
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Your work has begun

Immediately Hannah got to the company, she took the elevator and went straight to the CEO's office. She pushed the door open and closed it behind her when she entered. She pats her chest continuously to steady her breathing as she ran to his office. She looked up to see Axel standing near the window, looking at god knows what, and his assistant standing at the other side of the room. Seeing him like that scared her more as she thought he had already destroyed her annunciator, but that couldn't be it as Raymond would have called her by now if that were to happen. "I am here". She said, He slowly turned to face her and when she met his eyes, she felt goosebumps rise on her skin. His cold eyes looked colder. It was obvious that he was very angry and she quickly bent her head.

"Do you know what the time is?" He asked her and walked to his seat. He stared at her face for a while and when he confirmed that she was not putting on her disguise, he sat down but when she raised her head to respond, he found his eyes glued to her face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Those eyes….. They look exactly like the ones he knew. He mentally pinched himself and shook his head to get rid of that thought. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

That must be it...

Hannah parted her lips to speak but she closed them back as she didn't know what to say. She had forgotten that she was now working under this CEO as his secretary. She didn't even realize that time had passed by so quickly. She just hopes that he won't get angry and destroy her annunciator. "Actually….umm, the thing is…I had some work to do, so I came a little late". She said but heard his cold voice once again.

"A little late, you are four hours late for work and you say you are a little late?" Axel couldn't believe this girl. How could she say was a little late? He had made sure Camden sent her the necessary information she would need when she works in the company including her time of resuming and closing from the office, and yet she came in late. She deserves to be punished, he thought.

"Listen to me", he stated, "starting now, you will begin your duties as my secretary and since you came late, you will have to be punished. Your work as my secretary will be doubled and you will take over the duties of my assistant for a few weeks and I don't want any mistakes in your work". Camden, who was standing on the other side of the room, felt so Happy that he was finally going to take a few weeks off from his duties. "But before that, you will have to fix that attitude of yours, you are now my secretary and you will be working closely with me from now onward, so you will have to portray a good image of your boss. I believe you already know what to do as you have already been taught in your guild, Camden will brief you on the basis and you should be able to start working shortly".

Hannah was shocked as she stood frozen on the spot. She would have never guessed that she would work in a company and on top of that, her work was doubled on the first day. Even though she had a solid knowledge of business as she had been forced to learn along with Raymond since they were children, she had never tried to put her knowledge into practice. She could believe how unlucky this day was. First, she, who has always woken up early, woke up so late that even a child had woken up before her, and secondly, she had angered this annoying CEO. She just helplessly stood speechless and listened to what he was saying. "There is a conference meeting twenty minutes from now, you can get the details about the conference meeting from Camden and start preparing for it. For now, Camden will show you to your cubicle so you can start working. I don't want to see you slacking off or you will face the consequences. You can go now and begin your work." He said and dismissed her.

Camden led her out of the office to her cubicle and her dismay, she was positioned right in front of his office. She didn't want to be anywhere near this silly CEO, but what could she do? Her Annunciator was in his custody, she doesn't have a choice. Immediately after she sat down, Camden started giving her various instructions regarding the company. She couldn't even hear a thing as she was still trying to come to terms with everything that had been said to her a few minutes ago. She saw Camden leave her cubicle and came back to drop a huge stack of files on her desk. "What are these?" She asked even though she could already guess what they were. "These are the documents you need to go through to familiarise yourself with the activities of the company. On the boss's order, you have to complete reading these files as soon as possible as your work has already begun". He dropped another file on her desk, " these are the details of the conference meeting, I suggest you go through them immediately as the meeting will soon begin. I will be there today to help if needed but I will not be there every time, so go through this and get acquainted with the company's policies quickly so you won't face any problems in the future". He said pointing to the stack of files on her table. Hannah nodded and he left. When she was finally alone, she dropped her head on the stack of files on her table and sighed.

Today was so not her day!

How was she supposed to handle all these? The only thing she knew how to do properly was to kill, and she had gotten so used to it that doing other things just doesn't work for her, and now, she is compelled to work in a company, and not just any job, but as the personal secretary of the CEO. She sighed again and raised her head. She started looking through the file that held the details of the conference meeting and tried to understand what the meeting was about.

Well, If she is going to survive in this place, she has to follow the orders of that silly CEO.