
Age of Evolution#

"If I could live my life again, there'd be nobody in this world who could stop me." Although Lin Zhen was a Star Realm Warrior, he had led a stifled and frustrated life. Starting from the Earth era, up until humans migrated beyond the Solar System, he never made a name for himself. In his lifetime, countless grudges went unavenged, and countless desires were left unfulfilled. As he approached death, he summarized his life's experiences, thinking that if he could start again, he would use his foresight to reach the peak of his life. Holding on to this fantasy, he closed his eyes. Then, a cosmic black hole appeared. Time and space collapsed, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to Earth during the great catastrophe... PS: Readers can join the group "613961070." All subscribers can join the group "614441139." Updates on extra content will be provided from time to time.

Smoking Black Soil · Eastern
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1440 Chs

Chapter 472: Dust Settles (Third Update)

Seeing Tianci's actions, Lin Zhen's heart couldn't help but shudder.

He didn't expect Tianci to prefer not having the qualification to advance than to kill himself. With this, not to mention advancing, whether he could even keep his life was a problem.

But Lin Zhen never gave up. Even if his opponent was an incredibly powerful Star System Stage, he would fight!

The clone, already waiting here, was alongside the original, moving forward with the Yin-Yang Cliff Corner twin spears raised high!

Phantom God Strike!

Both of them launched the Phantom God Strike simultaneously. If they could succeed, they would succeed; if they couldn't, Lin Zhen planned to self-destruct and take Tianci with him, even if it meant dying inside the World Stone.

His Star System Stage had just broken through and was not very stable, making it not as strong as a real Star System Stage, so there might still be some hope in mutual destruction!