
Against the Gods with the power of heroes on my back (temporary title)

Forced into reincarnation by a bored supreme God I now live surrounded by murderous idiots who like to talk of honor and whatnor when comiting the worst of crimes... joy. I can only be grateful I have something up my sleeve and I will not let anyone stop me in my path. (Fem. Yun Che, OPness, Harem, possibly wincest)

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

chapter 2

I look at all the options but before choosing I turn to the God in question.

"Sorry, but I gotta ask. Does the world of ATG's cultivation remains the same as in its CANON version."

My question was due to a simple reason, in CANON they only really cultivate profound energy but this God just said he will want something different so it would not be unthinkable if this new world will have a completely different power system and my decisions based on one power system turn useless in another.

It seems that my question was the right one as the deity smirks down at me.

"Good that you asked. In this case, yes and no. Yes, the cultivation of profound energy remains the same but it is not the only source of energy possible. The energies that compromise the universe are Profound Energy, Astral Energy, and Soul Force.

"Profound Energy is easy to cultivate and most races currently alive have some talent towards it, humanity in special is highly talented in it while not good at Soul Force except few exceptions and honestly terrible at Astral Energy unless they have special physiques.

"Astral Energy is the energy of the stars, the sun, and the moon, it is the energy that gives life and vitality to all life and thus is the energy that empowers a person's physical power. I will not explain the cultivation to it in detail, but I must say that some cultivators after, reaching a high enough level, can activate a metamorphosis that will bring out the person's bloodline and attributes to the front and explosively increase a person's power while changing their appearance.

"Soul force – it is the basis of martial intents. It was the foundation for the control of everything really. If one's soul isn't strong enough, then a martial artist's potential would die out. Although soul force at the start couldn't be said to directly correlate with strength, it definitely marked the limit of a martial artist's cultivation, if a person's soul can't sustain larger cultivation of Astral or Profound strength then the person will never advance. Not only that, a soul relates directly to talent in other areas and when a person's soul grows strong enough a person can manipulate the world around them or use runes to force an effect on the space around them. It is also very important for things like Alchemy, forging, and other such secondary techniques important for cultivators.

"And there is one more important thing to discuss, the Laws. There are thousands of possible Laws to study, these Laws govern the universe you will enter but there are higher and lower Laws. First is the Nothingness law, this one you won't touch for now no matter what, below it is the Foundational and Karma Lawns, below is the Light and Darkness Laws, bellow them is Space, Time, Death, and Life laws, and below them are the Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Thunder Laws. Below them are lower laws that are more of a mix than anything, but all these laws are of extreme importance in the long run, especially for Profound Energy cultivation as the others don't focus on the Laws as much."

As he finished explaining I had to rethink somethings.

I want a balanced build if at all possible, if I have the chance to get one inheritance from one servant for each class I will make them count.

Finishing the choices I made the request and the God nodded.

"Very well, when you awaken you will have the inheritances imparted into you, but I must say that you made some interesting choices. Good choices, though, that is for sure."

After he said that I felt the many soul marks and inheritances entering me, the voice of the God growing distant.

"Some of these inheritances will take time to fully activate and some will only really take effect when you reach the Divine Realm, until then, be grateful for what you obtained."


3° Person's P.O.V.

Eastern Divine Region

Today was supposed to be a day of happiness, that was the only thought in the head of Yue Wugou as she continued trying to escape death that was the Bhrama Goddess. It was honestly terrifying for Wugou, not only for her own safety but also for the life growing inside her belly.

She had agreed to sleep with her husband-to-be before they officially got married, she expected that nothing would come from it as people of higher cultivation have lower reproductive ability.

Well, she was mistaken and she now had a fetus growing inside of her. It was only in the first month but she could sense it there, it's soul much too strong and it's vitality much too superior to others.

Feeling frustrated Wugou activated another protection symbol to try and avoid being overwhelmed by the Bhrama Goddess. Wugou realized she would not survive this if it went on for much longer. She could only escape and hope everything goes well.

Taking out a special stone with wild spatial fluctuations to it Wugou crushed it without hesitation, she pictured home but as the stone started the transfer an attack from the Goddess reached Wugou's location. It caused the effect of the Dimension Shift Stone to go awry and Wugou was sent on a spatial storm, her destination unknown.

A Spatial Storm is one of the most dangerous things in the universe. In there a person would be under the constant risk of being cut by the cracks in space and tribulation energy circulated in it.

Wugou, unlike others who would focus on protecting themselves, she instead focuses on protecting the fetus.

"For my child, for my boy." She would chant in her head and before long she was falling to the ground while not knowing who she even was anymore. She passed out.


Nine months later, in the Heavenly Mysteries Realm, the place where those who spy on the Heaven's mysteries to make predictions to the future, a commotion started and it quickly sent a message to the Moon Star Realm.

The Moon Emperor wanted to ignore this as he was busy with looking for the one woman he ever truly loved, but as the message reached him he had to go as the newest prophecy would be about him. After all, in the message, a clear thing was that it had to do with the person he so desperately was looking for.

The Moon Emperor moved with all haste, if anyone were to try and stop him he would undoubtedly kill the person in the cruelest and fastest way possible, that was how desperate he was for any information.

The one beside the Moon Emperor was Yao Yue, one of the twelve moon gods. She was trying her very best to not be noted or paid attention to as she could clearly see the desperation of the Moon Emperor and she did not want to face him as he is now.

Since the attack on Yue Wugou the Moon Emperor has been fanatical and easy to anger.

When they finally arrived in the Heavenly Mysteries Realm for the first time the Moon Emperor turned to Yao Yue.

"Wait here." Was all he said to her as he walked in.

The Moon Emperor moved quickly inside and he was led to a meeting place. He entered and was astounded to see not only the realm king of the Heavenly Mysteries Realm but all the elders inside, all clearly unwell and the king himself was coughing up blood when the Moon Emperor entered.

Not waiting, the Moon Emperor was about to ask when the king of the Heavenly Mysteries Realm spoke up.

"What we are about to tell you, if it goes out of this room will mean the likely extermination of our and yours Moon God Realm. Do you want to listen?"

As these words were spoken the Moon Emperor forcefully calmed himself to the limit and nodded before sitting up in a chair he produced with profound energy, his back straight as he looked at them.

"Very well, a week ago a new Heavenly Mystery was revealed to us. In it we could see the union of the moon and the purest of energies birthing a miracle, one who is innately blessed by 10 auras of immense power.

"The first is one that is perfect in all ways, the perfect body and the aura of the stars and the universe allowing for never-ending power, civilizations crumbling with one stomp of its feat as it's might know no bounds.

"The second is a festive fighter of fire who the earth, sky, time, and space all can burn away with immense heat or bend all to its strength.

"The third is a soul unlike any other capable of commanding snow and ice to its heart's content. Shadows and snow are its subjects and slaves.

"The fourth is the aura of a weapon that even the Gods would fear, capable of turning the world around it as if a toy to be used as it wishes.

"The fifth is a shadow who all mastered and all manners of strange and cursed arts, nothing is safe from it as all can be killed by it.

"The sixth is the aura of one whose rule is so primordial to the universe and so dazzling that even when ruling and even if a tyrant no one would deny him anything for he is the rules. The riches and sight he sees is above all, a natural ruler.

"The seventh is the aura of one whose loyalty knows no bounds and that in it's right carries the purest of lights.

"The eight is of someone who madly seeks the peak of the sword, it's eyes note the path to victory no matter what and it's talent with the blade is such that none can deny and even gods bow in shame to it.

"The ninth is a pure soul tainted by the purest of darkness, but good still exists in it and the conflicting existence remains with the purest of souls.

"The tenth and last is an aura of the purest love and desire, an unending desire and love that, if not properly taken care of, could well lead to the end of life as we know.

"And this person shall reappear in the Realm of the Gods, covered in the blood of his enemies and with powers unlike any seen before. If this person is forced to come up before it is the right time, if this happens then disaster shall fall in this world, it shall all depend on how it happens as this great disaster might also be the greatest chance of life as we know. Only time will be able to tell. Only time."



Yes, the MC is the son of the Moon God Emperor and Yue Wugou, the mother of Qinguye. Now, a question. Can anyone guess who are the 10 servants and which classes they belong?