
Agent X::- First Mission[Play]

Obi360Novels · Sci-fi
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7 Chs



In the major palour, he sat down with the files reading every details.

MAJOR:- Hmmm this is a sucide mission 80 percent potency

He threw the files in anger as he reached out to the TV remote control. after searching for news channels and settled for boom new.

MAJOR:- This Boko Haram terrorist are still not giving up.... I wish I have some special powers to just wiped out this blood terst terrorist.

He looks at the spot he threw the files and gasped in fustration

MAJOR:- This is my only hope. I joined the special force to fight this terrorist and bandits...... 80 percent is better than 30 percent

He took his android phone and called the General

GENERAL:- Major I hope you won't be refusing to my proposal this time

MAJOR:- You never gave me the full details but now I have read the full details... my answer is yes sir

GENERAL:- That's good. you have made me proud. get prepared I will see you at Abuja Defence HQ

MAJOR:- Oky sir

He hanged the call

MAJOR:- I pray that I come out alive, science science science

He stood up and went inside his bedroom