
Age of Calamities

Dying when I killed the possible thief who entered to my house, it put into action the destiny that made me reincarnate as the second son of a noble family. I wanted to learn magic, it turns out that I am cursed and I can't even though I have great reserves of magic power, that didn't stop me from following the path of a warrior in order to awaken the aura. All to fulfill my stupid dream of being a man of a single army, while on the way I manage from my home the progress of my lands that I have as heir where I plan to live the rest of my life. Apparently, this is the era of calamities because the monsters began to change and become more dangerous, apart from the discovery of another enemy kingdom that is attacking from the coasts with firearms and other humanoid monsters invade the unprotected villages. When we had already explored those areas and we knew well that before there were such civilizations in those places.

HappyDragon · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First day of class

"Pss ~ See you again, as we will be classmates I plan to tell you my name in honor of our union as classmates, my name is Anabel RedFang" Ethan was greeted with a white tooth smile when he turned to look in the direction of the princess that she was now waiting for Ethan to continue the dynamic she presented.

"Ethan Dragard" He just played along hoping she would leave him alone, but to his disappointment, the princess just kept talking about random things from school and some annoying nobles.

All fell silent after the doors were opened again to show a man wearing a teacher's uniform with military touches like some insignias that showed the man's ability on the subjects in which he decided to teach the students of RedFang Academy.

"Students, the rules are the following: Since you entered this room you are simple students without family or military ranks that put you above your peers, you can only have that privilege when you show that you are worthy of being, as in my case for my knowledge and my rank as Teacher.

You should not use magical devices other than those that your teachers give to you for their classes, if you decide to do contrarily, you will suffer punishment according to the level of your transgression, the same happens in the use of your magical power or those special cases, their aura." The man finished the sentence as he watched Ethan for half a second and then returned his introductory talk.

"As students of the military section, you will learn the Art of Combat along with the other subjects revolving around that theme as the main one, every two days you will have physical training for a month until we start with the spar between classmates for another month, and then later go with the theme of fighting a hive.

Your stay in the academy will be for 4 years where at the end when you graduate you will take a special exam that will serve to update your ranks as Hunters apart from the medal for completing the intermediate-advanced military training, which will be very useful for those who want to join the kingdom army.

Leaving the Speech aside, my name is Esteban and I am a commoner without my medals and military achievements, but now I am your superior as a teacher, as a first school activity, introduce yourselves from the table near the entrance of the class" The teacher pointed to the boy who sat near the entrance/exit of the room thinking that it would be easier for him to leave the room when classes were over or during breaks.

Ethan stopped paying attention when the fifth classmate started to introduce himself and added more information to his presentation instead of just saying his name.

Everything was normal until some began to show off their physical or magical abilities as their levels as two-star magicians until they were overshadowed by the presentation of the imperative woman who was next to Ethan who was desperate to speak.

"My name is Anabel RedFang the princess with the title Celestia and I am a Magician of three stars with 12 spells in my grimoire without counting the spells of one star and two stars, my magic elements are Fire and Water, my favorite hobby is to make spells that combine these two elements and be able to improve as a magician, my favorite food is dishes that have a sweet-spicy flavor." Anabel snapped her mouth shut when she noticed that the others were no longer keeping up with what she was beginning to say because almost everyone was astonished by the first thing she said about her level as a magician and the amount of her three-star spells.

"Ethan Dragard..." Ethan planned to end his presentation there, but he could see the word [Say everything] in his teacher's eyes, Ethan couldn't understand why his teacher wanted him to spill the beans, but decided not to antagonize him.

"Second son of the Astral Dragard family, Aura user and Master Swordsman since the age of 12, you don't bother me and I won't bother you" Ethan sat back in his seat after receiving approval from his teacher as they both ignored the classroom that they were with their mouths open when they realized that they were in the presence of two monsters, one using magic and the other using aura.

"I don't know why they are very surprised, most of my brothers are already three stars or are in the awakening phase of their Auras, even Gilbert awakened his aura two years ago and a few months ago, he became three stars as a magician" Anabel spoke her thoughts out loud that only served to break the ego of her classmates.

"FUCK!! LEAVE SOMETHING TO US THE HUMBLE!!" Someone screamed in despair from the group because of the jealousy they felt over the royal family and their dominated genes.

The whole room nodded in agreement including the teacher, while Ethan ignored everything.

In the end, after everyone had introduced themselves, the class went smoothly and everyone had the rest of the day free to do or explore as much as they wanted, as the school supplies would hardly be delivered tomorrow.

The imperative little princess disappeared from her seat as soon as the teacher said goodbye, Ethan took advantage of the distraction to hide his essence by suppressing his aura and going directly to his room where he is being waited by Gisel with the documents that require his attention, although the academy treated him like a student, Ethan didn't neglect his obligations as an aristocrat, although his father had already offered to take care of Dranfire, Ethan refused since there was not much he had to do since most of the important decisions are required do at the time and those were being cared by the heads of their respective towns.

What Ethan did the most was to secure resources for his plans when he had to start developing his land.

"Welcome, Master, letters from your family have arrived, they ask how was your first day and how was the trip, while your older brother requests that you notify him in advance of the days that are holidays to be able to attend" Gisel showed the Letters already open to Ethan who only glanced at them to confirm what Gisel said.

"What a bummer is the writing of noble families, all because writing a letter is an art" The letter from his parents and his older brother was a headache for all the unnecessary chatter while Alice's letter was direct and simple, apart from the drawings and scribbles of letters.

"Prepare the materials to send three letters meanwhile I finish eating" Ethan walked into his room that was more an apartment with all the necessary things like a room with a kitchen, dining room, and living room, apart from two bathrooms and two rooms.

Gisel sleeps in the female servants' building.

Soon Ethan's roommate arrived, who turned out to be a woman, not a surprise to Ethan who already knew about sharing a room with a girl.

The girl was also not affected especially by knowing the enchantment she has had on her since she attends the academy, a charm that all students have for safety, either for their chastity or protection.

"My name is Silvye, I will be under your care" She bowed a little in respect when she noticed that Ethan is someone from a noble family.

"Leave the formal behavior, I don't care if you are noble or not, my name is Ethan and I will be your roommate for 4 years, if you get a boyfriend, do your things when I am not around or give me advance notice so as not to suffer shame." Ethan decided to be clear about what kind of relationship they will have, even if it was not very courteous, but he did it like that to avoid problems in the future.

The academy was well known for the love affairs that students have in it, since most of them are just entering puberty or are entering it and that it is a place where there is an excess of hormones out of control, even his brother older didn't escape in having his adventure something that his father raised his thumb hidden from his mother's gaze.

Silvye blushed under her onyx black hair, she could not see Ethan's face for a few minutes in which she was frozen from the shame she felt when imagining such a situation, by the time she regained her control, Ethan had already withdrawn from the department to explore a bit and get things done.

The day passed normally for Ethan, he went through his training routine in the school gymnasium, explored the capital a bit in search of weapons shops or blacksmith stalls, by the time he returned to his apartment, some girls had not yet stopped chasing him since they saw him training.

Running into them more than 12 times is no coincidence and especially when he move away from his previous encounter for more than four streets, Ethan with his Aura can feel the emotions of other people who don't hide them with magic or aura, so much so, he could feel the girls' desire for his body.

It was somewhat uncomfortable for Ethan who is not used to that attention, to the look of amazement and admiration, yes, but not to lust.

'The hell, they're only 14 or 18 at the most, but they have the same enthusiasm as a guy looking at his favorite bikini model' Ethan shivered as he remembered how that feeling increased exponentially when he interacted with some guys at the gym who asked him for advice on how to use the sword or awaken their aura, being the majority from his classroom and others who heard from their friends or acquaintances.

"They are some whor-damsels who have not yet mastered their internal demons, my master, you don't have to worry about them while I am around" Gisel spoke with poison when she referred to the girls who chased Ethan and Gisel, because of this, they woke up Gisel's older sister side who is overprotective towards Ethan, as she is older than him by 11 years.

"Who have internal demons?" Silvye joined the conversation curiously when she noticed Ethan's arrival.

"Some girls of varying ages who don't know how to control their lust and are desperate to jump on my bed" Ethan replied without abstaining himself as he looked at Silvye's face flushed until it was completely red.

"Aghh, I feel renewed with this pure soul" Ethan smiled a bit cheeky when he managed to annoy Silvye who was still paralyzed with shame for re-imagining what Ethan said.

"Master, I recommend you not to bother the young lady any more so as not to worsen your relationship as roommates and to be able to continue having a peaceful relationship in the apartment" "Ah~ don't worry, she doesn't take it as an annoyance, from what I see, she is enjoying a little of her imagination and then she is ashamed of that until she is paralyzed in her place, apart from knowing that there are people like her, it heals my mind "Ethan interrupted Gisel when he understood what she suggested.

After that, the days went smoothly with the classes being nothing special to Ethan, it's not like there was anything they could teach him apart from new combat techniques or ways to use aura, something that he is missing a lot.

Leaving the classroom became more difficult with the annoyance of people who came to try to establish a relationship with the princess or the prince in the next classroom, it was like that for the first days, until the teachers got fed up and they expel everyone who was not their students out of the facility with a spell that they have access to as teachers.

Many people vomited on the outskirts of the nobles' facility that day, after that they were no longer a pest in the corridors, but now they decided to wait for royalty in the dining room or the corridors that only students walk.

"Hey~ do something with your tail, it's starting to irritate the other students because of the excessive obstruction of the nobles" Ethan annoyed Anabel who also seemed annoyed by the situation, she just looked annoyed at Ethan who had commented something similar 10 minutes ago.

Ethan took advantage of any moment to annoy the princess who didn't change of seat and choose someone else to vent her thoughts.

"Damn, you should help me, instead of rubbing it in my face!" Anabel sputtered annoyed.

"I never agreed to be your friend and as such, and I don't plan to give you help" Ethan added more insult to injury when he had a chance, but while teasing her, he had a cheeky smile on his face.

'Ahg, nothing like being a troll, it's fun to incite people's reactions' Those were Ethan's thoughts when he annoys other people until he leaves them alone when he sees that he already exceeds his limit.

"But you have good control over your aura as I do with my magic, you should be my friend as well as my rival, apart from that you are one of the few, who speaks to me without being formal or trying to get something from me" Anabel stopped looking at her book and looked directly at Ethan who removed his smile in an instant.

"I don't see anything of value that you can give to me"


"Yes, Miss Anabel, something you want to share in the class about magic formulas" The teacher Margot who gives the class of The Foundation of Magic, looked closely at the princess, as a professional kept her calm attitude waiting for her to make a mistake and be able to scold her for speaking in class unless she can contribute something to the class.

Anabel quickly looked at her friend who pointed to the part where they stayed before her interruption to later contribute something to the topic since it was something that she knows extremely well.

"Bastard" "Childish" Anabel's face crumpled in annoyance when she heard Ethan's reply even as she whispered it to herself.

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