
Age of Exploration: A Dragon's Tale

In a world where dragons and magic exist, we follow a newborn dragon and his adventures, ups and downs, to save what remains of his soon to be shattered life.

Vanilla_OnlyXD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Prologue: The Start of Our World

A female voice speaks.

" In the beginning there were only the dragons. They sat upon an empty world, devoid of anything. Together with their king, they watched the void endlessly. They could not die but they also did not live. They merely existed. They did not eat nor did they sleep. They simply sat and looked into the void. Their king, the largest and strongest dragon, watched over it all until a spark lit up in the void. Out in the void, little bits of light pierced the endless void. Like wildfire, it spread all across the void, until it could no longer be called the void. Intrigued, the dragons watched silently, but with vigor like no other. Simply looking wasn't enough for the dragon king however, and he took a grasp at the light, only to grab nothing.

For the first time, he felt disappointment, frustration, and purpose. No longer was he simply watching over his kin and the void but now these lights that scattered the empty void, a miracle in his eyes. While they watched above them, next to them on the land they call home, appeared another light. This light was large and it casted shadows onto all of the dragons. They looked, curious but cautious for they've never experienced such wonder. The king once again took a grasp onto the light. This time he felt something, grabbed onto something even with its ethereal form, he felt it with his claws. A hot, cold, calm, wild energy permeated his claws and spread throughout his body. He felt it enter into his deepest parts of his body, places he never even knew existed and felt it change. His body glowed, a multitude of colors racing across his skin, granting it color and life. His old and rocky scales shattered and crumbled while new ones took its place, shining and shimmering in different colors, glowing until they could longer see their leader who was consumed in massive light.

The dragons froze still and waited. They have never seen this before. It amazed them, to see such an exciting and awe aspiring event take place in front of their very eyes and to which they could not look away. When it ended, the dragon king appeared once more in front of his people, but he changed. He grew massive wings that spanned greater than his body and shimmered with life like never before. Before their very eyes their king froze the ground with ice, lit the air with flames, and blinded the world with light. Taking their claws within his own, he bestowed an element of magic and color to each of the dragon heads who would then turn into the Dragon Lords. Together they all undertook a transformation, changing them forever. When all were changed, the dragon king fell. Surprised, the dragons gathered around their king, unsure what to do but surprising them, several lights appeared from the king's body. He no longer glowed, but retained his colors. The lights themselves floated by the king. Each of them represented an element and concept of magic. The dragon king stood up and greeted the lights, announcing them to be the essences of magic."

This is simply the prolouge to an entire series of stories I'm going to make from this world. If somethings feel too explained, it's because it's supposed to interact with other stories and I need to explain them fully. Feel free to critize constructively about certain areas and the writing. Anyways, if you do read this part, thanks for reading. :)

Vanilla_OnlyXDcreators' thoughts