
Aged & impregnable:big, bad and beautiful

_Precious_Louis_N · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 3000bce:getting there

Sven and erling keeps up with the discussion as they sip one of their finest wine on their berm

sven: but she is really beautiful though, it is so tragic fate has to treat her this way, she would have been a very good girl

Erling: are you having sympathy for her, cos she sure don't need it all she needs is her pay cut at the end of the day, she doesn't give a fuck about love, she's a lost cause.

Sven: whatever really feel for her I hope she doesn't end up ruining her life ehm!(coughs sarcastically) Erling is there anything you would like to tell me, so you have anyone in mind

Erling :like what, I don't have anything to tell you except you breath stinks of garlic that why why ladies run from you maybe you should start by chew some mint leaf to kill the smell

Sven: seriously? And you are just tell me that's totally unfair

Erling: sorry but couldn't spoil the fun of watching you get rejected over and over again oh my goodness it was triviality

Sven: at least i do it in public, talk more of you,you sneaky bastard!..

Erling; what do you mean? I don't sneak around...

Sven: you think I didn't know you have been sneaking out in the middle of the night having sex in the middle of woods with the red hair lassie cerys From downtown east of the brooks

Erling: OK then, I suppose you caught me, but what I don't understand is why you are so angry about it?

Sven: Because it's dangerous, the woods is a wild place and you should know better. I just don't want you to get hurt or worse. If you get her pregnant you'll have to watch them grow old and die

Erling: Alright, I understand why you are worried and I'll take more precautions in the future. I'm sorry if I made you apprehensive forgive me and let's get get over it

Sven: ok. Fine I forgive you!...

Erling: I don't think we can get humans pregnant, I mean don't you remember the elimination of the demi deities by father?

Sven: it was so unnecessary, dad was just jealous

Erling: they where causing harvoc or and they where all nominations

Sven: no dad was not happy with the taking all his acclaim he thought the humans will forget about him

In narration Sterling and even where brothers who fought against the rebellion in their kind of I'm the spiritual relm, according to my theories they did not find another god like them on earth but what I think is they all fell, all of them,

all fifteen of them except for one who I think was captured as a trophy for their victory.

but my question is who where they fighting against? And why one of my theory states that they where fighting against eachother for power,they picked sides but i am still uncertain of

who started the rebellion qnd against who the thousands of possible wys i came into existence and there are more like me out there and i need to find them.

(cablephone ring me Frederickis on the line)

Lucy: me Frederick what a surprise... Astounding! After one decade you finally decided to buzz me. What's the matter fred?

Fred: sorry lucy have been pretty regaled. But I assure you that I always have you in marbles

Lucy: how are you holding up with the Senate?

Fred: very well. It has been tough, but you know there is nothing I can't regulate

Lucy: happy to hear you are doing delicate, what is you purpose for this unexpected call? Make it quick I am at the middle of a research

Fred: I am in some serious issues and my hands are bound I hit a dead end

Lucy: you hit a dead end how? Fred after all the power vested in you, you misused it,fred I don'think I can help you, all you have to do is to do it by the book that way you'lll be disencumbered

Fred: please you have to help me I don't know what to do

Thought I was signing some kind of research on a new type of drugs that enhances the human mind and body

when they brought the deal to me, I didn't know it was human experiments now the. Project has cost three dozens of lives

Lucy: your only way out to falsify an accord signed by the victims agreeing to all experiments on them stating that they are fully knowledgeable of what the side effect might cause then get a special technician who can hack in to the mainframes of the deceased bank account transfer a very convincing amount of money on the certain day they signed the contract.

Fred: that would-be a very good idea, I'll make sure I follow every single details

Lucy: interesting, if you'll excuse me I have another call waiting, Jane speak!

Jane: lucy hey! How are you holding up?

Lucy: am good..

Jane: good, you remember the samples of the that chemical you gave me I can pick traces that same matter in an excavation site in the south side of the northern reserve it's like something or someone puked the same chemical energy we have been tracking everywhere

Lucy:send the coordinate I'll meet you there in fifteen

Jane: lucy chill you can't get in without clearance

Lucy: no need for that

(few minutes later)

Jane; LUCY! right here, how the hell did you get in here

Lucy:i own a shear In this reserve particularly all I need is face recognition, show me what you found

Jane :here!

Lucy:so this is where they fell Sterling and sven, I shear the same gene with them

Jane; what?

Lucy: this is a break through for me now I can know what really happened and find out the reason why we couldn't find my father's body when we check his tomb ,when I find him I'll kick his royal ass foremost before I hear any excuses he has to convey