
Age of Reincarnation: Spatial Supermarket Brings Forth Wealth

After dying in a gas explosion, Bai Xue was reborn in Bai Ruxue's body. Fortunately, she still had her supermarket pocket dimension. It contained rice, noodle, grains, oil, vegetables, fruits, snacks, clothing, and all sorts of goods she'd need. She exchanged her resources for a house, a car, a new job, and gold! With this supermarket, I can get anything in the world. A man with the surname of Zhang showed up one day. "How can I repay you for saving my life?"In the end, the handsome man decided to offer his body to repay her for saving his life!

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40 Chs

Interspatial Supermarket

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Bai Xue was already in her department store when she regained consciousness.

The supermarket was as neat as before and did not look like there was a gas explosion at all. She looked at the fresh vegetables in the vegetable area and saw that they were as green as freshly plucked vegetables.

In the grain and oil area, there were vats of rice and flour including rice, sorghum rice, millet, oat, white flour, corn flour, buckwheat flour, and yellow rice flour.

Vats of beans including soybeans, green beans, red beans, black beans, and peas could be found on the side.

There were also pre packed bags of rice and flour leaning against the wall. They came in 20, 50, and 100 catty sizes.

There were also all kinds of oil such as soybean oil, peanut oil, and sunflower oil coming in 2, 5, 10, and 50 catty-sized bottles.

In the fresh foods area, there were all kinds of meat such as pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, and fish. Lean pork meat, pork belly, fatty pork meat, lard, chicken drumsticks, chicken wings, chicken breast, chicken internal organs, beef, and mutton were also clearly divided. Each had its own cold storage cabinet, and they were displayed in an orderly manner.

Next were seasonings. She could see soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, MSG, Sichuan pepper, star anise, and salt. Some of them she neither recognized at all, nor did she know how to use them. Anyway, it was a good selection and everything was there.

She looked at every corner of the supermarket. Even the clothes, quilts, sheets, shoes, and socks that were the most flammable items were properly displayed. There were no signs of fire at all. The only difference was that everything outside the supermarket looked blurry. She could not see the other shops and could not go out. Her consciousness could only move freely in her supermarket.

Bai Xue subconsciously touched a vegetable. It did not pass through her hand like an apparition and she was able to pick it up.

Just as she was feeling puzzled, many memories that did not belong to her intruded into her mind. They were clear and blurry, beautiful and painful.

It turned out that she had really transmigrated and been reborn.

She was reborn as this clan's eldest daughter, Bai Ruxue.

The host was 15 years old this year and was the eldest daughter of this family. There was only one extra character in her name, Bai Ruxue. She had a pair of 12-year-old younger twin sisters, Bai Ruyun and Bai Ruxia. The twin younger brothers were 10 years old, Bai Rushan and Bai Ruchuan. If she guessed correctly, another pair of twins were born last night.

This family certainly had a lot of children.

She knew this era very well. Her father always told her about the time when he was young. Her father was born in 1963 and happened to be in this era when food and clothing were scarce. He always told her about the hunger and cold he suffered when he was young and how difficult it was.

The host's father was the eldest son of the Bai family and he had already moved out of the main residence. However, the host's grandmother was biased. The host had two uncles and three aunts. The three aunts had already married and had moved to other villages. The host's father and second uncle had already moved out. Her grandmother was biased towards her third uncle, so she kept going to her two elder sons to plunder things for her youngest son. When Bai Xue first woke up, she chanced upon her mother giving birth. Sadly, Wang Cuihua was unable to give birth properly because she was hungry and weak.

After receiving the memories from the original owner of the body, Bai Xue no longer had any strength. Her consciousness was kicked out of the interspatial supermarket.

When she woke up again, the sky was already bright. No, correction. It was an inappropriate description since the room was still very dark.

"Big Sis, are you awake?" Before Bai Xue could say anything, she saw a thin and small girl leaning over the top of her head and looking at her. She looked to be about 10 years old. Her black eyes looked emotional, and her small mouth was pouting. There were still tears rolling in her eyes. Ignoring her overly thin face, she was still a pretty girl. She was her second younger sister, Bai Ruyun, one of the twin sisters.

"Big Sis, you scared me to death. Boohoo…" The little girl had been guarding Bai Xue. When she saw that she had woken up, she quickly cried out.

Her cry attracted everyone in the room. Bai Xue watched as several little fellows ran over and scrambled to climb onto the brick platform bed.

"Big Sis, are you really awake? Do you still hurt?" Bai Ruxia's third sister climbed up and knelt beside Bai Xue.

"Dad, Big Sis is awake!" There was a little boy beside his feet. He resembled Bai Ruxia, but he looked younger than her. He was the eldest of the twin boys, Bai Rushan.

"Big Sis, you're awake. I'll get you some hot water…" Bai Ruchuan was the younger twin boy. He was standing on the ground before he hurriedly ran out to fetch water.

"Is Xue awake? Come, come, step aside. Let me see how your eldest sister is doing!" The man's voice sounded from outside, and the host's father walked in.

Bai Xue found it strange. Ever since she accepted the memories of the host, she could recognize everyone, and she did not feel unfamiliar at all.

"Xue, can you sit up?" Bai Daliang climbed onto the brick platform bed and asked her brothers and sisters to move aside while he helped Bai Xue up. "Come, drink some hot water to warm your stomach first. I'll cook some corn paste for you!"

"Dad, I'm much better. I can sit on my own. You don't have to help me!" She sat on her own after being helped up. Fortunately, she did not hurt her bones when she slid down the slope.

Bai Xue took the enamel cup and gulped down a few mouthfuls of warm water. Only then did her stomach feel a little better.

Actually, this family should not be so hungry. Five children in the family could work in the production unit and the youngest two children were already ten years old. In addition, Bai Daliang and Wang Cuihua could also work. The seven of them could earn bit by bit and save some money by the end of the year.

They were not so poor that they could not even afford a proper blanket and would starve from time to time. Even after Wang Cuihua got pregnant, she did not stay at home and stopped working entirely.

Old Madam Bai came over from time to time to take advantage of them. They really had no choice. If they did not give Old Madam Bai what she wanted, she would resort to stealing. If Old Madam Bai could not steal, she would snatch. She would act shamelessly and take all the food, blankets, and clothes they had at home.

"Xue, slow down. I'll get you some cornmeal paste later!" Bai Daliang looked at Bai Xue, who was gulping down water, and his eyes turned red.

He had gone to the old residence yesterday to ask his mother for food but she refused to hand the food over. Third Aunt had given him some food supplies last night and he did not cook them all. He had saved some for the children to eat today.

"Dad, why don't you give them to Mom and… babies. I'm fine!" She had heard of corn paste, but she felt that she definitely could not eat it.

Bai Xue glanced at Wang Cuihua, who was sitting on the brick platform bed in the south. Her mother had just given birth, but she did not know the gender of the two newborn children.

The nine of them were squeezed into a mud house. It was a room with a brick platform bed running from the north to the south. The area in the middle was not spacious. The couple slept on the south brick platform bed, while she used the north brick platform bed with her siblings. On the ground, there was a large iron pot used to cook food near the entrance.

There was a cabinet on the south side of the brick platform bed. All the family's things were kept inside including blankets folded on top of it. Once it was winter, the blankets did not need to be kept folded since the house was chilly anyway. If there was nothing to do, they would cover themselves with the blankets and sit on the brick platform bed.

"Big Sis, Mother has given birth to boy and girl twins this time!" Bai Ruyun was usually the most perceptive. Seeing her eldest sister did not know if her mother had given birth to a younger brother or sister, she quickly explained.

"Oh, really? Haha! I see!" Bai Xue rubbed her nose and replied.

"Your mother has food. I've already cooked for you, so just eat it! Hang on! I'll bring it to you now!" Bai Daliang said as he walked out.

"Big Sis, go ahead and eat! Hurry up and get well. You scared us to death! Don't go to the mountain alone from now on. In the future, Chuan and I will look for food! We are men!" Bai Rushan was the elder brother of the boys. He patted his chest and spoke.

"That's right, Big Sis. Big Bro and I will take care of the food. If Brother Zhang from the Educated Youth Section didn't carry you back, you might have frozen to death outside!" Bai Ruchuan also spoke.

"Good boy!" Bai Xue could only pat her brothers' heads in agreement.

As for Brother Zhang from the Educated Youth Section… she would repay him for saving his life in the future if she had the ability!

Although the host had still died, he saved her life.