
AGE OF MAN.. Rise of the Four

SaimtNoctis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Elrick vs. the Dark Knight. 5




The wind whirled as the three sounds entered everyone's ears. But it was the result that finally stopped the crowd.

There at the knights feet it's sword pointed down as red blood trickled and dropped to the cobblestones cresting a little puddle.

Standing within reach was a teenager not older than fifteen. His body frozen as his eye froze all movements. A numbness swept through his mind right after tbe seating pain.

Then he felt the world tilt and saw his own boots and then the crowd behind him. As the darkness swallowed him he watched his feet fall and then his body landed in front of him.

'It took.. my head?' he thought as he watched his neck spurt blood out of his body.

The crowd of teenagers all had varying reactions. From shock to horror to fear. The distinct smell of urine permeated the air though no one reacted to it.

"Get back now!" Eric yelled yet again before rushing forward.

His thoughts had been clear before. Fight his fear, if not for anything for the off chance a way out of this enlarged cell would be outside.

Now, it was different. His eyes locked on the headless boy who's head was now filling in his own blood, he felt a rage within. His eyes moved from the head to the knight who had not not moved since it cleaved the boy's head off.

A new sound of sword leaving scabbard sounded throughout the space and many gasos filled the air as well.


"Where did he get a sword"

",Can I get one as well, here feels dangerous now"

"Is he really intending on fighting that"

Ignoring the murmurs that rose behind him Elrick with one hand grasping a sword and the other a shield very uncomfortably put on the helmet.

It was a normal corithiam styled helmet with a jaw clash that protected the helmet form falling off when hit by an arrow or something else.

Banging the sword on his shield he rushed forward shield raised to his law sword raised above his head. The knight barely moved as he charged forward.

But once he crossed a threshold the same threshold that the desd joy had gone pass the knight moved.


The ring of metal slamming on metal resounded. Then the shrill screech of both blade grinding of the other echoed before the knight moved back and them kicked the shield.

Eleick flew back and fortunately out of the threshold. The knight doesn't give chase standing put as Elrick groaned and stood to his feet.

Geittimg his teeth he took another look at the corpse then marched forward swinging. Swords clashed again as both knight and teenager were within the threshold.

But Elrick was a teenager against a full bodied knight, while he might have taller the knight was bigger. A contest of power was irrefutably an advantage to the knight.

The sword slid right of the knights as the sword was tilted to the side before the blade trusted forward banging against the shield. Elricks foot slid on the ground.

Pulling the sword back the knight spun around going right first then bringing the sword spinning back to Elricks left.

Elrock felt that this fear of his brought certain death with it. Instinctively he spun as well pushing the shield to the sword. A loud clang sounded and he felt the vibration shake through his arm.

Stumbling back he panted mot from exertion but from shock of the near death. Grimacing he slashed forests again only for the knight to rilt back and then thrust his sword down.

Pain bloomed on Elrick's thigh. Gasps echoed behind him as the crowd watched the tip of the thick broad sword enter into his leg.


His scream shocked even him. but who was to blame getting stabbed was not fun. The knight taking leverage pulled out tbe blade as it staggered back eliciting a gasp from Elrick who planted his weird to the ground and hissed while leaning his full weight on it.

'Think. He's stringer and better. He's obviously been doing this longer and better. Give up ?' his thoughts ran as pain assaulted his leg while he watched the Knight cautiously.

'Sighting the space behind the knight a space that could lead out of here he frowned and then pushed off his sword. Clanging the sword to his shield he moved albeit slower.

The knight moved as well and both joined in the center swords clashing once more. Parry, slash, strike, block Elrick found himself performing forms he didn't even know.

Atimes the knight had opportunities to kill him but moved back. Soon enough he'd attack and the knight would repeat the sequence.

The fight went on as the crowd grew bigger and bigger more people gathering and watching as tbe knight toyed with Elrick.

Finally Elrock who felt like he was on his last leg threw all caution to wind. Slamming forward he bashed at the knight. The knight himself turned using his shoulder to receive tbe bash.

Effectively stopped Elrick surprisingly didn't falter as he tilted around as fast as his burning legs could take him then letting the sword shift so he was holding it with a backhand grip he thrust it like a dagger into the space between the knight's cuirass and thigh.

The sound of flesh tearing was heard. The knight stumbled obviously stunned. Having slacked after toging around with the toy it didn't expect it.

As it fell to it's knees cradling the spot it barely moved the flash of steel as Elrick moved to the side and like an executioner in the gallows brought the sword down.


The knight's head rolled and stopped right by the boy's feet before it got stepped on. Elrock panting smiled and tossed the shield down before taking off the helmet. Ignoring the salty sweat that sting his eyes and ran down his nose to his lips he raised both helmet and sword releasing a victorious shout.

"YEAH" they crowd went ballistic with him as the shouted with joy and excitement.

"He did it!"

"Hell yeah he did it"

"Gosh he took his head."

"This should be too gruesome for me but somehow it feels right"

"Talk about poetic justice."

Everyone in the crowd either shouted with joy or talked about the fight it was a rush of excitement.

Am excitement that soon froze as a loud voice spoke in their heads with a thundering voice.Words that both shocked and confused as well answering some questions.

[The Royal Courtyard has been unlocked]

[Welcome to the 99,999 ]