
Age of Desolation

Age of Desolation is a post-apocalyptic novel set in a near-future ravaged by a mysterious virus. The virus has decimated the world's population and left the survivors struggling to survive in a world full of chaos and destruction. The story follows a small group of survivors led by a mysterious figure . Together, they must fight against an oppressive government, hordes of bandits, and the mysterious virus itself in order to survive.

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The Beginning of the End

It was a typical morning for Michael, a college student, as he woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He got dressed, grabbed his backpack, and headed out to class. But as he walked through the campus, he couldn't help but notice that something felt off. The usually bustling campus was eerily quiet, and there were very few people around.

As he settled into his first class of the day, the professor was just about to begin his lecture when a sudden announcement came over the loudspeakers. It was a message from the divine being who had gifted the world with a system to protect it from harm. The message was clear and ominous, the system had failed and the world was in danger. The dead were rising from their graves and attacking the living.

At first, Michael thought it was a drill or a joke, but as the announcement was repeated and more and more students pulled out their phones to check the news, it became clear that this was no joke. The outbreak had begun, and it was spreading fast. Panic and chaos spread quickly through the campus as students desperately tried to find a way to survive.

Michael knew he had to act fast. He gathered a few of his classmates and together, they tried to make their way back to their dormitory, hoping to find safety there. But the campus was already overrun with zombies, and they had to fight their way through hordes of the undead just to make it to the dormitory.

As they made their way through the campus, they were met with a constant stream of zombies. Michael and his classmates had to use all of their strength and wits to fend off the attacks. They had to rely on each other to stay alive, and they quickly realized that they had to work together if they were going to make it out alive.

Michael grabbed a fire extinguisher from a nearby classroom and used it to bash in the skull of a zombie that was getting too close. One of his classmates, Linda, picked up a broken chair leg and used it to stab a zombie in the eye. They were fighting for their lives, and they knew that they couldn't let their guard down for even a moment.

As they battled their way through the hordes of zombies, they saw the devastation that the outbreak had caused. Bodies were strewn everywhere, and buildings were on fire. They knew that they had to stay strong, and they pushed on, determined to make it to the dormitory.

Finally, they reached the dormitory, and they barricaded themselves inside, hoping that it would be safe. But the zombies were relentless, and they were constantly trying to break through the barricades. Michael and his classmates were forced to take turns keeping watch, never knowing when the next attack would come.

As they waited for the zombies to break through, Michael couldn't help but think about the system that was supposed to protect them, the one gifted by the divine being. The system was supposed to be a shield against all harm, a way to keep the world safe. But now it seemed that the system had failed, and the world was falling into darkness.