
Against the Goddess, Kayla's counterattack

Kayla, a "normal" high school student is dragged into a summon to another world along with her classmates. But contrary to what Kayla first thought, her life wouldn't be easy in this new world! Kayla quickly realized that fact when, instead of opening her eyes to a castle with people eagerly waiting for her, she woke up to a town on fire! At that moment, Kayla's only reaction was to curse the fucking big-breasted kidnapper who brought her into this world! Swearing that one day he would get revenge! So what's in store for Kayla in this new world? Come and find out! ...... Hello dear readers! This is a revamped synopsis because my intentions with this book have changed! Now I come with every intention of staying and I will prove it by publishing a daily chapter! I hope you enjoy this journey with me in which you will find epic battles and even more importantly, curses towards the big-breasted kidnappers (Goddesses)!

litlefox4_5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

The journey begins!

"I will definitely be as strong and brave as you one day, big sister!"Yong, with his vibrant orange hair, cried out with tears in his eyes.

Kayla smiled a little. Although he still had dark circles under his eyes, he refused to look weak in front of this child!

"Hahaha, well that's going to be complicated, but I'm willing to wait for you!" Kayla looked at the little human who had been trying to cheer her up for the last week she had stayed in town, even though he was sick too...

Well, I guess the kid is already stronger than me in a way... Kayla patted her head and looked for someone in the crowd to say goodbye.

All the inhabitants of the town had gathered to say goodbye to her, although the majority were still in mourning. That was a gesture that warmed Kayla's wounded heart.

But one of the people Kayla most hoped to see didn't come...

"Ahhh that damn Leo, she told him we were leaving today a long time ago!" Zinon clutched his head in anger.

"D-don't worry, I'm sure she had something important to do..." Kayla forced a smile.

"Hah... Whatever, we can't wait for it anymore, they already gave me orders that I have to leave and I can't let you go alone" Zinon shook her head somewhat disappointed.

"I guess..." Kayla nodded.

They both said goodbye to the villagers for the last time and turned around, beginning their journey towards the nearest city.


"...I really hate traveling through the woods," Zinon muttered as she brushed off a worm that fell on her head and narrowly avoided a bird shitty.

"Haha really?" Kayla smiled as a squirrel landed on her hand. "I think it's quite relaxing."

"Tsk, presumptuous!" Zinon cried at the flagrant humiliation of her person. "It's for reasons like this that I like meat!"

"Hahaha..." Kayla could only laugh dryly. She sometimes found it hard to believe that Zinon was a priest. Her personality didn't fit at all...

Zinon had given him a first impression that she was a person who was always happy, but no, she was just a person who always expressed how she felt no matter what her surroundings... She just happened to be happy most of the time.

Although they were similar, there was a big difference. And this difference was what allowed her to see how Zinon launched blasphemies against the entire family of the bird that she had managed to shit on her on her second attempt...

"Ahhh whatever, I'll let you live for now, you filthy, disgusting bird!" Zinon stuck out his middle finger to the sky...

...Does she have a screw loose? Kayla seriously wondered.

"Well, I'm already mad!" Zinon pulled his hair and turned to Kayla. "We talked to distract me, tell me why you decided to come with me!"

"Uh... Sure, I guess" Kayla felt, having no reason to refuse. "I guess the main reason is that I realized that I was going to be in this world for a long time and that I could do with educating myself about this world, not to mention that I have no other better place to go."

"Yes, good reasoning, as expected from a smart girl like you!" Zinon nodded approvingly. "Your best option right now is to educate yourself about the culture and language here in a place that is relatively safe for you, since the translation blessing that the system offers only works on speech!"

"Yes, although it will be complicated at first, I am confident that I will learn it in a few months" Kayla spoke with confidence.

"I hope so, because you won't be able to waste much time with the academy's fierce competition!" Zinon smiled.

"Hey?" Kayla cocked her head. "What do you mean? Academia is not about accumulating knowledge."

The plan that Kayla had thought of was to study during the day at the academy and hunt in the afternoon, although she apparently had made a mistake...

"Of course not, silly! The academy is so much more than that!" Zinon stuck out his big chest with pride. "The academy is a place where you will learn to become an elite in this world, whether in the field of fighting or academics!"

Kayla's eyes widened. Do they also teach teenagers to fight? Well, it's certainly not like on earth...

"So, will they also teach us magic and stuff?" Kayla asked with bright eyes.

"Sure, but you better wait until we get there to ask about these things!" Zinon smiled gently when he saw that Kayla had regained some of her glow.

She had been a little subdued since she left town. Zinon knew that she couldn't sleep at night, so he hoped that she would have fun at least in the day.

"How mean!" Kayla pouted.

"If so, at least tell me how you know so much about us, the chosen ones of the Goddess!"

"Huh? Why such a serious question all of a sudden?!" Zinon was caught off guard.

"Just say if you are going to answer!" Kayla smiled cheekily.

Hah... I guess the girl screwed me. Zinon smiled bitterly.

"Well, I'll say it, although it's not very surprising." Zinon shrugged. "My Goddess was the one who gave me theabout you."

"That each of you has innate abilities, your blessings, a little about the culture of your world, etc. Something general about you."

"Oh well... I guess it makes sense, remembering that you are a priest of a Goddess" Kayla nodded, in understanding.

"What do you mean by remembering?..." Zinon frowned. "Hmp, I'll let it pass, so take this and get ready, something is coming."

Zinon threw a silver sword with intricate and complicated patterns the size of an adult arm at Kayla.

"Oh sure, but isn't this sword too beautiful, is it okay for me to use it to kill?" Kayla nodded without any surprise at the sudden order.

Zinon had been making her fight some monsters for the past week like now.

"Of course, it's just a sword that the church gives us for personal defense, it's made for that" Zinon didn't seem to give importance to the sword. "Besides, it is a sword without statistics, it is not worth much"

Kayla nodded, although she didn't know what she meant by statistics. I'll have to ask him later...

"Get ready, they're here! Maybe you'll reach level fifteen if you're lucky!"

Kayla nodded and watched as three horned wolves appeared from the bushes. Each one was gray with a horn on its head.

Kayla took a deep breath and focused, causing ghosts of wolves to appear in her sight.

She had been experimenting for the past week and realized a few things regarding her innate ability.

Firstly, she could turn it on and off with just a little concentration. Another thing was that her ability could only see a second into the future if she didn't concentrate especially.

Although one second is enough to take care of these pups... Kayla watched as the wolves began to surround her, ignoring the seemingly harmless priest.

"I can't let them surround me..." Kayla knew she would be finished if they managed to surround her.

So she tightened her grip on the silver sword and ran towards the wolf to the left of her, the furthest away from the rest of her.

The horned wolf, perhaps angry at being looked down upon, charged towards Kayla, ready to tear her apart with its claws.

But that wasn't going to be so easy. Kayla was no longer the same as she was a week ago.

Kayla focused her mind, being able to see two seconds into the future now in exchange for a slight headache, and crouched down just as the horned wolf jumped to attack her.

And taking advantage of that opening, Kayla pushed the silver sword into the wolf's chest. The sword penetrated easily, like a hot knife through butter.

[You have killed Lv 14 horned wolf!]

[+120 experience]

Well, now there are only two left... Kayla sighed in relief, but her face turned pale from a sudden burning pain on her back.

Shit, they shouldn't have come so fast! Kayla jumped to the side decisively, narrowly avoiding a fireball.

"W-what?! Shit Zinon, you never said these could use magic!" Kayla complained to Zinon, who was enjoying the spectacle eating seeds from a local fruit in the town.

"Hey?" Zinon cocked his head innocently. "I also don't remember saying they couldn't. You're almost at level fifteen Kayla, you should expect this from your enemies."

Kayla wanted to curse, but she closed her mouth. After all, it was Zinon who healed her when she got hurt. And it wasn't good to anger the one who is going to cure you...

I swear I will take revenge...

Kayla stopped thinking about Zinon and focused on the task before her.

Since a wolf was missing, they couldn't surround her anymore. So there was one to the left and right, waiting to jump or throw a fireball.

Although I'm not sure, I think it takes them three seconds to charge a fireball... So I have to make one waste it and kill the other in that time. A plan had formed in Kayla's mind.

It may be too much for mere wolves, but she had sworn that she would never overestimate herself again...

While Kayla was thinking that, she had been in a staring contest against the wolves, with both sides looking for a weakness in their enemy.

But like any beast that follows its instincts, the wolves decided to attack first. The wolf on the left began to create flames on its horn, which little by little took the shape of an unstable sphere.

As for the wolf on the right, it had charged towards Kayla. Although he was much more cautious than the one Kayla had killed at the beginning. He didn't want to die like her partner.

Well, now I just have to make the other one spend his fireball and maybe I can be something creative...!

Kayla smiled sinisterly as an idea popped into her head.

He played with the wolf a little. Dodging and attacking the wolf, easily causing some cuts to the wolf thanks to foresight, although none of his attacks were fatal.

Well, these pups can keep the fireball going for a while. Kayla smiled when she saw that the wolf with the fireball was still waiting for an opportunity to attack her.

"Well, if you don't want to attack me, I'll make you do it!" Kayla smiled and narrowly avoided the claw of the attacking wolf, before brushing past him and running towards the wolf with the fireball!

The wolf that was attacking her turned around and quickly chased after her. He was sure that he was faster than the human and that he could catch up with her quickly.

And he was right and Kayla knew it too, but she wasn't planning on leaving him behind.

Meanwhile, the wolf with the fireball became nervous when he saw Kayla approaching and remembered how easily her partner died.

He didn't want to die!

And listening to his instincts, he threw the fireball at Kayla!

The fireball was quite fast and arrived in a matter of seconds in front of Kayla, but she ducked at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the fireball!

Perfect, and now comes the best! Kayla smiled excitedly. His plan of was going perfectly!

"Awww!" A screech sounded behind Kayla.

The wolf, who was running after Kayla, had not expected Kayla to suddenly crouch down!

So the fireball hit her face directly, disorienting him for a moment!

And Kayla would not waste such an opportunity.

She immediately turned around and charged at the burned wolf, stabbing her sword into its eye!

Killing him immediately!

[You have killed Lv 13 horned wolf!]

[+100 experience]

The wolf that threw the fireball shuddered.

"Hehe, are you scared now, little wolf?" Kayla smiled sinisterly.

The wolf began to tremble...


[You have killed Lv 16 horned wolf!]

[+150 experience]

[+100 for killing a higher level enemy]

[You have risen to level 15!]

Kayla smiled in satisfaction as she saw corpse at her feet.

Clap! Clap!

"Impressive Kayla, you certainly killed the three wolves in the most efficient way!" Zinon approached applauding with a big smile on his face. "It seems like you have years of experience fighting monsters!"

"Haha, you flatter me too much..." Kayla blushed a little.

No, in fact, I don't give you enough credit for what you just did. Forming such an elaborate plan based on your opponents' abilities that you just discovered in the excitement of battle... Zinon looked at Kayla with mixed emotions.


Zinon looked at the black-haired girl who was blushing with a strange emotion in her chest.

It's definitely going to be interesting to see your journey, Kayla!


"You... Is what you say true?" Leo asked in an emotionless voice.

He was currently in a forest with black leafless trees, which matched the blood red moon in the sky quite well.

<Kekeke...Why would I lie?> A shadow, with hundreds of eyes on his body, responded. <The only reason I'm telling you this is because I hate that damn Siorr, it's not my problem if believe me or>

"Ha, but you offer me a position as your apostle... Yes, of course, you don't care" Leo snorted.

The hundreds of shadow eyes suddenly stared at Leo, causing him to shudder.

<Don't be confused brat, I offer this to you because have an interesting innate ability. In addition feeling sorry for your situation, nothing else> The shadow brought its body with hundreds of eyes closer to Leo. <So, what do you say, accept?>

Leo started to shake a little. The aura emitted by the shadow smelled of pure death, something he had never felt before. But the hatred that had arisen in his heart recently made his mouth move.

"Well... I, Leonardo Dhahlo, agree to become your apostle under the objective of killing the damned Goddess Siorr who was behind the death of my family." Leo's voice seemed emotionless, but if one was attentive, one would notice a deep hatred in her.

He knelt with one leg touching the floor and his head lowered, as a sign of respect towards his new God...

<Well, well... I promise you that if your goal is to kill whore, being under my command the right choice> The shadow smiled, showing hundreds of affiliated teeth.

Sorry for the delay again!

The wifi went out all the time in my house, delaying the chapter correction process.(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

But I promise that the next chapter that comes out on Thursday will be out early!

litlefox4_5creators' thoughts