
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Unknown woman

He stopped outside a skyscraper with a half-moon logo on it. Hannah looked at the building, confused as to why they stopped there.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

"I have a meeting today and thanks to someone running off, I am late". Hannah gulped at Axel's answer. She had seen his schedule for today but she totally forgot about this meeting.

Was he going to fire her again? It didn't seem like it though. He didn't even look angry which was a good sign.

"Get down". Axel said as he removed his seat belt.

"Can't I stay inside?" She asked pleadingly but Axel refused.

"No! You are my secretary. It's your job so get down now!" She pursed her lips and got down from the car. She walked to stand beside Axel and the scent of her perfume assaulted his nostrils again.

Shaking his head to distract himself from thinking about the scent of her perfume, Axel strode confidently into the building.

Hannah noticed how the air around him changed completely. It was totally different from when they were inside the mall and when they were in the car.

His back was as straight as a pole as always and his gait was intimidating as he walked that everyone had to stop and lower their heads as he passed by. His eyes were set straight and he didn't look sideways even once until they got into the elevator.

"Miss Hannah," She jolted at the seriousness in his voice. "Where are the files?" He stretched out his hand to a confused Hannah who was staring at his hand like she was in a daze.


'What files?'

She had seen his schedule but she thought Camden was going with him since he told her nothing about it. She didn't come with anything! Even her phone and handbag were at the company.

Axel turned his head to look at Hannah who seemed lost in thought. "Miss Hannah? The files"

Hannah raised her head but lowered it immediately when her eyes met his. His eyes were stern and he looked like he was going to fire her if she made one wrong move.

He didn't tell her anything about this meeting so she made no preparations. Besides, they were just coming from where she had killed people so how was she supposed to have those files? What was worse was that he acted like he knew nothing.

"I don't have them" she mumbled

"You don't?" Axel turned around fully and Hannah felt like the elevator was cramped all of a sudden.

"You are my secretary and that means you have to get everything I will need to be prepared before going out for a meeting…." Axel lectured her and she listened quietly while nodding at the end of each sentence.

The 'ding' sound of the elevator was heard and Hannah felt like a huge block was lifted off her shoulders.

"I will pardon you today as this is your first time. This should not happen again". Axel said and Hannah didn't even know when she replied 'yes sir' before following him out of the elevator.

There was already someone waiting for them when they got out of the elevator. She bowed her head in greeting at Axel and she looked behind him, expecting to see Camden but her brows creased when she saw Hannah, a new face instead.

Where was Camden?

The crease in her brows disappeared and she smiled politely while gesturing to them to follow her.

Hannah felt bad as she looked at the lady in front of them. She was dressed decently in a peach colored shirt, brown skirt, and heels. She looked professional while Hannah looked and smelt like a garden threw up on her.

The lady led them to a room where the models for their projects were kept. The room was a wide open space with glass walls on all four corners. The glass wall was almost invisible.

A man was already inside the room when they walked in and the lady walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. He looked at Hannah and creased his brows just like the lady did when she met them at the elevator.

Slowly, the crease in his brows disappeared and was replaced with something Hannah didn't understand.

His eyes lingered on her for a while after which a sly smile formed on his lips, making Hannah uncomfortable.

His secretary, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck but she managed to hide her nervousness behind her professional smile.

She just told her boss that Camden was not here with Axel and an unknown woman had accompanied him instead but the man smiled!

Did he already have a plan or was his nervousness acting up?

Camden's absence spelled problems for them. If Camden was not here, then there would be no one to come to their aid when Axel gets angry or disappointed in their work.

Hopefully, this woman, whoever she was, was just as good as Camden or they could start packing their things and her loss should get ready to lose his company.

She didn't know who that woman was and what her relationship with Axel was, but she could tell that the woman was no ordinary person. No ordinary person gets to walk beside Axel much still as close as that woman was.

All their hope was on that woman now.

Axel's company may not be the first in the county but his ruthlessness made people fear and obey him. Any little mistake on their side will cost them a lot.

Alan Willow walked towards Axel with a big smile on his face. When he got to Axel, he stretched out his hand for a handshake but Axel being Axel just stared blankly at his outstretched hand before walking away.

Alan's secretary shook her head.

This was why she was nervous. Axel never shakes hands but Alan seemed to have forgotten about it and unknowingly offended Axel.

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