
Chapter 36-4: A wedding date

"How may I serve you?" The responsible employee there, could not help but ask out of luxury and duty, and smiled courteously, waiting.

"We'll take a look first" he said relaxedly in response, before dragging her with him.

"of course. Take it easy" He shook his head obediently, leaving a reasonable distance between them, following him.

At that time, Caroline tried to separate from him and take a solitary look, but he stopped her with an unusual stubbornness and tightened his grip around her even more, preventing her from acting alone or even thinking of untangling their fingers together.

He felt threatened.

The procedure was more fantastical than he had expected, and for a while, it made him uneasy, inside his head.

The idea that she had obediently allowed him to touch him, without even the slightest resistance or comment, was something new and difficult to digest, even if it meant something as insignificant as this, in public.