
Against the Gods with the power of heroes on my back (temporary title)

Forced into reincarnation by a bored supreme God I now live surrounded by murderous idiots who like to talk of honor and whatnor when comiting the worst of crimes... joy. I can only be grateful I have something up my sleeve and I will not let anyone stop me in my path. (Fem. Yun Che, OPness, Harem, possibly wincest)

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Cultivation Explanation, Soul and body

Cultivation Explanation of Levels for Body and Soul Cultivation.

Body Cultivation:

Body Transformation Stages:

1 - Strength Training

The very first step in cultivation; in this step, a cultivator will strengthen their mortal bodies as a foundation.

2 - Flesh Training

Strengthens the outer parts of the body. The epidermises of the skin can be infused with astral essence making it more durable, those who train it to the extreme have a skin comparable with steel.

3 - Viscera Training

strengthens the organs to the point that the breath of a cultivator would release snakes, improving his breating and also lowering the problems with internal injuries while also improving one's body's capabilities.

4 - Altering Muscle

a thorough strengthening of the living tissue of one's body.

5 - Bone Forging

As the name states this is when a cultivator permeates astral essence in the bones, strengthening them to make them more durable and more resilient.

6 - Pulse Condensation

The sign of the Pulse Condensation was that one's Astral energy penetrates the meridians, opening them all and improving one's speed of cultivation of Profound and Astral Energy as well as the speed of release of energy.

(Meridian Training) (Lifespan: up to 150 years)

between 8,000 and 10,000 jin, those with unique constitutions and train to the extreme can reach up to 25 000 jin in this realm

7 - Tempering Marrow

A cultivator must penetrate their Astral Energy to the marrow of the bone for the Astral Energy to move through it as a medium for Astral Energy like the meridians, expanding the places where this energy circulates.

Tempering Marrow of body bones leads to beetwen 1-60%; Tempering spinal cord must be last and it is beetwen 60-100%.

After reached 20% of the Tempering Marrow, strength might have reached 30.000 jins, after reached 60% Tempering Marrow, strength might have reached 80.000 jins and after reached 100% of Tempering Marrow, strength might have reached 200,000 jins.

Those with unique constitutions that train to the limit have a 35% increase in strength compared to regular body cultivators of the same level.

Eight Gates of Hidden Celestial

1 - Gate of Healing

Increase a martial artist's endurance and recovery ability. Up to several hundred thousands jin. Located between the collarbones.

2 - Gate of Limit

Increase one's strength and explosive force. Able to increase warrior's spine durability which handles balance, coordinated strength, and explosive force in battle and amplifies strength. About 1 million jin. Located at the spine.

3 - Gate of Wonder

Increase one's speedAble to increases warrior's agility and instant acceleration. About 1.5 million jin and higher, up to 2m. Located at the knees.

4 - Gate of Pain

Increases warrior's striking power. About 2 million jin at beginning, up to 3m+. Located at the fists.

5 - Gate of Opening

Increase one's perception as well as soul force by starting to infuse it with Astral Energy. Although this wasn't immediately of influence to a martial artist's combat strength, it was actually known as being the most valuable of the Eight Inner Hidden Gates. That was because this gate wouldn't become any less valuable even regardless of the profound or soul cultivation of a person as it increases one's talent and perception of the Laws. About 7 million jin. Located in the brain

6 - Gate of View

Increase one's defense. Along with the Gate of Pain, one's strength grows to a qualitative leap. Located at the back of the body. Up to 25m jin.

7 - Gate of Life

Increases warriors life force. A warrior can burn up to 30% of their blood essence and it will recover automatically over time. In order to attack the Gate of Life, one needs the Esoteric Immortality Pill. About 50m jin.

8 - Gate of Death

From 250m to 1b jin. Up to 4b jin at half-step of entering the Dao Palaces. In order to attack the Gate of Death, one needs the Esoteric Mortality Pill, a very specific pill that makes one's body experience Life and Death by making the body grow older until one's 'death' before rebirth as a fetus and growing older once again as a reborn existence. The most dangerous step as any mistake can easily lead a person to remain dead.

Stars of Dao Palace

1 - Destroyer of Armies Star (Purple Mansion Dao Palace)

Over 15 billion jins strength, strong enough to raze a lower world with a few punches. The function of the Purple Temple Dao Palace was to gather the power of the nine stars and massively increase the strength of ones's astral essence. This sort of increase could enhance ones's bodily strength by three or four times to eight or nine times. All of this depended on a martial artist's own foundation and the degree to which they had opened the Nine Stars of the Dao Palace. Found in the Dantian.

2 - Ravenous Wolf Star (Heavenly Retribution Dao Palace)

Strength of Heaven and Earth is used. Over 20 billion jins, up to 100 billion at peak, of strength, enough to destroy worlds and move stars. Found in the Dantian.

3 - Cherished Kismet Star (Extreme Polar Dao Palace)

Increases strength(Astral Essence quantity) After opening the Extreme Polar Dao Palace, one could guide the power of the nine stars to enter a martial artist's inner world and fuse with the energy within. Uses two forms of energy as the base Found in the upper

4 - Daevic Eye (Heavens Eye Dao Palace)

Increases perception and divine sense, may also increase strength as a body cultivation. Has the ability to unravel the Heavenly Dao or a part of it. Found in the forehead

5 - Titan Gate Star (Natal Life Dao Palace)

Body becomes resilient, can cut off limbs and regrow them almost instantly. The regrown limb would be as strong and capable as the old one, not like how cultivators at a certain boundary could regrow limbs but is incapable of making it as great as the old one. At this level, a cultivators body becomes a treasure as any part of it could become a legendary weapon to lower level cultivators. Found in the heart

6 - Martial Song Star (Martial Sovereign Dao Palace)

Increasing strength both arms and legs to fight. The fighting potential is greatly enhanced. Also called Cardinal Direction Dao Palace, since it is found in the four most distinctively used body parts, the four limbs, the 2 arms and 2 legs. Killing intent can form into a domain. Found in the arms and legs

7 - Ardent Virtue Star (Twofold Dao Palace)

A special Dao palace. It is the only palace found outside of the body, as a congealed star of the Nine Star Principle, and is cultivated into one's energy when opening the palace. Can form it's own avatar that grows with how great the amount of blood essence is injected and of course along with the strength potential of the caster. Unlike other avatars that can be destroyed without affecting the caster, this particular cultivation affects the battle efficiency of the user when the avatar is destroyed, but in reward it can be redone as long as the cultivator spends his energy to do so.

8 and 9 Bright Channel and Hidden Origin Star(Two Dark - Two Great Dao palaces)

Only Open together, they are the hardest to open and no one has ever managed to even come close thus the details are hard to say. It is speculated that if one can open them they would have a body comparable with the first goddess who created the entire universe and be like a universe all of its own.


Soul Cultivation

1 - Soul Opening Realm

This is the most basic level of soul cultivation, one simply needs to open one's soul to the outside soul energy in the air, those who can do that can begin to interact with the soul of others and the soul of the universe through special means like runes.

2 - Soul Expansion Realm

One's soul energy is expanded to the size of the opening created in the Soul Opening realm, the soul energy has a gaseous feel to it and is very faint but already able to activate runes and can begin to manifest an characteristic type of esper-like ability depending on the person's characteristics. I can go from controling some aspect of the world to controling the minds of others. It is possible to have multiple of said esper-like powers depending on the cultivation method, but the inherent one of the person is always the stronger and more pronounced even if the person can't identify it quickly. The higher the level of one's cultivation method the stronger one's esper abilities related to said cultivation method will be and the longer it will take for one's own esper ability to make itself known.

The longer until one's own innate Esper Ability takes to surge the higher the level of said ability.

3 - Soul Condensation Realm

After a peson's soul energy in it's gaseous form grows enriched enough it will reach its limits to how dense it can get in the opening of the Soul Opening REalm. When the volume reaches the limit of what the soul's opening allows, and only then, can one start condensing this gas into the liquid state. After it starts to become liquid the amount of this said liquid will continue to increase as one drop of it is about 30% of the previous soul energy and now that it occupies much less space more gaseous soul energy can be cultivated before condensing. It is a slow process but it is very important nonetheless as one's total soul energy explodes in amount to many times over.

4 - Soul Lake Realm

When one's spiritual energy is completely in it's liquid state the person must push it deeper inside one's inner world. In this place that previously was empty one deposits this liquid soul energy and expands upon it to create a lake. This Realm is divided in Early, Middle, and Late Stages, it is said that one can go one step further depending on one's soul cultivation method to reach Perfection, a stage in which one's Soul Lake is multiple times larger than normal. One can deposit spiritual medicines inside one's soul lake and the medicines can matture faster there in exchange to eating away some of one's own soul energy.

Evil Cultivators are said to train their disciples to this level during ancient times just to make them improve medicines for them.

5 - Soul Temple Realm

In this stage one cultivate from 3 to 10 temples inside one's soul. These temples are places where one can put parts of their soul to improve. If, for instance, the person has a soul fragment or remnant of a Divine Beast or some cultivator it is possible to put this soul fragment into a Soul Temple, those inside would be able to grow stronger as they are 'bathed' in soul energy and the more this energy improves this fragment the more it can solidify in the outside world like a weapon or a metamorphosys, if the person doesn't have one such soul inheritance it is possible to simply put a a weapon or item, even a herb if the person so desire, that would thus be improved by creating a soul consciousness and be possible to be called upon by a thought. It is the stage where one develops their soul's uniqueness, if the person puts a weapon inside their soul temple then their soul energy becomes more offensive in nature, if it is an ore or some treasure the person's soul becomes able to more easily detect treasures that might be hidden, if it is a herb the person can use their soul energy to either heal an injury or to recover one's soul and body faster, and it is an inheritance soul then the person can obtain a metamorphose-like ability as the Body Cultivator practitioners can.

With each new Temple the deeper and larger one's Soul Lake becomes. The person must go through a Heavenly Tribulation at every three Soul Temples and another for the tenth one, if the person fails then their soul is extinguished.

It is divided into early (1 to 3 palaces), mid (4 to 6 palaces), and late (7 to 9 stages) stages with the tenth stage being a Perfection Realm, but to reach that one must pass through Divine Tribulation as it is not something the Heaven's allow and the chance of the person being killed is exceedingly high. A person can bypass this realm as long as one creates at least the first 3 palaces, which is much safer and faster to do but limits on how far one can reach and the more palaces one creates the higher one can reach afterward.

7 - Fulfillment

In this realm, the martial artist continues to refine and amass the soul, but every breakthrough will also help their Soul Palaces evolve further. The Soul Palaces will begin to harmonize, making soul energy more compact, once more refining the Soul Lake. Upon reaching this realm, the lifespan of a person reaches 500 years.

8 - Fragmentation

This is a dangerous realm in which any disturbance during breakthroughs means death. The Soul Palace shatters, spreading all the unique energies of the inheritances inside to fully fuse with the soul in the form of Runes that contain all that there is to know and all the power of the inheritance or item inside. The soul energy condenses into crystals and runes inside the Soul Lake while soul meridians are opened. The soul meridians are the direct connection between the soul of a person and the 'soul' of the universe, increasing exponentially the connection one has with the Laws and with controlling the natural energies around them. The number of meridians opened is decided by the potential of the person.

9 - Nirvana

In this realm, the soul goes through the tempering of Nirvana Fire. The Soul becomes strong and solid, and can now move about, leaving the body making killing the person only possible if one kills the soul as well.

10 - Imperishable

In this realm, cultivators begin making a soul altar. A condensation of everything that they know about what they created in their Soul Palaces, the higher the understanding the better for the creation of each layer of the altar. It takes huge amounts of resources to create each level, supposedly there's a 10x increase in cost per floor/level and the creation of even one level is enough to put entire sects to poverty. When a person creates a Soul Altar the altar itself can and will continue to exist even after a person's death, others can use these altars to learn the laws of those who passed and they also represent a chance of rebirth as, with enough sacrifices and time, it is not impossible for one to be reborn from a Soul Altar, but it is a rebirth thus one's understandings and powers return to 0 and one must train from scratch again.

11 - Soul World Realm

In this realm, a person begins to expand the power of their soul lake and Soul Altar in the form of a world at large. The soul power characteristic of the runes left by the temples begins to spread from the soul lake to the outside. As it expands a world is formed centered in the Soul Lake. The larger the Soul Lake and the more and stronger the Laws and inheritances related to the temples the larger the world formed will be, thus the longer and harder cultivating this realm to completion are. In exchange the greater the size of the world the greater the soul energy it has, it is said that if a person has a Soul Lake to perfection and 10 soul temples then the size of the Soul World would be as large as a King Realm and it would have its own set of Laws that center on being connected to the Laws related to what is put inside the Soul Temples.

10 - Soul Tribulation

It is a stage in which a person's soul world is so perfect that one goes through Heavenly Tribulation in which the universe will try and destroy one's soul. At each new tribulation, the person's soul goes further and further away from the limitations that the Heavenly Laws established and more God-like a person is. This is the stage that the Gods who cultivate the Soul have reached, no one has ever accomplished to pass through 10 tribulations for the 10 original Soul Temples, it is speculated that if one can go through the 10 tribulations the person's soul would be equal or even stronger than the Soul of the original Goddess.


In Soul Cultivation, one can only truly be called a Soul Cultivator after going entering the Soul Lake realm and their power before Soul Lake Realm is negligible at best and only good for 'parlor tricks'.

The person's natural ESP will definetly become the strongest the person has in time but if the soul cultivation method used is strong then the cultivation method will remain strong later on but will not evolve like one's natural ESP does with time.