
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
162 Chs


When he didn't see Hannah for a long time, Axel thought that she was somewhere else, running some errands but after he received that call, he became restless.

That call was from one of the people he had stationed around his company to inform him about any suspicious activities or if there were assassins around him.

Hannah's absence and that call seemed to link to the same thing and it was putting him on edge. He wasn't certain if Hannah was there or not but there was no harm in taking a look, was there?

He jumped out of the car as soon as he got to the location and ran as fast as he could only to stop when he saw Hannah from a distance.

She stood motionless in the middle of the dead bodies of the assassins that attacked her. Her clothes and exposed skin were covered in blood and her hair had fallen messily over her face.

She looked terrifying!

Axel sighed in relief seeing that nothing had happened to her and she was alive. On his way here, he had imagined several things that were worse than what he was seeing right now and thankfully, those things stayed back in his imagination and none of them were real.

He took slow steps towards Hannah like he didn't want her to know that he was there but she heard his footsteps. She turned and shot him a deadly glare as if telling him not to come any closer.

But that deadly look didn't faze Axel.

Anyone would have stopped, turned around, and will probably be running for their dear life after seeing the killing intent in Hannah's eyes, but not Axel.

With hands in his pockets, he kept moving forward instead of turning back.

He avoided stepping on the dead bodies as he went to Hannah who was standing in the middle of the corpses. He stopped in front of her and his eyes lingered on her body, trying to see if she was injured anywhere but that was difficult as she was already covered in blood. So he only had to look at her face for any sign of pain or discomfort but he saw none.

Hannah stood quietly as she glared daggers at Axel.

This man, with just a few words, had dashed her hopes of living a normal life, and now he was standing in front of her right after she killed people?

Wasn't he scared that she would kill him or was he just plain stupid?

There were already a lot of dead bodies on the ground. Adding his would not make a difference.

"Your hand". Axel stretched out his open palm, expecting her to place her hand on his but she didn't. Hannah just stared blankly at Axel's palm. Was he expecting her to place her hand on his?

No way!

After waiting for a while and Hannah still hasn't placed her hand on his, he grabbed her hand and forcefully pried her clenched fist open.

Her hand was covered in blood so he brought out a handkerchief from his pants pockets and wiped her hand clean.

"Do you have a clean knife?" He asked but Hannah kept silent. He took her silence as a no and without hesitating, he raised her hand to his lips and bit her palm.

Hannah flinched as she felt Axel's sharp teeth dig into the flesh of her palm. He was biting so hard that Hannah thought he could draw blood.

She closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to disappear and when it did, she felt something wet and warm on her palm.

Her eyes flew open and she looked up only to meet the sight of Axel licking her wound.

She felt so uncomfortable!

What was worse was that he had his brown eyes fixed on her black ones as his tongue moved smoothly on her palm.

She found herself entranced by those blue, ice-like particles that were swirling in his eyes and she wanted to just put her fingers in his eyes to see if those blue dust were as cold as they looked.

Fortunately, before she could do that, Axel detached her palm from his lips and Hannah pulled her hand back immediately and swiped her palm on her skirt to get rid of Axel's saliva.

"Let's go". Axel took her hand and pulled her by she didn't budge. He tugged her hand again and again but Hannah was unresponsive. He sighed and dropped her hand and went behind her.

A confused Hannah was wondering what Axel was doing behind her when she felt the ground under her disappear.

Instinctively, she reached out for something to hold and it just happened to be Axel's shoulder and that was when she realized that she was being carried by Axel.

"Put me down!" She glared at him and demanded angrily. She started struggling but that only made Axel's arms around her tighten.

"Be good and don't move, or you fall". After saying that, Axel kept walking till they got to his car.

He opened the door and placed Hannah on the passenger seat and even strapped her safely with the seat belt before turning around and entering the car.

He roared the car into life and drove off.