
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Would you do the same to me?

As soon as Hannah left the room, the temperature seemed to have dropped ten times lower. Raymond's face had turned several shades darker and his overall appearance reeked of killing intent.

He moved closer to stand in front of the assassin, whose throat ran dry when he saw Raymond's face. "You do know that I won't let you live after what you just said right?" Raymond said, his voice low and grave.

He walked around the assassin, picking up a knife and placing it on the assassin's shoulder, pressing the knife on his shoulder and twirling it without sinking it into his flesh.

The assassin started trembling again. The way Raymond looked and sounded right now was terrifying. He had heard many things about how terrifying the young leader of the Night Knights gang was but this was his first experience and even though Raymond had not done anything yet, he could already foresee that his death was going to be slow and painful.

Now that Raymond was standing so close and right behind him, he could feel the deadly and suffocating aura that surrounded him. It felt like Raymond had been restraining himself while Hannah was with them and now that she was gone, the beast within him had awakened.

"Are you scared?" Raymond asked teasingly as he kept playing with the knife on the assassin's shoulder. "If you think about it, you shouldn't have come out of hiding in the first place". He said as he pressed the knife an inch deeper into the assassin's flesh, making blood seep out of his flesh and fall down his shoulder before disappearing into his clothes.

"But it's too late now. You and your entire gang will pay for this. This time, I will make sure that your gang is annihilated for good. None of you will be spared".

Raymond moved to stand in front of the assassin and bent forward to be at the assassin's eye level. "You should not have done this''. And with that, he stabbed the assassin's throat, pushing the knife deeper till it came out of the other side.

"Lucas," Raymond called, "Find them and kill them. No one should be spared. Locate their hideouts and burn everything down". Raymond's voice was cold and lacked emotions as he spoke to Lucas. His face was emotionless and his eyes were void as he stared at the corpse in front of him.

He pulled the knife out of the assassin's neck and blood flowed freely down the corpse before turning around and leaving the room.

When he got outside, he saw Hannah leaning on his car with her head bent over her folded arms. It seemed like she sensed his presence as she raised her head to look at him and he flashed her a smile.

"Did you kill him?" She asked as she opened the car door and hopped inside.

"Yes". Raymond answered with his head hung low. It was evident that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Hmm… let's go". She said and shut the door. Raymond also turned around and hopped into the car.

"About what that guy said…" Raymond started but he was cut off by Hannah.

"Can we not talk about that?" Hannah turned to face him and he let out a deep sigh. He was visibly worried but Hannah looked like she couldn't care less about it.

"He was right you know," He paused and looked at Hannah. "More people will come after you…" He was cut off again by Hannah.

"So what? Why are you so worried? As I said, we will do to them what was done to the others. It's not the first time and we both know that this is not the last one so don't worry too much". Hannah said in a dismissive tone.

Raymond sighed again. Hannah was right. It was not the first time but he couldn't help being worried. For some reason, he felt like this time, it would be far worse than the others. Hannah said not to worry too much but he knew that it was her way of telling him that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"The leader of the Red Falcons". Raymond said, looking out of the window. "Why didn't you tell me that you killed him?"

"You weren't our leader back then so I didn't think of telling you". Hannah mumbled as she tugged her shirt unnecessarily.

"Wait a minute, Father knew about it?!" Raymond asked in shock. He couldn't believe that his father knew about it and told him nothing about it.

"Yes, he knew". Hannah answered. "I asked him for it and he let me kill the leader of the Red Falcons ".

"Why did you kill him?" Raymond asked. He knew Hannah was reckless and sometimes acted without thinking but killing the leader of a gang was not something that she would do without thinking.

Hanna stopped pulling her shirt and looked out of the window. "He kidnaps children and forces them to become members of his gang. Up until when I killed him, he had kidnapped two hundred and fifty-three children. Those that couldn't take it, die during training, and those that could endure it, either die during a mission or for that old man's pleasure".

Hannah's head was turned towards the window as she spoke so Raymond couldn't read the expression on her face but he knew that she felt hurt as she recalled the past. Perhaps, she felt like she was like those children, after all, she was forced to join his gang.

"Would you do the same to me?"

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