
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Mean boss

"You didn't tell me you were going somewhere yesterday".

"You didn't need to know".

"I didn't need to know?" Raymond shouted. "You were attacked yesterday Hannah, attacked. And you say I didn't need to know?" Raymond was beginning to lose his cool. If something had happened to Hannah yesterday, he would have lost his mind, but she on the other hand was telling him that he didn't need to know.

"If Lucas hadn't arrived there in time, who knows what would have happened. There were several people after you yesterday Hannah. You were almost killed!"

"I know but I wasn't killed right?" Hannah said. "Anyway, did you find anything about them? They didn't have an annunciator and there were no marks on their bodies either".

Raymond sighed and ran his hand through his hair in anger at the change of topic. "We have one of them with us. We could get something from him".

"It's okay then". Hannah started walking away but stopped as she suddenly remembered something. "By the way, I killed fourteen people yesterday". Hannah said and Raymond finally lost it.

"Is this really the right time for this?! You were almost killed and this is all you can think of?" Raymond shouted. He was worried sick about her and she was busy keeping count of the number of people she killed.

"There is always a time for it". Hannah said in a low voice. "I'm just keeping count of my kills, just a hundred and thirty-six more and I would be free from that stupid deal".

Raymond looked at Hannah in confusion. Is this really all she can think of? "I was worried sick about you all night. I didn't get any sleep because I was thinking about you and all you can think of is that stupid deal?" Raymond sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry Hannah, but if this continues, you will have to come back to the basement".

Hannah's eyes suddenly blazed with unexplainable anger. "I have a knife with me Raymond. Don't make me use it". Her voice was not loud but she sounded like she was really going to use the knife if Raymond continues speaking. But Raymond ignored it.

"For fuck's sake Hannah, why don't you understand? You have to come back to the basement. That's the only safe place…" He stopped talking as a knife flew past him, narrowly missing him.

"Take that as a warning. I will aim for your neck next time". Hannah said and began to walk away but stopped after a few steps.

"Penelope just earned me three weeks' leave. That will be enough time to find out who those people are." And she walked away.

Starlight industries…

"Attacked?!" Camden shouted with open eyes after axel told him what happened.

"Keep your voice down. We are in the office". Axel said and Camden placed his palm over his mouth. He was still in shock after hearing what Axel said.

"I thought they had given up a long time ago. Why are they still after you?" He asked worriedly

"They were not after me". Axel said as his brows creased in confusion. Those assassins were clearly not after him but Hannah but he couldn't tell this to Camden. At least not now.

"Then who were they after if not you?" Camden asked. He was curious to know what daredevil had managed to attract the wrath of that deadly gang. Ever since he met Axel, that gang has been after him and now that someone else had caught their attention, he wanted to know who it was.

"I don't know". Axel said as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on the desk and intertwined his fingers.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Camden said which earned him a confused look from Axel. What was good about that?

"They have found someone else to play with which means they won't be focused on you anymore. So it's a good thing, right?"

Axel sighed. "I don't know". Camden was right. It was a good thing that they were not after him but knowing that they are now after Hannah didn't sit well with him for some reason. And now that she had killed fourteen of their members, they were not going to just let her go. He has experienced forehand what it means to be the target of that gang and it wasn't a pleasing experience even for him.

"By the way, how is Miss Hannah?" Camden asked. "She went with you yesterday. I'm sure she must be traumatized".

Axel looked at Camden like he was a fool. Traumatized? Yeah right. She was skillfully slitting the throats of those assassins, how could she be traumatized?!

"I feel so guilty right now. I should have gone with you instead of her. I can't imagine how terrified she was yesterday". Axel felt irritated hearing all those things from Camden. He felt Camden was overreacting. Besides, Hannah was not hurt in the slightest.

"Why are you so worried about her? She is alright, and you should be worried about me. I am your friend, not her. Look, I've got a cut on my arm". Axel pointed at his wounded arm that was covered by his long-sleeved shirt but Camden waved him off.

"Quit whining. You can handle those assassins just fine, but Miss Hannah can't. She looks so frail and innocent". Camden said.

Axel didn't say anything but only shook his head at Camden's ignorance. If only he knew who and what Hannah truly is.

"That reminds me. Where is she? Did she decide to quit her job". Camden asked. "If I were in her shoes, I would have done so long ago". He said, making emphasis on 'long ago'.

Axel shook his head. Why would she quit her job? She has no choice but to work for him. "She didn't. I dropped her home and gave her three weeks' leave".

"Three weeks?!" Camden shouted, "how could you?"

"That's too much, right? She was supposed to come back to work in two days but her daughter…." He was cut off by a loud bang on the table.

"What did you do that for?" His eyes were slightly widened and one of his hands was placed over his chest to calm his heart that got erratic when Camden slammed the stack of files on his desk.

"How could you do that axel? She works like a horse every day and after all that she had seen yesterday, I'm sure that she would need way more than three weeks to collect herself. You should have extended her leave by a month or two". Camden said.

"A month or two?" Axel asked in disbelief. Why would he extend her leave by a month or two?

"Yes!". Camden replied. "You are such a mean boss". Axel exhaled loudly before opening his laptop. If they kept on talking about how mean of a boss he was, then nothing would be done today.