
Age of Cosmic Exploration

Endless sky and infinite space, the cosmos isn’t some paradise waiting to be found, it is full of darkness and danger, death and terror of the great unknown. However, for that glittering swath of blue, we have no fear! For the longevity of men, we have no regrets! Nothing shall stand in our way because it is finally our time, our age! The age of cosmos exploration!

zhttty · Sci-fi
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478 Chs


This was another experiment. This time all 20 animals survived the entry into the four dimensional space. This made the participating scientists cheer out loud. Some of them had a hard time believing that the Hope's AI had suddenly become so powerful that it could completely predict and analyse the various energy patterns inside the fourth dimension.

Regardless, after the last failed experiment, all of the experiments after that were successful; there were no cases of death or twisting. The next experiment would push in 500 animals. If they too returned unharmed, next would be the Hope's first human experiment. The leader of the Diviners would enter the green light.

On the other hand, even though the experiments were successful, the few people who knew the truth were having their own discussions in a secret meeting room.