
againt the fiction

Adham caeser begins his journey to drain his lost power that has vanished among various fairy tales

certainty_nyg · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Ha… what do you mean, I told you about it more than once." Old Zambar replied, "Oh, time really does affect memory, madam."

"You really told me I'm sorry if I bothered you with this repeated question."

"You don't have to, that's something that society has to accept about old people." Well, he didn't actually tell her anything at all, just tricked her, actually manipulating people for Zambar was like a child's play. Only one look in people's eyes could determine how focused they were to counterattack.

"Anyway, madam, since you honored us, my son and I would like to pay you back. Just tell us your request." With a smile and a sincere face

"Well, one of the cows ran away yesterday in fear after you fell into the village, and the people there don't like me, so will you go and get them for me?"

"It's simple, we'll be back quickly." Zambar got up from the floor and grabbed Adham's rib to get him up too.

After the two got out and moved away a hundred meters, Adham came out of his silence and then said:

"King Zambar, I have so many questions. Unpack…." Zambar interrupted him, with the face of a red-eyed grandfather of medium length, with a longitudinal pupil, like a predatory tiger about to pounce on its prey.

"First, do not call me the king, I now do not have this authority. Second, I know all the questions that are in your mind, where are we? How did we get there? Why am I with you? These questions are not it?"

"Yes exactly "

"Well, do you remember what happened when I asked for your wish?"

"Actually all I remember is that you said (I will accept your request) after that you held something as if it were in your right hand. I still can't believe what I saw, that's what I remember."

"You seem to have forgotten what happened next because of the fall, I said I would accept your request, which was to train you to get your revenge afterwards."

In another place it seems like a palace suspended in the sky and under it a huge spiral shape, it is a galaxy, but not larger than the palace itself, as if it were a compressed galaxy. And along the long corridor covered with a body of yellow silk, there is at the end a huge royal throne, five meters long and four shoulders wide, also decorated with tigers in front of this throne, there is a Zambar standing in front of it, Adham

"You have what I wished, Adham, just say what comes to your mind." He spoke with a great deal of arrogance and arrogance, he is the king in the end

"Why should I believe someone I just knew?"

Zambar sat on the throne, leaning on his left hands, then looked at Adham with confident eyes

Will you be offered an offer like this every day?

"If your wishes come true, as you claim, I want to get stronger to get my revenge, just as I don't want to get stronger all of a sudden, but I want you to train me yourself."

Suddenly the king was shocked and burst out laughing

"It's yours, Trio. No, Hybrid Quadruple." He held his right arm, and suddenly an entire universe appeared in his hands

"What are you doing magic tricks of some kind or what?"

"Magic tricks? How shameless you are, hybrid quartet. It's a whole universe, just as it's a compressed universe that's not normal."

"Be stressed? Exactly how strong are you?" Adham opened his eyes wide, shocked at what he just saw.

"My good strength now doesn't matter, because I will seal it and go with you on a trip that may forget me, what I'm facing, and I have other reasons."

"Why would you seal your strength to do that?"

"As you can see, my strength is more than a person like you can comprehend when training you, it is impossible."

"I feel like you despise me." He gave him a look of disgust

"It's not a feeling, it's a fact, but I think it will be an interesting journey for me at least." He then gave a terrifying smile, giving her sharp fangs an even more terrifying feeling.

"I have nowhere to go back to at all, if a journey into the unknown will give me my purpose, no problem" he spoke in his conscience

"I accept that."