
A High Insurmountable Wall Part I

“Sigh…I knew things would end up like this.”

Despite the seemingly exasperated tone, he was smiling like he was immensely enjoying the situation. And the speaker was none other than Ace, who was standing with his arms crossed while looking around the duel room of the Sakurabancho mansion. It was far larger than the duel room in any other facility. It could easily fit several tens of people.

“Then how come you look like you’re having fun?” Kokoro piped up, frustrated.

Ace gave her a wide grin.

“Honestly? These days, anyone who meets this guy would probably want to see how strong he is.”

He then reached over to slap Joke’s back loudly several times. The man who was putting cards into his ID slot suddenly paused.

“It seems like you’re toying with me, Mr. Ace.”

Although his tone was calm, there was certainly irritation hidden beneath.

“Uh-huh. You’re right. Ever since I met you, I’ve gained a lot more things to play with.”