
Age of Primals

when an archeologist is thrust into a new world full of magic but is parallel to earth Prehistoric era what will he do, will he survive and speed up the development of humanity or will he fail and fall prey to the many dangers of this new world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, this is the author and I would like to say I hope you all enjoy my book and disclaimer I am a 16 yr old novel writing newbie so I hope you all like it, and feedback is much appreciated (Sorry for the hiatus but I’ve hit a writers block with this story so I’ll be taking a break for a bit, sorry once again.)

LazyCaveman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Achievement complete (Day 1)

After I got caught up on the rules of this world I started walking towards what I would hope was a river but instead I found myself a cave that seemed empty and luckily there was a water reservoir inside so that saved me the trouble of adventuring further.

[Ding! Achievement complete: find water source]

[New task: set up shelter]

Oh, awesome so I also can complete task but hey do I get a reward or is it just for fun?

[You do get rewards would you like to enable reward notification?]

Yes, and what reward did I get?

[You earned exp would you like to enable auto collect or would you like to store exp?]

Auto collect!

[Ding! Level up!]


[Name: Shin Midnight]

[Age: 20]

[Affiliation: none]

[Class: none]

[Sub-Class: none]

[Mage Realm: none]

[Warrior Realm: 1st tier Apprentice]

[Strength: 17]

[Agility: 19]

[Endurance: 14]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Mana: 20]

[Skills: Mana Punch lvl. 1, Mana Meditation lvl. 1]

[Stat Points Available: 5]

[Skill Points Available: 5]

[Ding! System shop has been unlocked!]

Amazing so there is a shop huh, what can I buy in the shop system?

[You can buy skills, items, and other miscellaneous items]

I say open shop right?



- Skills

- Items

- Others


Open skills.

[Skills Available]

- Lesser Radar: a skill which scans a 20 meter distance around you searching for enemies weaker then you, small animals, and rivers. More options available later. Price: 5 skill points.

Oh just what I need this will help me when out hunting system are there any other skills I can buy?


Sigh. Okay buy radar

[Ding! Skill Lesser Radar bought, remaking skill points 0]

I'm guessing I use stat points for stats huh, so system put 3 stats in endurance and 2 in strength.

[Ding! Stats have risen. Would you like to see]

No I'm fine, now let's go out and get some food but first I need to make a spear.


Finally after an hour I found a good stone and a solid branch now let's break the stone and make it sharp.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Crack!

Wow I'm pretty lucky this is perfect!

Now next attack make a groove in the branch.

Now put the stone in the groove and seal with sap, then wrap with leaves and done! Not to bad if I say so for my self.

[Ding! New skill (Beginners Crafting) has been learned]

Awesome I can learn skills by doing things amazing let's view the skill, system show me (beginners crafting).


(Beginners Crafting, Effect: 10% higher chance of succeeding in making a functional object)

- A skill that is learned after making a crude object can improve level by crafting more things.

Awesome all I have to do is just make crude knifes and other items and I can level it up great, but first let's go out and hunt.


Let's see use Lesser Radar!

[5 Mana used, Items found!]

- rabbits west 10 meters away

- river leading south 18 meters away

- youth Dire wolf north 20 meters

Huh…. A DIRE WOLF AWESOME! but wait why is it not moving let's go check, I can't believe I will be able to see a real life dire wolf!

(Cave 20 meters away)

"I guess this is the cave, well let's head in". I walked in and sure enough I found a Dire wolf pup but what I wasn't expecting was I found it with its a dire wolf with beautiful Gray fur who had scars and wounds all over her body.


It's okay don't worry I'm not here to hurt you, system is there anything I can do to help the fire wolf?

[No there isn't the wounds are fatal however for this one time I can convey you have no bad intentions to her and you can see if that will help]

Yes, please do that.

[Mind link being made between host and dire wolf using 10 Mana... Connected]

Hello can you hear me I am not here to hurt you or your pup I just want to know if there is anything I can do to help.


Yes I'm here.

(I have felt your intentions and I trust you please take my son from here and raise him and help him grow and be strong. As for me please just end my suffering without my son seeing.)

Ok I will do as you say I promise to raise and take care of your son I swear on my honor.

[Ding! New companion has been contracted with on behalf of their parent]

[Youth Dire wolf. lvl 4. Contracted to Shin Midnight]

[Ding! New skill emotion sharing has been learned]

[Ding! New Class has been unlocked Druid]

[Ding! Druid has been upgraded to Mage by system]

[Ding! New realm reached. 1st tier Mage Apprentice. Mana has gone up by 30 new total is 50 Mana is recharged 2 a minute]

W-w-w-what! So many things just happened wait I now have a class and moreover it's mage awesome and what does it mean by contracted beast?

[Using magic you can contract with beast and make them your companions. As companions you can feel each other's intent and later you can telepathically talk with them]

Cool I'm not even gonna ask about how I became a mage I'm just happy, oh right are you ready I've contracted with your son and I promise to protect him.

(Yes I am ready and his name is Ash)

[Ding! Name updated]

[Ash(youth dire wolf) lvl 4]

"Here I go rest well and in peace." After I said that I stabbed my spear into her heart to give her a fast and painless death.

[Ding! Adult Dire wolf lvl 21 has been slain! Level up 2x]


After that whole ordeal I went back with the sleeping pup in my arms and placed him there and went out to hunt a couple of rabbits which helped me level up again to level 5.

[Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 5 as a reward new feature inventory has been unlocked]

[Skill (Inventory)]

- a space storage with a 5x5 meter space to store items or corpses

Nice just when I was wondering how I was going to haul these rabbit corpses back.

(Home Cave)

After I got back I head to where I placed the dire wolf at and I found him awake and running around, once he saw me he started wagging his tail and he ran to me and started licking me.

Hey buddy how are you doing I brought food home. I showed him the rabbits then placed them down on a rock and went to go collect fire wood to make a campfire.

Once I came back to grab the rabbits I found that Ash had eaten 2 out of the 5 I killed and when I got close I got the notification he leveled up.

[Ding! Companion Ash has leveled up!]

[Ash(youth dire wolf) lvl 5]

Hey system why did Ash level up from eating?

[Since animals need to eat to develop it counts towards exp which in turn helps them grow up, you can also get exp from eating although a tiny amount]

I see so there levels also correlate with their development.

After I let Ash I went to the campfire and Cooke the rabbits and gave another one to Ash. Once I finished I went back into the cave and found a warm corner to sleep in using leafs as a blanket and when I laid down Ash lied next to me and fell asleep.

Wow I can't believe all this happened in one day, well here's to the next day.

And with that over I fell asleep.

[Day 2]

The next day I woke up with the sun seeping in to the cave, next to me Ash was still sleeping so I decided to leave him be and instead opened my status

[Name: Shin Midnight]


[Affiliation: none]

[Class: Mage]

[Sub-Class: none]

[Mage Realm: 1st tier Apprentice]

[Warrior Realm: 1st tier Apprentice]

[Strength: 19]

[Agility: 19]

[Endurance: 17]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Mana: 50]

[Skills: (Mana Punch lvl 1) (Mana Meditation lvl 1) (Lesser Radar lvl 2) (Beginner Crafting lvl 3) (Emotion Sharing lvl 2)

[Stat Points: 15]

[Skill Points: 15]

[Companion: Ash(youth dire wolf)]

System use 5 stat points on intelligence and use 4 on endurance, 3 on strength, and 3 on agility.

[Ding! Warrior realm advancement to 2nd tier Apprentice]

Awesome so I guess once strength and agility reach 20 you rank up right system?

[For every 10 stats that go into strength and agility you go up a minor realm]

What about Mage realm?

[When using meditation you gather more mana and make your mana storage bigger but to rank up you need to comprehend 2 tier 1 spells]

I see well let's go meditate then hey system how much does my mana go up when using mana meditation?

[You gain 2 mana every 3 hours]

Wow that's very little, well I guess I'll get more once it levels up.

(8 hours later)

[Ding! Mana has reached 68!]

System can I buy magic books in the shop?

[Yes, you can buy (Beginners Magic Book) for 10 skill points do you want to buy it?]


[Ding! Beginner magic book has been bought for 10 skill points, 5 left]

After I bought the book I read and learned the tier 1 spell magic arrow and then decided to go hunting.

Alright let's go, okay Ash stay here and man the fort okay. Ash looked at me and nodded his head.


After searching for an hour I found a boar and used magic arrow to kill it.

[Ding! Wild boar slain! Level up!]

After I put the boar in my inventory I heard a loud rumbling and decided to check it out but to my utter shock I found a mammoth fighting off a giant wolf and again to my shock the wolf used some type of wind magic!

System what did that wolf just use and why is it 2 meters tall and green!

[The wolf you are watching right now is what's called a magic beast not to be confused with a demon beast]

Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense… what the fuck kind of monster is that system!

[That wolf belongs to the magic wolf family it is a tier 3 tempest wolf I advise to run away before it notices you because being attacked is guaranteed death]

After that I hauled ass out of there.

Shit shit shit shit!

After I got back to the cave I made sure to hide with Ash and after another hour of nothing I came out relived to keep my life again now it's time to cook this boar and eat!