
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 20: King Jiuca of Jiuca

(The Present)

Hado ripped through a guard, running across the wall and slamming another guard off.

"We need to find the gate wheel and let the rest of the troops come in," Najenda said, shooting a few guards with her pistols and looking at Hado to confirm he had heard her.

"That won't be a problem, it's right over there," He answered, pointing at the gate locking wheel.

Najenda nodded and started firing again, while she kept an eye on Hado who was now walking up onto the platform they were standing behind, making sure no more soldiers came down before turning around and starting back towards the gates once more.

"We make a pretty good team Najenda, if only you didn't hate me so," Hado teased, smiling as he jumped off the wall into the city, landing in the middle of the large mass of guards.

"We've got you surrounded, give up!" The guards yelled, holding spears toward Hado as he looked at them calmly.

"You know... I don't think I will," He said as his body burst, hundreds of thousands of different flying insects swarming the air as a gas substance fell onto the soldiers.

"W-What the hell!" They screamed as their skin began to flare up in welts.

"Poison, strong enough to kill over a thousand men at once, these danger beasts are quite useful, I might start a nice collection..." Hado said as his body reformed, the wrigglers sneaking back into his body as the guards dropped dead.

The poisonous gas was still drifting about the area, though not nearly near as much. A small handful of the remaining guards saw the smoke coming out of where Hado had been, panicking and rushing forward, trying desperately to get away from the cloud which was beginning to dissipate rather quickly, its source being back inside of Hado.

Najenda yelled at him from the top of the wall, "Hado! Hurry it up!" She ordered angrily.

"I'm fine. Patience is a virtue General, patience is a virtue..." He responded coldly. "Tired of these orders, I need to rank up as soon as possible..." Hado muttered as he reached the wheel, grabbing one of the hilts and pulling it down.

The gate budged, opening slowly as Hado gritted his teeth, struggling against the ten ton gate.

"Hey, give me some energy friends," Hado said to his insects, a sudden burst of energy allowing him to burst the gate open.

"Charge!" The imperial soldiers yelled as they burst through the gates, rushing the kingdom of Jiuca. The city had officially been breached.


The Jiucan King watched from the city streets as enemies rushed forth, charging head first into battle. There weren't many left outside, but what need was there for them? They had blown past his forces, even killing both of his generals.

By traditional means, his kingdom was overrun, and now owned by the empire... However he would never accept that.

"It doesn't matter," The king said, smiling to himself, "I'm the only real member of the army anyway, those guys are just numbers."

He ran forward into the mass of enemy soldiers as they cut down civilians running through the streets, raising his hands and freezing several. Soon he felt something hit his shoulder blade, pain radiating throughout his entire body.

"Is that all?"


Dozens of the soldiers burst into blobs of flesh and blood, their bodies combusting and their blood painting the city streets.

"Our king has arrived to protect us!" One citizen yelled.

"The crimson King has made an appearance!" They all yelled as they shouted his name in unison, flooding the streets as he continued to walk forward.

'Just as I thought... No one can withstand my blood control...'

As he walked through the crowds of people cheering for him, the citizens began falling to pieces as their bones exploded, their insides boiling as their skin peeled off, exposing organs and other things that shouldn't really ever see the light of day.

"You thought blowing people up would be impressive, who's this guy?" Hado asked, sitting atop a building with Najenda and Esdeath.

"That was a bit far Hado," Najenda scolded as the boy shrugged.

"Nonsense... But this will be my fight Hado... He is strong," Esdeath said, jumping off the roof toward the king and slamming into the man's raised arm, which he used to block the brutal blow.

"Huh... Blue hair, enticing figure, are you General Esdeath of The Empire?" The king of Jiuca said as Esdeath smiled, raising her rapier in a challenge.

"Yes, that's right... And you are?" She asked.

"Well... I am the king of Jiuca... And my name... Is Jiuca."

Jiuca rushed forward, dodging Esdeath's blade as he grabbed her by the arm.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Esdeath asked, freezing the man's arm and slicing it off.

Jiuca jumped back, looking at the flowing blood falling on the ground. "Huh... Ouch."

Esdeath stepped back, readying herself for a counterattack, but instead, she felt something off within her.

"They say my teigu was based off the one you have... Demon extract is it? I have demon extract as well... But the danger beast it was taken from wasn't quite the same as your's general... I can control blood!"

She stopped and looked at the king, who smiled, his teeth showing and his eyes glowing.

"The danger beast I have is a little stronger than yours, and a little smarter too. It seems to have a sense of self, unlike most of them. It speaks to me, telling me what to do, who to kill, who to let go, and if I'm going to win or not... Guess what bitch..."

Esdeath felt her body jerk to the right, her arms twisting at weird angles as the king smiled, stepping forward and putting his hand on her cheek.

"Huh... Yes, that's quite exciting," Esdeath said, her voice strained as her legs and arms twisted strangely.


Her arm broke, but she was still smiling.

"You are quite tenacious, but that won't save y-"

Hado watched from above, widening his eyes as his surroundings became entirely blue, and everything seemed off, as if it was too still.

"Hah... I wasn't sure if this would work, it's quite the trump card, such a shame I had to use it so earlier," Esdeath said as Hado watched, he couldn't move, but his consciousness was active as ever.

Esdeath fixed her body, completely back to normal as she walked over to Jiuca, placing her sword in the center of his chest.


With that the world unfroze, and King Jiuca's heart was burst by a rapier. He widened his eyes, looking at the woman standing above him in surprise.

"How... I had you completely under control..."

Jiuca fell flat on his face, dead as Esdeath pulled her sword out of his chest.

"What? What happened?" Najenda asked, clearly oblivious to the spectacle that Esdeath had just pulled.

'Just what is she? Is she supposed to be human?' Hado asked himself as, for the first time since he'd arrived in this world, he felt true fear.