
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Prelude to War (R18)

Hado was taken off the guard's help after a day, much to his disappointment. Though he knew it was a punishment, he was intrigued by the hybrid running around the city.

Unfortunately, his general had other plans.

"I have a special announcement today, Lieutenant Najenda had been offered the position of General, and therefore will not be with us any longer, she has taken a few of the troops, such as Seargent Lubbock... But let's get to the important stuff... War."

Esdeath had a way of speaking that was exciting, Hado felt he could listen to her all day and never get bored, she was so enthusiastic about being in the army that he couldn't help himself but admire it.

He wanted to break her.

She continued. "The Emperor has assigned us and Najenda's troops for this next mission, it will take several months, it is time to finish off the south once and for all, and claim a new territory for the empire..."

The soldiers roared, yelling in approval as Esdeath waited for them to quiet down.

"For the next few weeks, we will prepare, and then, be prepared for bloodshed." With that General Esdeath dismissed her troops, leaving Hado standing in formation.

"What is it?" She asked, looking at him after everyone had left, sitting on a random soldier she'd called at the beginning of formation.

"General, I don't understand why I was pulled off the guard support-"

"Ah, that's an easy answer, because I wanted you ready for war," Esdeath interrupted, causing Hado to grind his teeth before calming down.

"I see... Understood," He said, unable to figure out what else to say. He wasn't strong enough to beat her yet, and he wasn't close to being able to catch her off guard.

She'd already killed 5 of his jeweled wasps, it was useless to continue trying.

Esdeath stood up. "You are going to learn how to fight properly, all the battle drills, techniques, and formations will be pummeled into your mind, do you understand?" She asked, smirking wildly at him as the hair on his neck stood up.

"Yes... General."


Hado walked into the apartment building feeling terrible. His body healed instantly, so all the training was a breeze.

But the mental exhaustion he felt from being up for days, doing physical and mental training, as well as trying to fit in time to train with his insects, it had all finally caught up to him.

"I suppose I do have limits..." Hado said to himself as he plopped onto the bed, sighing as he saw the girl in the corner.

"I almost forgot about you Sayomi..." Hado said, slightly annoyed as he sat up. "That reminds me... I need to collect my payment for the business... What have you been doing?"

Sayomi stood in the corner quietly, looking down without answering Hado.

"Hey? I asked you a question," Hado said, standing up as Sayomi flinched, looking at him with bruises all over her face.

"What the fuck?" Hado whispered, crossing the room in a second and examining her face quietly.

"Who did this?" He asked simply, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him.

"The man in the room across from ours... I fought him off, but I don't have much energy... I haven't eaten anything in nearly three weeks..."

Hado ignored her and let go, walking out of the room and banging on the door forcefully.

"Now who-" A man said as the door opened a crack.

Instantly dozens of wasps swarmed out of Hado, the maggots and worms following suit, all of them attacking the man as Hado stepped into the room.

"How dare you touch my property... Are you a thief?"

The man screamed as the insects ripped him apart, tearing at his flesh, organs, muscle tissues, and brain.

Before long, the man was a bloody mess of a human.

Hado turned around, seeing Sayomi watching from the doorway.

"Thank you..." She said monotonously.

"Shut the hell up and come here," Hado said. She instantly listened, not even flinching when he grabbed her by the hair and forced her to her knees.


"Take them off..." He said, seeing her eyes widen a bit.

"Did I stutter?" He asked, Esdeath's face in his mind as Sayomi shook her head and unbuckled his belt, pulling down his grayish white uniform pants.

Hado didn't bother telling her what to do next, she already knew what was happening.

"Why would you thank me?" He asked, looking at her with a disgusted look as she opened her mouth and let his dick slide in, her tongue licking desperately around the tip.

"Gagh!" Sayomi gagged as Hado forced her head closer, pushing his dick to the very back of her throat, her eyes wide as tears formed.

"I asked a question," He said quietly, bringing his hips back before slamming them forward once again. Another gag.

"I don't know!" Sayomi yelled after he pulled out again.

Another gag.

"That's not good enough," He said, grabbing the back of her head with both hands and thrusting his dick once again, holding it there as she scratched and banged at his legs.

Hado gritted his teeth as he thought to Esdeath, the only person since he had gotten in this world to give him trouble.

She represented a challenge, and he didn't want a challenge. Hado had thought everything would be a breeze, that this world would just be a game, a simple pastime with his gifts.

That had not been the case.

Sayomi gasped for air as Hado let her go, falling to the floor as she coughed wildly, her legs kicking as tears flowed from her eyes.

"Sorry I am not better," She managed to choke out, turning around and revealing under her skirt.

Hado looked, uninterested as he pulled his pants up.

"Sayomi... You are free to go," He said, buckling his belt and flashing her a look of disgust as he returned all of his insects to his body. "You are free."

Sayomi widened her eyes as the tears continued to flow.

Hado left the room, and Sayomi with the dead man, her sobs drowned out by the closed door.

"Huh... Why didn't I kill her?" Hado thought as he locked the door to his room, laying on the bed.

"You're soft," A voice said in his head.

"Oh... Right."

Hado closed his eyes, significantly relaxed, he would have to test out that sexual method once again, perhaps it was key to his now demanding job...

As for Sayomi, she left the empire that very night.