
Age of Umpires

5 umpires are reincarnated into a world of the past. How will they deal with the rules of this strange and fascinating world.

memorium64 · War
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2 Chs

English Longbowmen

Edward was an englishman. If someone were to ask for his occupation he would answer with three words, death from afar. He knew he was a special kind of killer, a hunter of men, the scourge of noble knights, a Yeomen. He and his friend George were professional soldiers from the castle of St. Ambrose. They had braved 3 seiges. Destroyed 2 villages and killed hundreds of soldiers and militiamen. The arrows they crafted did not discriminate between the heavily armored or the lightly armored.

They were assigned new orders. " Destroy the military encampment to the north of our castle. The subjugation force included the two professional archers, twenty men at arms, ten archers, six knights and the bishop of Montgomery.

" Pay sure is nice and unrestricted looting is the best"! A men-at-arms remarked to his similarly dressed companion.

" These campaigns are so successful I could afford a horse, his twin, and the carriage to go with it!" Another men-at-arms exclaimed excitedly.

" Charles, you a peddler! Sooner will the King give up his crown!"

" Stuff it! As soon as I hit riches you will come begging to work for me!"

These two were part of a larger mercenary group that composed of twenty-three of the current subjugation force members.

The twenty infantrymen marched forward and steadily advanced to pause at the top of the hill closest to the enemy encampment. They motioned towards the archers as they stealthily advanced under cover of dusk.

The archers moved to get in range of the enemy encampment so they could rain fire on their unsuspecting foe before the sentries could alert their soldiers.

It was instant. The moment the two sentries saw the incoming knights charging down the hill an arrow neatly fit into their throats as though it was a bodily feature they were meant to have since birth.

The enemy militia and soldiers caught unawares either were massacred under the enemy charge and arrowfire or fled in panic. The knights pursued the fleeing enemies as the men at arms and archers went further into the encampment to loot it.

" Eight, and one knight." said Edward.

" Nine, and his horse." joked George.

" pfft guess you win."

The two were professional soldiers so they refrained from looting. Instead they liked to target practice with enemy buildings. They enjoyed setting the buildings on fire. In this world buildings would light on fire when they were attacked constantly, and without repairs, they would stay burning. In this particular case the building was about to collapse. They could tell not because of any structural expertise or because the building was simply on fire, but because of how much the building was on fire. They began taking bets on how many arrows it would take for the building to completely collapse.

However at this moment. the ground shook and the wall of the building had a door-sized hole that should not have been there.

It all happened too fast. They were expert archers; they could load and shoot an arrow across insane distances in an instant and hit their target on top of that.

"Bloody Heauuuh!"

None of it mattered. A man swung a majestic sword and both their bows broke along with their noses, and then their consciousness.