ' someone in the hall thought to himself. 'You have been unmasked by your deeds yet you act shemlessly as kind hearted man.'

They were taken out from the throne hall and excorted back to the preson. Agwuna looked at the door as the current leaders of the families tribes and clans walked in.

"Greetings your majesty king of iseke kingdom. May you live long and may your regime be prosperous." They chorused in unison as they bowed to him.

"You may rise." He said while keeping a close watch on them, "Have you thought of giving me your aligence to me." Agwun's asked them.

"Your majesty your wish is our command we will be loyal to you and you only." They said in unison. They never slacked nor did any of them miss spoke.

They said it as if they have rehearsed it multiple times to perfection, There rhthim synchronized together which brought satisfaction and confusion to agwuna.

'Are they trying to decieve me or what.' He thought to himself as grine plastered all over his face. He did not put much thought to it agein since iseke is now in his palms.

The rich minaral and magical resources in the rivers and small seas is now under his control. Even his allies has to stay clear from those mines in the rivers and some hunting ground.

Agwuna's warrior began withdrawing gradually to there camp and the palace. No one could fathom the thought of the new king whom have taken the throne.

While in the bother odili The head of all agwuna warriors stood under a big tree in the forest. His men composing ten man team were spreed out in the forest nearby.

Before him are people whom he caught in the bother. There facial expression was horrible which amuse odili whom is fighting hard not to laugh.

They could not move do to the earth has already trapped them, odili controlled the earth to move them to the side, He lazily walked around them nonchalantly.

Soon his men brought more people to him, He controlled the earth. It moved towards there hands and legs before it chained them. His controll of earth were well refined that he can bend the earth into binding chaines.

This people became prisoners overtime, They mere also benders magi warriors and mage amongst them. But they were caught like sheep's in the slouaghter house.

He took out a talisman and tosed it up, The image of oyibo and her siblings were shown.

He looked at them for some time and sighed multiple times.

They were late oyibo and her siblings have crossed the bother. If they chase after her then they will have a clash with the warriors of there neirghboring kingdom. Which is not wise for them.

The prisoners caught were transported to the capital isele city. It's were the famose isele arena is located.

Inside the iseke kingdom palace throne hall. Agwuna whom sat on the throne beconned the sharman and whispered something to him. The sharman nodded with bright smile on his face.

"I have recieved words that some people were caught on our bothers during the hunt for the princess."

The crowed ataintion was piqed as the thought of having them fight in the arena emerged. The urge to see blood in the game gave this men thrils that can make someone have a goosbums.

Agwuna noticed there ataintion piqed and thought of something. 'Should I activate the arena fight and earn more money from them. Atlist the public will have something to quench there therst and vent on.' He thought to himself.

"Well what do you have to say about reopening the arena." Agwuna said. "We can reopen the arena and have them fight to the death. This will bring back the old times. One of them said.

He nodded and a messanger came in, "send the words the arena will be reopening. And champions will be born." He said and the messanger bowed before leaving

This were short words used during the olden days before aguda empire came to be. The words entails that the arena fight has come to stay.

During the former king regime, The arena was closed down and his fighters recruited as warriors for the former king. This was just one of the reasons agwuna overthroned the former king.

Those who made money from the arena were angry and disheartened by the event. They sided agwuna hopping he will revive the arena fight which is a dream come through for them now.

The sharman was smiling from ear to ear as he thought of the benefit he will reap from this, His thoughts went wiled as he calculated his next move.

Agwuna dismissed them from the throne hall and went away. Every one became busy as they prepare for the event coming up.

The arena saw a massive change to itself as many elementalist were called to build and rehabilitate the arena.

Inside the slave prison sat a teenage boy same age as odili. His body were smoot while his body structure is average slim.

His eyes were closed as he greedely absorbed spirit energy from the surroundings. The others gathered group by group.

Since they have been informed of there fight to the death. They discussed withing themselfs on how to fight in the games of life and death.

The group sometimes stole some glance. Of the teenage boy ebuka whom hasent spoken a word. They felt fear and chills rundown there spine.

While ebuka could feel there steer towards him as he cultivate. He was neither perturbed about it, He knew his capabilities and strenght, his prowes are unimaginable which the others never knew of.

The throne hall door opened and odili walked in, Silence prevailed only his footsteps were heard. He walked to the king and bowed slitly.

"I odili the kings hand greets his majesty, May you live long and your regime be fruitful." He said and stood straight. The sharman narrowed his eyes while his mouth twiched undictected.

'Hmm how do I get rid of this monster, he is too strong and a pain in the ass to deal with.' The sharman whom was beside agwuna thought to himself while looking at him.

'Two storborn men in one place, If not for odili this sharman would have done away with me. I can't let them be more stronger than me I might loose the throne.' agwuna thought to himself helplessly.

Odili did not care what they think of him, Nor did he give a dime about them, His aim is to be strong and that's what he wanted. He never wanted the throne for himself.

He took his stance by agwuna side and the king officials entered, They saluted the king, "Greetings your majesty." They all chorused in joyeos mood which did not excaped agwuna's eyes.

'Hm my strategy is working.'