
Chapter 5: Insignia of Annihilation

Chapter 5: Insignia of Annihilation

Author: Dark_Crown98



Abigor staff burning purple flame, chains got out from his staff. Those chains charging toward me.


'Ugh!' it binded me whole - my both arms, wrists, legs and neck were binded. When I suffered a sharp pain in my chest, it felt like thousands of needles had pierced through my heart.

'Uhh!' slowly my consciousness getting pulled away by the chains. I fell to the ground.


'Wh.. where am I?' my consciousness returning back to me. I was in a gloomy red room.


'Is that really a wall?' I thought in confusion, walking near the wall… raising my hand, I touched the wall.



I immediately retreated my hands. My heart beating faster, I was surprised.

The movement, I touched the wall. It began twitching, red bubbly stuff bursting from the wall.

My eyes widened in shock.

'This is flesh!' observing the room. I looked at my finger, that touched the wall. I had blood in those fingers.

This room I was in was fully made of flesh. Floor to ceilings and all four walls were fleshes, while blood popped up from the flesh, soon bursting.

While looking toward my legs. My legs were replaced with black foggy smoke. I was actually floating in the air.

"Guu Guu" I heard a mysterious voice.

"Guu Guu"



A bloody bubble burst. When, turning toward my right. I saw a tiny 4'2 ft creature.

That creature was all red, maybe soaked in blood. The creature was wearing a rag covering it's crotch area, a spiky tail coming out from the rag. It had skinny arms, legs with a fat stomach and big round head. While, a dark crown was in its head.

"Gu Gu." The creature spoke. It's socketless hollow eyes turning toward me.



My heart raced up. My body is freezing in one place. I couldn't move, talk or walk. I was powerless infront if this creature.

And, I really hated this sense of powerlessness.

'Thus is still the same! It still hasn't changed! This sense of being powerless against those stronger than me! This feeling… I hate it!...'

'...Am, I really gonna die like this?'

I really hate this feeling, this sense of powerlessness. It reminded me of that day.

When I saw my mother stabbing her heart with a knife. Where, I could do nothing but only watch her blood dripping out from her chest, her body turning colder and paler. But, I still could do nothing. Only watch her hollow eyes, that had given up any wish of living.

I hate it!

"Ughh!" trying to move my body. I could only move my fingers, my body frozen.


The creature slowly walked toward me. A sword appeared in its hand.

'Move!' struggling with my arms, I could move my arms.

'Move!' gritting my teeth, I could open my mouth.

"Movee!" I tried, but failed everytime. I couldn't move my body.


Closing our distance. The tiny red creature was now just five steps away from me.

"Gu Gu" raising his sword. I was ready to accept my death. When…

"Guu.. Guu" The creature caught my hand, placing the hilt of his sword in my hand?

"Heh?" confused me. I looked at the creature with a confused gaze.


"Gu Gu" the creature snapping it's finger.




"Ho, Looking at you. You seemed to have passed the test." Abigor, the old man said. He hit his staff to the ground. Those chains releasing me from there bind.

"What was that?" I asked.

I am really frustrated, for not knowing anything. This world is completely new to me. I only knew some basic knowledge that even slaves know.

"Oh. You mean messenger of God?"

"Messenger of God?"

"Yes yes. Were you graced by the messenger of Gods?" Abigor asked. He had a reverentfull tone, when speaking about the so-called messenger.

"If the messenger of God is a short creature with socketless hollow eyes with red skin. Yes, I was." I calmly replied.

"My god, gracious! I can't believe it! Keir that brat, Haha." Abigor laughed lunaticly, his both hands raised up.

"Slav—Brat! What did the Lord messenger give you?!"

'I am promoted from slave to brat. What a good day.'

"I was given a sword? But why don't you first tell about this messenger of God?" I asked. I really didn't know anything.

"Sure, Sure, brat. Messenger of Gods are the direct servants of Demon God's. They only appear in a trial, when a Demon God is interested in that candidate…"

"...They send one of their subordinates to Dreamland. Giving them their symbol, claiming those candidates have picked their interest. And may have a chance to enter in the servitude under them." Abigor said. While, I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad.

I didn't know why beings equal to the Holy Gods were interested in me. I also didn't care what they were planning, because I wasn't even worth a fart for them. So, I don't want to waste planning on what to do if they have malicious intentions toward me.

Because from what I have learned with my life. Infront of absolute might, nothing works. It was a cruel truth, where might have crushed everything.

"You said. You were given the sword, right?" Abigor then asked.


"Ho! How rare. You have managed to gain the interest from the Great Demon God of Annihilation, Ranked 2nd in the hierarchy of Demon Gods…"

"... Actually, While. I was chosen by the Great Demon God of Ruins, Ranked 4th." He said. A Hammer symbol glowing in his glabella. While, I have already understood one thing.

Blood Cult seems to really have a connection with Demon Realm.

"It is called the insignia of blood. It shows that you are capable enough to be noted by Demon Gods."

"Is it rare?" when I asked.

"Hmmm, good question. There are a total of 14 Demon Gods. Those Demon Gods outside Rank of 5 usually give their insignia to any cultists, if they are entertaining enough…"

"...While, Five Great Demon Gods are known to be very picky while choosing their insignia bearer. Well in fact, Only His Holiness, The Cult Leader is the sole bearer of 1st Demon God." Abigor explained some basics. Putting me in deep thoughts.

"So, Is there any advantage of bearing an insignia of Demon Gods or it's only fashion for our glabella?"

"Hmph! Fashion? Thai insignia are the holy symbol of Demon Gods. They also increase your chances of awakening as a Conqueror. If you have a zero chance of awakening as a Conqueror, gaining your Annihilation insignia grants you a 20% chance of awakening as a Conqueror." Abigor said, he really is wise.

"So, How can a Conqueror be awakened?" I asked, with interest. Conquerors were the overlord of this world.

Be it Emperor, King or Nobles. If they aren't a Conqueror, they will always be beneath the Conquerors.

"You brat, really have alot questions! I shall not answer you more. I will send you to your new team." Abigor said in annoyance, mentioning the team.


"Yes, Since you have surprisingly received an insignia. You will enter our Cult as an Outer Devotee. You should consider yourself lucky." Abigor said. When, the skull of his staff began to glow.

"Release." Abigor said, the dark room before changing into a bright one.

This room, walls were painted black. There was a gigantic crow's head hung in the middle of the wall. I saw one middle-aged man and an old lady behind Abigor.

"A bearer of Annihilation, huh? I am expecting something from you." The middle-aged man said. He was 6'4 ft tall, he had broad shoulders, puffed chest and muscle packed biceps. He had long hair, tied in a ponytail.

"Hmm Hmm." Old lady hummed. She didn't say anything, Abigor gave her an odd look.

'Were they listening to our conversation all this time?'

"Yes we were, kid. No need to be surprised. It's not like you could hide anything from us." When the middle-aged man said. It seemed like he had read my mind, but I knew he got it from my face.

In my previous life. I had lost all my emotions, so nobody could predict what I was thinking by only looking at my face.

But, Same couldn't be said now..

"Ho, You are a calm one, aren't ya?..."

"...Ritualist Lord Abigor, I think we should send him to Raven Squad." The middle-aged man said. Old lady behind him nodding in approval.

She was a 5'8 ft tall. She was wearing a red cloak like that of Abigor. She had a floating wand, floating around her.

'That must be a Artifact. Same like Abigor staff.'

"Hmm. Those chaotic bunches? Now, That I think of it. I also think he matches them." Abigor exclaimed.

"Order one of the Puppets to lead him toward their dorm."

"As you wish, Lord Ritualist." Middle-aged man said.

Soon enough. A ghoul walking inside the room. It was a dark-skinned human sized undead, with two pairs of red eyes and sharp claws.

Blood Cult were known to be able to control this undead as puppets.

"Brat. Follow the ghoul, he will lead you to your new home." Abigor said.

A/N: Hey guys?

One question, Why can't I receive a powerstone?

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