

That night the prisoner is given a choice to enter the army of Clan Vor or die in the execution block. They all choose to die in the battlefield.

They rather die in battle over the execution block anytime. They will become the front line infantry attack Arial decided.

Then he went to the kitchen. He is famished after not eating for so long

Arial eat a little from the fortress kitchen and the rest is distributed to the army.

Some Orc ask permission to loot the nearby village and settlement like the Bor has been doing when they conquered fortress belonging to the Vor clan.

Arial quickly forbid such conduct.

'But we won, Larenas Arial.'

'I am your leader and I order you not to loot. Is my order clear or do I need to beat it out of you so you would understand?!'

When one of the Ratarai, one thousand Orc troop leader ask for his permission.