
AGG: White Tiger

wimpy kid gets a guardian angel in the form of his uncle Eren who teaches him to defend himself and protect his family returning to protect his brother only fail and his brother is but in comma. Now he stands ready to take revenge and face his demons of the past

masterdiabloPPP37 · Action
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23 Chs

The senju family

Jin was taken aback, Hinata was kissing him, her chest pressing against his and his waist perfectly between her legs making his crotch directly under her coochie, he was trying to control himself because even with the seven years away from home he had never been this close to a girl or even kissed a girl so his hormones where running wild, he was trying to regain his senses when she deepened the kiss by sticking her tongue in his mouth,

damn it, I'm loosing my mind

he couldn't hold himself for much longer and kissed Hinata back, she opened her eyes surprised that he returned the kiss, she slowly released his hands as hers went to his cheeks, his hands shot to her waist then slowly went down as he groped her ass, they caressed each other before Hinata pulled away then took of her uniform shirt to reveal her bra and bountiful tits

Jin couldn't believe what was going on but he was liking it, at least he would enjoy this moment before his common sense came back. Hinata continued the kiss as she slowly removed his shirt to reveal his chiseled abs and huge chest, she bit her lips at the sight of him shirtless before he pulled her in for another kiss, they continued for a while, his hands full of her tits and ass while she ran her fingers all over his chest and muscles. They where getting lost in each other and where about to go deeper when they heard a knock at the door

Jin are you there

hearing his mother's voice they suddenly stopped

y...yes mom

dinner is ready, is Hinata with you? I saw her shoes at the front

yh she's here we where studying he said as they hurried to put on they're shirts back

ok we'll dinner is ready so anytime you guys feel like it come down stares ok

alright mom

after Jin's mom left they both took a minute to catch they're breath

I can't believe we did that Jin thought

I can't believe I did it Hinata thought

w..we kissed and more they both thought

Jin was a bit happy his mom interrupted them because his logical thinking went out the window and lost all sense or reasoning, not only that, they where about taking of they're skirt and trousers as Hinata's hand was slowly creeping into his pants

I.....it was ..my first kiss she said feeling embarrassed

r... really, b..but you where so good at it, it was my first kiss too, sorry if I'm a sloppy kisser

hearing this she turned her face to the window trying to hide how red her face was

a few minutes later she turned to look at Jin before walking slowly towards him then pushing him to the bed again the laid down on top of him

what's wrong he said

it's my family Jin, it's not what you think it is, she began to explain

My father is a mafia boss, he married my mom because she was from a prestigious family, when her father finally handed the company he owned over to my dad his true nature came out, he used the companies fundings to spread his underground business, and stoped treating my mom with love like he did before, he started abusing my mom when rumors among his subordinates spread that my mom was his only weakness because she was the only one who could stand up to him, he would beat my mom whenever she talked back to him about bringing his illegal business to the house of when he tried to get me to join him and she refused.

At a point I ran away from home because I was scared he would beat me up too, that's when I met you, and fell for you

anytime I ran away from home or was hiding in fear and sadness you would somehow always find me, I didn't know how but you would and you would always cheer me up, I was never sad or felt fear or alone when I was with you, when we got into the same middle school and I saw those kids bullying you I wanted to protect you because to me you looked just like my mother, I had already told myself I would get stronger to protect my mom from my dad but seeing you going through the same thing strengthen my resolve

So I went to my father to train under some of his body guards, so I was able to protect you, when he finally went over seas to expand his business I went to a karate dojo to get stronger, but all of it, all of it was for nothing she said as she started crying and holding onto his shirt

just the other day, I found out I had a younger brother, it's strange because mom had a miscarriage, that's what mom told me only for me to find out my dad took him awake from us because according to him she could have me, all he wanted from her was a male child to inherit the family business.

Jin couldn't believe how cruel her dad was or at least he tried to pretend to be, his uncle already dug up some info on him so it wasn't such a surprise infact it would be a surprise if he wasn't or at least have a daughter complex

slowly Jin rose up and cleaned Hinata's tears

Hinata, listen to me, you don't need to protect me anymore, because I'll protect you from now on

n...no that's not how this works

yes it is, you protected me when we where in middle school but now it's my turn, no matter what the problem is I'll always help ok

Hinata took a minute to look deep into Jin's eyes, the look of conviction and determination in his eyes, all this time she thought she needed to be strong, that was the only way to be useful so as not too loose those she cared about or watch them get hurt but now she was the one who was being taken care of and being protected


Jin your foods getting cold

oh we'll be right there mom


saved by mom again, another second and I might have lost it with the way she was looking at me Jin thought to himself while Hinata just sat no the bed as her heart fluttered at the words Jin spoke to her, without realizing it Jin had made Hinata fall for him even more