
AGG: White Tiger

wimpy kid gets a guardian angel in the form of his uncle Eren who teaches him to defend himself and protect his family returning to protect his brother only fail and his brother is but in comma. Now he stands ready to take revenge and face his demons of the past

masterdiabloPPP37 · Action
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23 Chs

An Unwanted Ally

At school the next day Jin was in the student council, he was assisting with the report of indecent behaviors I'm school, apparently the school perverts are on the rise, Aldo the students that jin had beaten where back none of them where eager to go at it again and now he was in the disciplinary committee of the student council he had almost every right to beat them up now because the student council was in good graces with the parents and school board

ok so the school festival is coming up in two weeks but first we'll have our sports festival which will kick of the schools participation in the national Senior high competition, so as the disciplinary committee your job is to act as security for these events Hana explained

but Jin's mind was somewhere else, he was thinking how he would deal with his present issue

should I just confront them head on? no that would be reckless, or maybe I just need to stay put and beat anybody they send to me, no that won't do either that would give them enough time to lay an ambush or even gather intel about me that's considering if they haven't already and I don't want my parents to get in on this


maybe I can attack them dressed like a vigilante


that way they'll this k they have more important problems to deal with than me


huh? he turned around to see Hana a bit read covering her chest

calm down man, I know we all want a peek but control yourself man

huh?, without realizing it Jin had been staring at the presidents boobs the whole time

I didn't think you where that kind of guy, nice to see your like every other normal person Joon said

Joon! the president yelled

hey tiger do you have a thing for big breasts Chun LI said looking at him seductively

my apologies Jin said getting up and bowing his head, I wasn't actually looking my mind was somewhere else

so bold Joon said looking surprised

no it's not like that Jin said sensing the misunderstanding

get out Hana said angrily


I said get out! she yelled throwing a book at Jin with he caught then quickly left as more books came flying his way


at class he noticed ijin was always glancing at him, remembering his encounter with him he thought of something

after school Jin wasn't with Hinata like usual because he was starting to enact his plan to get rid of the gang problem, he was walking and noticed someone following him but decided not pay him any attention

he was heading to a cosmetics store when another group of thugs blocked his path

your going to come with us, our boss wants to talk

Jin looked around as they surrounded him and all of them pulled out a knife

Jin thought about it for a while and decided to join them, while they walked Jin was counting backwards from twenty

why are you counting on the the men asked but just then an individual stood in they're path, he wore a dragon mask that covers the lower half of his face leaving only his eyes and hair

unhand him the man said blocking they're way

all the things looked confused and even Jin too was dumbfounded

is he really playing super her vigilante right now? Jin thought to himself

and who the hell are you suppose to be

who I am doesn't matter what I stand for does, so let him go the man said taking a fighting stance

cut the weasel a new mask, a permanent one one of the thugs said, one of them stepped forward and brought out his knife

I'm gonna give you a permanent mask since you love them so much he said, the bot squared up ready to fight

the thug ran forward slashing at the man bit he dodged each strike the he countered sweeping the thug off the floor, the thug got up but met a kick to the top of his head knocking him out. When the guy turned around he swiftly dodged a slash, two of the thugs has come forward and where slashing away but just like before the masked man countered by hitting hen at the back of the head and the side of the neck with a chop and a blow and they where nocked out too

three down seven more to go the masked man proclaimed

this time five others came to fight him all at once but the other two watched as even unarmed he skillfully avoided there attacks and countered knocking them out swiftly, the other two where thinking what to do, with this guy here they couldn't take Jin with them and if Jin teamed up with him then there screwed so they pulled a tactical retreat

Jin just stood there looking around

you know they'll be back again right, and with more men next time

I know but rest assured your safety is my priority the maxed man said then swiftly left the area

that kid is crazier than I am Jin thought to himself maybe I can leave all this on his head and go Scot free he thought, nahh once they're done with him they'll come back for me so it best I handle this without any collateral damage

The next morning

Jin walked up to ijin before lunch and asked to meet with him so ijin followed

so what did you wanna talk about, if it's about the other day don't worry about it I did it because that's the right.....

I need you to mind your own business

excuse me

I know your the masked guy from yesterday you think I wouldn't recognize your red hair and voice

uhh I don't know what your talking about ijin said trying to fake ignorant but Jin wasn't habit it

stay away if you don't want to get hurt, I can take care of myself jin said and left

ijin looked at Jin walking off and shook his head

It's a hero's job to meddle in other people's affairs

That day ijin was ment to get something from the store for his mom and as expected another set of goons came to take him away but this time they where a lot more and just like before, ijin appeared again with his mask ready to save Jin but things didn't turn out as planned as more guys came out and surrounded him

play times over hero one of the thugs said

this time we're taking you out for good

why doesn't this idiot listen Jin thought to himself